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Welcome to the Survivors site. This was build by me John Gallant. I live in Southern Ontario Canada. I was inspired by a family member that help me see the seriousness of terminal illnesses such as cancer.

Serious illnesses like cancer does not mean that it is the end. Many have survived. The following pages are built on reseach and interviews from those that been touch with such a serious illness. Do not count yourself or others out just because of such a serious illness. The following pages are built to bring hope.

Please take the advantage of this site and the information which can be helpful. Some of it take what applies to you. Please visit many times as this site maybe updated as I recieve stories and interviews with those effected. Some that are patients and others that are caregivers like friends and family.

Please note that I am not a professional in any medical field, social, or psychological. Please if you having any problem with such and need advice seek professional help, such as your doctor. This is just to share some hope. Do not forget to sign the Guess Book.

Please note: This site is still undercontruction. Any information that you read may not be available yet. Please be patient I am working on it. I will still appeciated any suggestions and commments made. I will take it into conderation.

Only your story and page(s) will be as requestion by individual(s) Until form is in place. I am using my regular email for information. If you send information and it does not go through try again later as I check my emails twice, once in the morning and once in the evening before bed. Any pictures place zip them into one file, it is too overwhelming to retrieve them one at a time. If you do not know how please let me know I will have instructions on how to do it in notepad I and will send it as an attach file. I truly thank you for your patients. I will have an email address specifically for this site only as soon as I find a site that can take a lot of emails. As well if you know of a site please let me know. I already have yahoo, msn, icq.

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