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We all Know wrestling is fake, don't we?Don't we?Well, it sort of is.Anyway, on this page I will tell you how some of the moves are faked. Some I heard of a sneaky TV programme, the others are guessed (ones with a star are guessed).

The Punch

  1. This explanation is pretty basic. Instead of punching the opponent with a rock hard, full speed, fist clenched punch, thet punch them with a rock hard, full speed, loose fisted punch. This will hardly hurt the opponent, but as he is getting hit he knows exactly when to "act"
  2. *This has to be done when the camera is behind the attacker. The puncher pretends to punch the victim, stopping only very slightly before the persons face. While doing this, the attacker hits his chest with his other hand making the required noise. The other person obviously "acts" I also think that the wrestlers often skim the opponent, and often hit there own hands. Also, to get the required noise the puncher often stamps his foot on the ring.
  3. Of course, sometimes they are just plain proper punches.
The Headbutt

  1. Normally, when this move is done the "butter" (he he) puts his hands on the opponents head (holding it still). He then headbutts the guy (or gal).Really, what he does is he headbutts his hands that are holding the opponents head.He moves his hands away straight after he hits them.
  2. Of course, sometimes they are just plain headbutts.


    1. This is not really a specific move, but all wrestlers know how to fall.They simply aim to fall by spreading the area of body they land on out as much as they can.This normally means that when you see them land on their back it is very flat. However, this often goes wrong and they sometimes hurt themselves.