Games Day

Myself, Mr. Ming, and Mr. Jon had the (mis)fortune of attending the great nerdish convention that is Games Day Canada. Many a smelly, smelly geek showed up for this event and I was to discover a stench worse than...well...anything. I implore anyone who does not already realize the importance of hygene to SHOWER!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, BATHE YOURSELVES REGULARLY!! For those who care about such things, I took these pics from the Games Workshop website, which I shall eventually link to when I get a links section. We somehow found ourselves in line buying something behind this really dorky-looking guy and Mr. Ming (who was in a wheelchair at the time due to a work-related injury) was continuously rammed into the back of this moron by Mr. Jon. I would like to point out that no Mings were harmed in this act, but the moron in front of us kept wanting to turn around to say something or was hard to tell which.
So here we are arriving for the grand festivities of the day. For those of you who can't find us (because you sucked at finding Waldo or just don't know what we look like), the three of us are down in the bottom left hand corner. We're the ones without our hand raised like trained monkeys because, let's face it, we just weren't that excited about being there at the excessive priced they charged. See there's me in the black by Mr. Ming with his backpack and baseball cap. And the short guy with the arm in his face in front of us would be Mr. Jon.
At some point it occurred to us that'd it be in the best interest of our money to actually attend one of the seminars offered since they were "free" with purchase of the ticket. So we went to see this Tony guy from Forge World. It was an alright seminar, Tony's a pretty cool guy and all. Here he is showing us the funky new warmammoth for some game I don't play. See, there's Tony standing up explaining stuff and there's the back of Mr. Ming's head and part of the back of my head. It's great being famous.
This is Chris Allen. I don't actually know this kid, but a better part of the day was spent mocking him. There was also some kid dressed up like some goofy wizard, and another young kid who looked like some sad form of old school train conductor. Those two kids were fairly young, though, so can be forgiven. But this Chris guy, he's old enough that he should know better.