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All My Other Pets

In total I had 6 dogs (7 if you include Bailey), 1 cat, 1 rabbit and 8 budgies. All except for Bailey have all passed away.

Buddy~ My first dog I had when I was a child. I have faint memory of him.

Bugs~ The rabbit I had when I was a small child. He was named after Bugs Bunny. Sadly he passed away from a heart failure.

Riley~ A dog I had when I was a small child that had to be given to a better home without children because he snapped at me when I was too rough.

Dakota~ Dakota was our German Shepard I had as a kid. He was very special to me.

Missy~ A dog of my Grandma's who was just as close to me as if she was my own. I was probably around 6 or 7 when she got her. I was really upset and depressed when I heard she gave her away to a farm (I was probably around 8-11 then). I just hope she had a great life there.

Rusty~ A cat abandoned, and running around with out a home in the middle of a Canadian winter, I just had to take him in. One summer he ran to a farm a short distance away and seemed to have fallen in love with another cat. When we would bring him back he would just meow constantly at the door, and refused to eat or drink. So we let him go to be with the other cat (who had been spayed). I hadn't seen him again and still do not know how he is, since I have moved from that town.

Freddy~ A green male budgie that my Grandma bought then eventually gave to me. He was the first and last budgie I've had. He lived long enough to watch every budgie come and go. After Freddy passed away, I never got another budgie. But I may get a couple one day.

Tweety~ Yellow female budgie that my grandma bought at the same time as Freddy. I do not know why, but Tweety could never fly.

Sweety~ One of my favourite budgies, this light blue male budgie was the best trained one I had. He died in my hands one day, and I still don't know why. Angel~ Green female budgie who was really aggressive with other budgies. Mario~ A light blue male budgie, who was really smart, and friendly. He sadly passed away from an unknown illness.

Oliver~ A olive-green male budgie, and smart.

Dash~ A blue male budgie.

Swoop~ Bad-tempered green male budgie with a bad bite!

Sandy~ My last dog before Bailey. She was a German Shepard/Lab/Collie cross. She was incredibly smart, and very friendly. I loved her so much, and miss her greatly. Tommy~ A male Terrier/Shih Tzu my grandma used to own. She gave him to a friend, who irresponsibly lets him run loose to chase cars and roam freely (he literally goes all over town, and I'm actually suprised nothing has happened to him yet). I am NOT pleased with Tommy's new owners.
Come back soon!