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The clan leader/founder. Duties include overseeing all administrative functions including, but not limited to: Channel Security, Web Page Maintenance, Tournament Organization, Promotions, Diplomacy. The Empress also reserves the right to veto any motion passed by the High Council (though such an occurrance would be extremely rare). On the off-chance that the Empress will no longer be able to perform her duties, she will pass the leadership role to whomever she believes most deserving and appropriate. The new leader may choose whatever title they wish. In the immortal line from Highlander: There can be only one.
The ruling caste of the Dark Empire, answerable only to the Empress and each other. Members of the High Council are selected based on loyalty, dedication, and attitude. To become a High Councillor, one must be nominated by a current member of the High Council and then voted in UNANIMOUSLY by the rest of the High Council. It is the responsibility of the High Council to govern the clan. It is they who propose and vote on decisions regarding clan rules, dealing with offenders, and most diplomatic ventures. It is also their responsibility to ensure every member of the clan has fun and is treated with fairness, kindness, and respect. Their duties include, but are not limited to: Governing, Diplomacy, Recruitment. The current number of High Council positions is subject to necessity and may increase or decrease as the clan evolves.
The movers and shakers. Members who have shown true dedication, loyalty, skill, and leadership will achieve the rank of Warlord. Leading their own specialized squad, the Warlord reports directly to the High Council. Warlords command the various Legions of the Empire. Each Legion functions as its own squad and each member of the Legion reports directly to the Warlord. It is the the Warlord's sole decision on who is invited into his or her Legion. The Warlords are expected to offer assistance and training to lesser skilled or inexperienced members. Warlords also have the benefit of choosing their own title and being immediately served by a Warchief of their choosing.
Deputies to the Warlords. The task of running a legion is often difficult for a Warlord to do alone. It is the duty of the Warchiefs to aid their Warlord in any way possible, be it recruiting from the ranks of the warriors, training those under their command, or any other task that presents itself. As Warlords are promoted to the High Council, it is often left to their Warchief to take up the mantle of Warlord to continue running the Legion.
The trainers of the clan. While it is expected for the Warlords and Warchiefs to see to the training of the members of their Legions, it is the duty of the Masters at Arms to see to the training of members not affiliated with Legions. It is these veterans of battle that see to it the new members are properly prepared to face others on the battlefield and in tournaments. Any wishing to improve their game are well advised to seek out the wisdom and counsel these hardened veterans provide. Members of this rank are forbidden to join Legions as their services are required elsewhere. It is possible for Masters at Arms to be affiliated with the Legion of the Damned and even earn their way out of that accursed position through dedication to their job as a trainer. Should this happen, they shall once again earn the privelege of joining a Legion. Any Master at Arms who wishes to join a Legion must forsake their current rank and be relegated to whichever rank the Empress feels is appropriate.
High Elders are a very exclusive rank, impossible to achieve for new members and perhaps even old members. This rank is available only to those who were once a part of the original incarnation of the Dark~Empire. Members of old who have returned once more to the illustrious ranks of the Dark Empire will be honoured with this rank as a sign of their experience and devotion to the clan. Furthermore, the member must still possess his or her original {DE}~ account with the proper tag.
Elders are an exclusive rank, impossible to achieve for new members. This rank is available only to those who were once a part of the original incarnation of the Dark~Empire. Members of old who have returned once more to the illustrious ranks of the Dark Empire will be honoured with this rank as a sign of their experience and devotion to the clan.
Lords are individuals who have shown exceptional dedication, activity, and loyalty to the clan. Members who have attained 200 wins or have a Diablo2 character on level 65 or higher on their clan account or performed several suitable deeds for the Empire subject to the discretion of the Empress or High Council or spent 6 active months with the clan or have recruited 20 ACTIVE members will be given the rank of Lord as a sign of recognition for their time and effort spent with the clan. (Please note that this is not necessarily a recognition of skill as it is quite easy to compstomp. But, any who are so inclined to do so show sufficient dedication to the clan.)
Barons are individuals who have shown dedication, loyalty, and fellowship in the clan. Members who have attained 100 wins or defeated Diablo in Hell difficulty or performed several suitable deeds for the Empire subject to the discretion of the Empress or High Council or spent 3 active months with the clan or have recruited 10 ACTIVE members will be given the rank of Baron as a sign of recognition for their time and effort spent with the clan. (Please note that this is not necessarily a recognition of skill as it is quite easy to compstomp or get help with defeating Diablo. But, any who are so inclined to do so show sufficient dedication to the clan.)
The seasoned veterans of the clan. These warriors have proven their loyalty and honour to the clan in battles and have earned the respect of their peers and comrades. Members who have achieved 60 wins in Starcraft/Broodwars or defeated Diablo in Nightmare difficulty or have recruited 5 ACTIVE members or performed a suitable deed for the Empire subject to the discretion of the Empress or High Council or spent one active month with the clan will earn the rank of Knights for recognition of their loyalty. (Please note that this is not necessarily a recognition of skill as it is quite easy to compstomp or get help with defeating Diablo. But, any who are so inclined to do so show sufficient dedication to the clan.)
Squires are the members who have shown determination beyond the scope of warriors. They have proven their interest and activity in the clan and are on their way to knighthood. Members who have achieved 30 wins or recruited 2 ACTIVE members or have defeated Diablo on Normal difficulty will be promoted to the rank of Squire. (Please note that this is not necessarily a recognition of skill as it is quite easy to compstomp or recieve help with killing Diablo. But, any who are so inclined to do so show sufficient dedication to the clan.)
These brave warriors are the backbone of the clan. It is they who charge gloriously off to battle to make names for themselves and the clan. From their ranks will come the future officers of the Empire. They are free to join Legions and compete in the Conquest or Tournaments to gain notice, or sit back and enjoy their time with the clan while advancing to Squire. They are possessed of one duty above all: to have fun.
Loyal clan members who have passed from our ranks or who have otherwise dissappeared will often be remembered with this honourary rank. The Empire waits hopeful that these noble warriors may one day return to the fold, but until such a time they shall be remembered in the ranks of the Shadow. This rank is also used to honour unofficial clan members who deserve recognition.