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                                                   Krystal  Marie Payette


D.O.B:April 23rd 1985
 Where would you like to be in 10 years?I would like to have a sucessful career in the Air Force
Where are you likely to be in 10 years?Probably in the military, getting a college degree on the side .
What is your destiny? To spend one day without getting hurt, and convincing my classmates to "JOIN THE ARMY"
Where seen? On a parade square, in the gym,and just about every place in between
Seen with who? Justin Mattatall, Michael, Stuart,Justin,Kimmy,Emily, various cadets
Favorite place to be? Commanding my cadets, in Tatamagouche, or on the road travelling
Fav. Thing to do? Spend time with Justin and friends, play lots of sports
Message to other graduates? : Well.. we've been through alot. Many people have come and gone in the years that we have known each other. I'll never forget any of you, no matter how hard I try!!!!! just joking. I wish you guys the best of luck in everything you do and i hope you will acomplish all your dreams and goals. Ohhhh and I almost forgot... JOIN THE ARMY!!!!!!
Favorite Teacher? Well, I've liked almost all my teachers, Lousie,Peggy, Mrs cordeau,Mr Nevielle, Bruce,Murdock
Favorite subjects? English, French, Chemistry and most importantly my off classes!(so i can do chemistry of course)
What will you miss most about Rankin? I'll miss knowing who everyone
I walk by is. I'll miss our intermural sports yeah Floor hockey and Volleyball!!
Pet Peeves? My biggest pet peeve would have to be people saying my name wrong!!And Michael Patrick Farrell
Prized Possesion? My prized possesion would have to be my life itself... being able to experience new things everyday..
First Love? Air planes and the military C-130 Hercules all the way!