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In general

My name is G P G L. By your first look at this web page you can see that i love to talk about my self. I like people in general especially people who knows where they are from and who they are. Before all, i have to tell you i like sincerity, not that i am some kind of freak, really straight and all that. I only think that if one is not sincere with his own self, how can he/she be with others. And nowadays this is the problem of our world, distrust which you all know the issues. It is to tell you that friendship is very sacred to me. I like to feel that i am me while i am others, that i have people that can trust me and that i can trust. How would life be without those principles? These are my conceptions of life and principles, which of course you can consider to be silly. One more thing, I like people to tell me straight what's wrong with me. You know sometimes people can be looking at you having thoughts, negative or positive, it doesn't matter, just tell me what is it. And guess what i can't remember the last time im mad since my 10th birthday. c.
    This site talk about my toughts, feelings and my way of seeing the world. Hope you enjoy your visit and that won't be your last one. Share your thoughts with me and get the updates. friendly greg

look forward for my updates *

Where I like to be