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hi there guys,


umm, this is the plan B tutorial. yup, there's a plan A but it's so complicated that even the tutorial was hard to do. Im an inefficient gook. Anyway, this tutorial will teach you how to get going with mIRC, this is a chat program, you use it only for chatting (and also for downloading, well, that takes years to learn, hehehe, anyway). This is actually good coz' we don't need to sign up for screen names anymore and that's still better coz now you can rid off with those ph82 I plagued your names with.

First you need to download the program. To do that, you must go to this ad, just click it:

on that page you'll see a lot of links and you should look for this...

you click "mIRC 6.03 in Thailand" because that's where you're nearest so the download should be fast. The file is about 1.15mb and with your speed connection of 56kbps it would take about 15 mins or less.

Upon clicking, a box would appear which looks like this...

only, mine is in Italian hahahaha!!!! Anyway, click the button OPEN (which is, by the way, APRI in italian, hehehe, okay, ill stop now, it's like im beginning a new tutorial with this, hehehe...continue...). then another box would appear.

The download should start now...and you'll get a status window just like this...

(hey, i might as well brag, check out my transfer rate....140 KB/sec!!!!...this is particularly slow, hehehe, i most of the time reach up to 900KB till much for that, brag brag brag)...

So wait now. Wait with your sluggish connections and crappy modems, bwahahah, insult, insult, insult.

When the download is done the installation program will open automatically.

So run the installation. Just click NEXT and the OK's until you see this box...

On the "Destination folder" the default folder is C:\Program Files\mIRC (dont mind mine, Programmi is the italian equivalent of Program Files). If you see that it's correct, move on by clicking Install. If it's not type C:\Program Files\mIRC on the text box then click the INSTALL button. Remember this folder, just so you know where to find the program.

When the thing is done, another box would appear, the final in the installation...

Check the "Launch mIRC" box then click FINISH.

MIRC would show up...and we move on for the NEXT PAGE