Featured Authors

Here shall be chronicled the illustrious authors whose works are featured on the site. Want to be illustrious and featured such as those here? Then send Mr. Tim your stories, poems, scripts, or whatever and if they are good enough (subjective, I know) they shall be put on the site and your illustrious Author Profile will be added to these hallowed halls. Unless otherwise indicated, all bios and profiles are written by Mr. Tim to include the proper information gathered from the respective Featured Author. For those who may be curious, the above picture is of Mr. Aaron and The Dumbass (The Dumbass is in the foreground holding the oar).

Tim McPhee
Favourite Author: Piers Anthony
Other Influences: Anne Rice, Troy Denning, Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman, Dante, James Howe, Dan Parkinson
Favourite Book: The Cerulean Storm by Troy Denning
Favourite Piece by Self: The Fluffy Bunny Cuddles Series. For me, writing has always been about having fun and I have the most fun writing about that whacky little rabbit and all the misfortunes he has to face. While I'm very certain there's little profit to be made with Fluffy Bunny Cuddles, he's still my favourite character in my favourite series.
Requisite Bio: I feel like such a jack ass talking about myself for my own Author Profile. The sad part is that most authors here won't have much in the way of a proper literary bio since we're all the aspiring variety of authors. I've faced very little in the way of true awards and public recognition for writing (due mainly in part because it wasn't until recently that I even entered any contests). I was the only student in my high school nominated for the John Frasier Scholarship award for writing. I also won Honourable Mention in the 2002 Mississauga Library Writing Contest, in which Pianissimo and the Amazing Forte became my first (and to date, only) published work. Currently, I have two novels in their developing stages (one nearing completion) with plans for many more to come. I intend to make writing my life's work while persuing interests such as music and web site maintenaince on the side.

Aaron Finos
Favourite Author: Michael Crichton
Other Influences: Margaret Weiss & Tracy Hickman, J.R.R. Tolkien, Homer, Dante
Favourite Book: Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
Favourite Piece by Self: The White Larcuide
Requisite Bio:Mr. Aaron began writing in force during his highschool years, taking full advantage of creative writing assignments to scribe out eighty pages or more of longhand fantasy stories to unleash upon his unsuspecting teachers. Since such carefree days of teenagehood, Aaron has begun developing a lengthy and detailed background for a full fantasy novel which he hopes to begin properly sometime in 2004. While writing acts as a side outlet for his creativity, Aaron's true passion is his music. He hopes to one day become a full time music teacher, but if he happens to receive world aclaim as a jazz/blues/rock guitarist in the meantime, all the better.