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EHSL Week In Review

November 23, 2003

Warning: This is an interview of Sackrider, so you should all know going in that its not going to be PG, or even PG-13, for that matter. Parental discretion is advised.


The EHSL WIR staff caught up with Nashville GM Sean Sackrider, whose team is in the midst of a streak of downright awful play. He talked.....errr, ranted to us about his team and the rest of the EHSL

The young Predators entered this season with the playoffs in mind. After trading for Marian Gaborik, Pavel Datsyuk and Tyler Arnason, among others, GM Sean Sackrider felt that his team was ready to win now. But one quarter of the season is gone, and so far the only team they are challenging in the standings is Phoenix.

"My guys are just too young right now. they are to busy playing PS2 and not enough time you know getting laid and stuff so the frustration just keeps adding and adding. But we have shown some great things like a recent 7-2 win over Washington."

A win over the Capitals certainly helps, as it ended a six game losing streak. However, the Caps are not exactly the Leafs when it comes to teams out east. So what will it take for the young Preds to salvage their season and make a run? "Haha playoffs.... what are you talking about, playoffs. We can't even win a game. Playoffs, get outta here. We arent making a run at anything with the way the team is playing. we might RUN AWAY from opponents cuz we suck so bad. this team is so far away from doing anything important it kinda makes me sick becuase there is so much potential with Gaborik and Datysuk to make these other guys better. I guess my 2 star players arent ready to be leaders.”

Sackrider went on to talk about his team's long term chances in their current division, and he also gave us his thoughts on the Eastern Conference. "No, I wouldn't expect my team to be competitive in any division right now. and as far as the east/west thing the east is just wearker i wouldnt want to make the playoffs in a WEAK division so id be happier if i finished in 9th and almost made the playoffs in the harder division than to get like 5-8 in the east. its just wack the east is like PUKE thumbs down. Two thumbs down.”

We couldn't resist. We just couldn't. We had to bring up the fact that the fire sale trading Hurricanes currently sit above the Predators in the overall league standings. How's that for East vs. West, Sean? "That was a stupid remark. I'll have Flynn simulate a best of 7 series and I guarantee my team will win the 4. I'll put my best player up against yours, winner gets them both. Its a challenge you said your team would beat me.... so im putting the challenge on you. You can accept it and take ur beating like a man or look like a lil bitch like Eyal who wouldn't step up when he talked shit.”

The EHSL WIR staff concludes that you know your season is lost when you have to challenge this year's Hurricanes to a best of seven series to salvage your pride. His response? "Deuchbag... well I'll just call u a used condom wrapper, since Eyal's already got deuchbag on lock down. I mean hell you wanna talk the shit but your afraid to back it up. To me that shows weakness. Your'e a weak type of guy. Its easy to go and talk shit and run ur gums when when the challenge is thrown at you, you put ur head in the sand like an ostrich."

Not very nice things to say for a man that wants to date my sister more than he wants to win the lottery. Yet, if he can talk like that to a GM that he likes, what would he have to say about one he doesn't? We made the grave mistake of asking him.

"Now your trying to get me in trouble huh.... well we all know i cant stand Eyal so no need to go off on him again. But chalk up on the list of guys who need a bitch slapping the one the only..... Romain Viel. 'Hi I'm Romain, I think Joni Pitkanen is worth more than everyones whole teams. I wanna make unfair proposals so u think im a complete jackass and have u make me one thats actually beneficial for both teams and I reject it cuz im stupid.' And for all the gms who dont like when we email shit that keeps us entertained meaning christopher columbus and I then i got some words of wisdom, toss my salad right after i had diarrhea for 3 days cuz u need to stop takin shit so goddamn personal like its the end of the fucking world and your inboxes will never be the same like u just fucked a virgin or something. Cuz its pretty easy to take 30 seconds to read unless u cant fucking read and then if u cant read i dont know what the fuck your doing having a computer or u can just read it and say haha more childish humor to pass the day. Instead, you act like goddamn Tipper Gore. and ur like oh my god im so butthurt by the vulgar language and the blocking of my inbox and we should sensor your mouth because its bad and nasty and u have no voabulary besides fuck shit and ass, so heres the words of wisdom better said by Eminem: Fuck that shit bitch eat a muthafuckin dick, chew on a prick and lick a million mothafuckin cocks per second."

Ah, nothing like a day in Sackrider's office to enrich our vocabulary.....any last words, Sean?


Thanks, Sean.

EDIT: Two days after this article was posted, Sackrider called us back with one more quote regarding Chicago's team that he insisted be included: "I was real disapointed to see the best defenseman in the league, Joni Pitkanen, left off the all star ballot its a real travesty."

Around the EHSL....

- GM Rob Willis is hoping his Rangers are starting to turn the corner now after impressive wins over the Red Wings, Islanders and Penguins in which the Rangers outscored their opponents 17-5.

- Carolina has quietly won three straight. With the addition of Havlat, and Bouchard playing well, maybe they're not quite as bad as some thought.

- Staying in the Southeast, Tampa has begun to make their move. They are 7-2-1 in their last 10 games. If the season ended today, last year's Southeast division champion, Florida, would miss the playoffs by seven points.

- The Vancouver Canucks are quietly the hottest team in the league, going 8-1-1 in their last 10 games.

Who's Hot/Who's Not


- Ladislav Nagy, NYR: 18 points in 18 games, and on pace to set career highs in almost every offensive category.

- Rick Nash, Wpg: 26 points in 21 games was good enough for the scoring lead on a very good team.

- Steve Sullivan, TB: Eight points in 10 games has been the spark plug for the Lightning's recent surge.


- Phoenix Coyotes: Perhaps they wish they could have the Satan trade back?

- Washington Capitals: About as fun to watch right now as a Senate Subcommittee meeting. They swear the offensive weapons are hidden somewhere in the arena, its only a matter of time until they find them.

- Nashville Predators: Read above. Things are not good in the Sackrider Entertainment Center right now.

- Nominations for both lists will be taken each week. Thanks to Rob for his this week!

Don't Print that.....

- The theory of the EHSL front page curse, which has now gained a bit of noteriety on the league's main site, was first discovered right here at the WIR.


"She's really good looking, someone you could have a relationship with not just a bone buddy." Sackrider on my sister, who is unfortunate enough to reside in the same city as him. Pray for her.
