
I'm not much of a writer and I dont think i could ever put so eloquently what some of you have shared in the last few days..but here goes...
I've had mixed feelings about the closing of everest..for yes there were so many times I swore I was never going back to a place that had stirred such angry and sad feelings in me...realizing at some point that this was our world..a whole world filled with greed, anger, distrust, dishonesty..and all those other not-so-nice things...and that everest was just an iota of this world...a small example.
and the loss of a few here from Everest..were truly sad moments for me..even tho i never met any of them in person..i still felt a sense of loss..for tripleaces, nova, wildblondemodel, jjnotalk, cckiel, nova, mrs nash, rat, pie, shyed and michol..for yes..even on the internet some can become attached to others after a length of time.
On the other hand..there were a lot of reasons to being of course, i love to play pino! but the best part, is that i've met so many people here, from all walks of life and learned a lot from most of them in my three yrs at Everest...and yes..there are some that i have loved in this place that has no space or sure many of you can relate in your own lives to this.
And oh yes..each person brought unique somethings to this lobby....some bad, sure, but mostly good stuff...and I can't go without mentioning those that I became close with...
mba, SuperB, dallasmint, boorock, bubbles, cooldice, kcniners, bana, claudiouss, bubbles, ewe, doyle, chasinwa, gugs, richardflagg, chattysmom, buddosman, suzywuzy, dtracy,snark dabug, reebelili, rushing and littlechub, fishon, lostpoet, phenomenal lay, djkramer, and as of lately..tempiepoo, darrenugenius, dandi, and four have brought a lot of laughs to me these last couple weeks!
hope i didnt leave anyone out...cripes this is starting to sound like an oscar acceptance speech! lmao!

but most of all i thank my dear p, a429scj...who I met at Everest and has stuck with me through all my moodiness and bs for over a year and together we have climbed over many stumbling blocks to get where we are today..i feel very fortunate and honored to have him for my p and my friend

i was glad to be able to put up this site for everyone...and ty for your contributions and thoughts...

When we learned of the closing of Everest, some folksies discussed in the lobby about putting something together, perhaps a poem or something to remember that Everest actually existed at all.
Tempie, Cora (akablue) some others that were in the lobby, forgive me, I don't recall who at that point, for as usual, I was in an im with someone, LOL....
I just happened to look down and haha, someone mentioned my name?? So I scrolled bak to see what they were chatting about, a poem was discussed, somehow I ended up in "volunteer mode" along with the help of those present to put something together...
I discussed some possibilities with Cora, and somehow it escalated to a suggestion for Cora to dust off the cobwebs of that website she has had for so long, to centralize the thoughts, the feelings, comments, poetry, jokes, whatever, anything pertaining to a sort of "scrapbook/photo album" of the times we all spent together in Everest......
We pondered over a title for the page, Cora already had that awesome Dante insert and a picture of the majesty of Everest, the the beginnings were there.......
Reflections........... I am so glad she was motivated to do this, and kudos to Cora for putting this together, I peek in every few days to see the additions to the site, and I was very moved by some letters, laughed at some of the humor, flattered actually by comments, because it really shows that we cared about this crazy place that we called "home" for several years.......
How does one summarize all of the events, the people, the friends, the loves, the marriages, babies, divorces, birthdays, anniversaries, deaths, enemies, etc etc etc............FAMILY, LOL
I am honored to have been a part of the craziness........I made many friends, some have moved on, but still remain friends, some became very special friends, they know who they are =)
To the "special friends" that I lost, they too know who they are, thank you for the pleasure of knowing you for a fleeting moment in time, that our paths crossed..... I am sad for the loss, perhaps we shall cross paths again one day and renew, I am the you well know..............I have always tried to remain with an open heart and a special place is reserved for "friends"
I think there is a bittersweet feeling, sadness for the closing of a chapter, but yet, a positive move onto a new adventure.....
. Some will scatter and we will perhaps lose touch, some will be a constant, they will be somewhere around, many have gone to Cases teams, reg Cases, adv rooms, private leagues, some will disappear, some we will feel sadness of separation, some we will be glad we don't have to see again, LOL........
perhaps Cora's website is a blessing in disguise, maybe she can put something in there for old friends to find each other if they have lost touch for a while and don't have people on their pagers....just a thought =)
I enjoyed many good times, some sad times in Everest, as in life, we survive, a little sadder, a little happier from the experiences....above all, the good times outweighed the bad.....
I am pleased and honored to have met, and been in the company of so many nice people, too numerous to mention....and it was my pleasure indeed......
My one last thought here............ stay in touch.........................
Pat gugs/sweet_p_no_more)

What is Everest? Is it real life? No, of course not but it is a place where we can go to get away from the rigors and stresses of everyday life. It has become a gathering place for many of us, a place where we can play cards, talk, and yes FIGHT. It is a place where friends have been made, romances made, we have endured the passing of many and the birth of many as well. I remember when my granddaughter was killed while on vacation with me almost 2 years ago, when I got back home, it was nice to have something to do and people to take my mind off of it. Yahoo can take us out of Everest, but they cant take Everest out of us. May the hallowed halls of Everest rest in peace.

i feel like i did when i sat down to write my graduation speech, this is not about me nor i but us, the everest folks, the we's who have wandered in and out of this niche in our lives.
Some entering the room bring us light and others by leaving have the same effect. Events bringing joy and sorrow, news of the success and failure, all shared experiences and time of empathy and sympathy.
Special people of note and memorable for one reason or another. A spectrum of everest denizens. My personal favorite for courage in time of trial is CCkiel or just Rich. Conjure up your best image of him. Mine is of a healthy Rich walking across the grass in city park in Denver with his family in tow. wmboss only a name to me but i am a watcher, observer if you like and this person is one of the givers in here, a good sport as is Casper who also plays everyone and never ignores a newbie trying the trecherous waters of everest. Diareaboy [db] is a giant of a man when it comes to the caring for others. Some may think his wrapper tarnished but the inside is pure gold.
I have not forgotten the ladies and the following are that Ladies. The gugenheimer and now select your particular memory that best reflects her image in your mind. Positive from Florida to Texas even with a touch of the Brit showing through. AKA [sighs] a gem. Tells it as she sees it and doesn't back down. Too bad she never found the bread baker of Italy. Lastly just how sweet can one person be? Bubbles, hand her a lemon and she gives you back lemonade and sets a record for number of games played in everest.
We will go forth from this place with an everest album of memories but without regrets for this has been a positive experience and now we move on. THANKS FOR THE FUN--------------buddosmon-shooflyshoofly-badnewsagainmom


WOW hmmmmm They kinda go togather huh?? YES they really do DT has been around alongggggggggg longgggggg time as have many others some alot longer then then DT but none same way DT has.

Everest took DT as its own and the two of them (it) became one. Isn't it funny what you say about everest is kinda what u think of DT too.....everest sucks .....everest is sick....everest is filth....everest is perversion.....and it just goes on sounds like DT huh???????

EVEREST has made us all lol lol cry hurt want wish sigh cuss and just about everything else over course of time. EVEREST has made us fight yell beg be skinny good looking young old sexy beautiful rich.

EVEREST has made marriages broken marriages maded relationships broken um. brought people togather and seperated people brought real sex and cyber sex to many of the people who live in everest......IT has made genious of some and morons of others showed us unbelievable talents and waste of talents..showed some the seedy side of life and others the beautiful side of life.we have had drugs booze pills jails and churches.....true friendships that will last for ever and shallow friendships that lasted for rungs.....Took its show on road to such places as ATLANTIC CITY ..PA..OHIO..WASH..NC..LAS VEGAS..ILL..NEBR....and others ive forgotten. WHY CAUSE EVEREST wanted toooooooo.

DAM how powewrful this EVEREST thingy has become over the years all the fantasy's this CESS POOL of a place called EVEREST created.....hmmmmmm is that why u needed back door to get into this terrible place 24 hours day 7 days aweek.....WELL to DT and EVEREST this place was never terrible it was just place for many to vent a place to be anyone or what ever u wanted to be for a small time each day to just lol or cuss the days bs we all have or had..............

How did all this happen well my "friends" i'll tell u readyyyyyyyyyyy.......EVEREST needed away for it to communicate with u all when it saw how everyone came to play so easiest way was to have aname to so it could communicate so it just hacked DT'S name and thats how DT came to be the voice for everest SO u see DT was hacked years ago by yahoo for EVEREST.......

EVEREST pissed us off sooo many times with its BS games BS lobby BS language BS filth OR SHIT was it DT that pissed us off????? (dam i'm confused)

Over the years alot of you used DT as your personal EVEREST IM As EVEREST grew so did the ims to DT u see DT gets some times 30-40 ims a day (on slow days lol) (huh joey lol) And over the years the many who imed DT never saw what was said in those im's repeated so was easy to talk to everest cause everest could'nt talk back oopsss some times its lobby did hehehehe

Dam you no the worse of all lobby talkers was that ass-hole goofyyyyyyy lobby_hog dam i hated him foul mouth bully was all he was....but hey i knew if he got to bad DT would stop it..........

SO people as u see now DT was just yahoo's way of making EVEREST to me the most amazing thing ive had the enjoyment of experiencing and i will miss it very much cause of "ALL" the amazing people who have found their way to the "cess pool" of the last 5 years SO thank you yahoooooo u wasnt all that bad now i think about it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

REMEMBER......................ALL YOU PEOPLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE no matter what u think of everest-----DAM IT WAS A "TRIP" We all will miss and wish "WE" could start again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ESPECIALLY REMEMBER all those who we have played and lol with who are no longer here CC NOVA RATTY and many others i have forgotton they are so lucky cause they all watching BLONDLEMODEL walking down runway wiggling her ass chittttt sign me uppppp


What is Everest? By Tempie-wiggle wiggle-Poo
Its not about needing the backdoor key at 2am because a reset is about to happen and everyone is excited that this time, maybe, just maybe they'll pull that number 1 spot! Or about losing 13 games IN A ROW! Or about finding the right "P", or making the right bids, or getting an UP game...All of this IS an everyday part of Everest, but that goes on anywhere, its not what Everest "IS".
Everest is about friendship. Its about people who happen to come together with a common interest of cards, who stumbled upon this little community, tucked away inside ladders. The laws and rules are different here, the behavoir is not like any other room. You won't find OUR lobby silent for long. It won't matter what you say in the lobby, someone will answer you. You may not like what they say to you hehe but they WILL answer you. I have laughed so hard, OUT LOUD that I've had my sleeping sister, in another room of the house wake up and ask me to shut my door or SHUT UP. I've had tears in my eyes, as I first returned back to everest and had to tell people that my "P", who I met in everest, had passed away. I've wiggled with the best of them. I've broken a few 2x4's over a few heads, many people have made my "list", yet so many more have touched my heart. For the past five years, Yahoo has given me a place to go, where I felt I fit in. Not because I'm the same as the people there, but because I'm different. Everest may look the same as any other pinochle room from a strangers eye, but to those of us who call it home, we know differently. Everest is about the people.
Its with tears in my eyes that I accept the closing of Everest's doors. Its the end of a very nice chapter of my life. I will never forget all the good times I've shared with everyone. They say that every problem is a creative opportunity. I am going to try to think this "problem" we face, of our home being taken away from us, as just that... an opportunity.
One thing about life that is for sure, things just never stay the same. While people don't adjust to change well, I hope that everyone reading this will move to the Advanced room 7 with us. Yes, it will never be the same, we'll all have to adjust to the changes this will present us, but we ARE a family. Not a family by birth, but an online family, drawn together initially by cards, kept together by friendship, a friendship that is stronger than any pinochle room. We don't have to lose what we have, we can improve upon it. So again, its with tears in my eyes that I bid a fond farewell to Everest, its also with hope in my heart for a new beginning for all of us, the opening of a new chapter in our lives as we all settle into our new online "home", the advanced room 7. I hope to see you all there. Yahoo can't take away from us what we have, its up to each and every one of you to help preserve it! See ya's there!

Sitting here tonight watching some talk about everest when it first opened brought some memories back. We all came from some other lounge with id's and no names behind them. Years have gone by now where more then id's there's names behind them, as we grew we became more of a family we cried for some who are no longer with us, we laughed with some for jokes or names that were given, we rejoiced when 1 of our family became a mom a dad a grandmom a grandpop a aunt and a uncle. We congratulated person when they reached #1, we complained when the top took control. Even though some made it to 1 and others are still waiting and may never get there before the doors close, yahoo may have taken our ladders away but we have achieved a goal for ourselves; those who never will see that #1 will always have a family and that family made us all a #1. When those doors close on the 22nd I maybe sad I may even shed tears but what I will remember always is the friends and family I made in everest and will cherish them forever.
GOOD-BYE EVEREST FAIR THEE WELL. We're going home to where we first started now; we start anew but at least we're no longer just an id, we have a name, we have a family. Thank you for the memories.
escher (Joy)2002

everest.... thru all the turmoils and vermin spun it always wound up to be fun.. we hated him we hated her but in the end we are not sure... people came and people went but we enjoyed the time we spent... some even came to say goodbye their souls are soaring in the sky... some were one and not the other it didnt matter we liked each other.... cheated, tossed, spoke on phone spoke in messages, still they shone..... number one was there for all unless you got that big black ball..... fighting, bitching, talking in bad taste no one seemed to go unscathed... now our journey takes us to another place wont be long till were in your face... after all is said and done... WE ARE ALL NUMBER ONE adv 7 here we come....... mywildsyde


Wow when I think of the worst things about Everest I would have to say the lobby and the cheaters in the games. But you all know that. So I will write this from my perspectives as I entered Everest and how it has changed.
The day I found Everest I had just been told about my cancer a few weeks before. My mother told me to play as she thought it may help because all of a sudden I was unable to do the thing I had done just a few weeks before. I was strong and had been working in road construction. So I was in great shape until chemo and such but then Everest and all those in it made me feel human again like I was April again not just another cancer patient. For this I thank the people of Everest.
In here I have seen many people which have incurable and unbearable conditions and I believe with all of my heart that Everest has helped them look forward to another day instead of looking at the pain and inconveniences they must endure every day. There are people here suffering much worse than any of us can imagine and yet in here they are not pitied and when they discuss their problems it isn’t pity but concern from fellow Everester’s. Everest has erased all lines, all prejudice, in here there is no black, white, cripples, or any other prejudice that exists in the outside, real, world; with the exception of rung ho’s lol
When I think of leaving Everest I think of when I left High School with the exception of not being able to look at each other and knowing each other is moving onto greener pastures. Instead of the hope we all had when graduation day came we are wondering how we will survive without each other and hope that we can find each other to play with in the future. So the worst thing about Everest is that it is leaving and we'll not be able to enjoy the friendships that we have grown to love and depend on.


Hey Aka:
I will so miss the Everest Group, it is so wise, yet full of poop; they cum and go in and out, back and forth and all about.
Some play cards, some lobby chat, some on laptops, no matter where they're at.
deaths that i can think of: overboard (janice), rat, johnplumbers wife (victoria), CCKIEL
Everest is more than a ladders room. There are so many with all kinds of medical and mental conditions. We help each other through bad moments. I think of niner with his ms, fishon with his alcoholism, johnplumber when his wife was dieing, CCKIEL while he was waiting for a heart transplant that never happened, me through a very bad nervous breakdown, dont know what i would have done without lots of everestites. After u receive kindness and understanding, maybe just an ear, u wana give back. Sometimes just a laugh can bring u out of a stupor. How many of us have come here drunk, just to have some company?
have a nice day aka, i cud go on forever..Suzy

if you meet someone in everest who became a best friend,you will keep that friend forever, even if yahoo has to end........
love ya, penny

One if by sea, two if by land, I lay on the table. Will be ready to cry the world of dismay that yahoo will regret this day.