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Windows Tips & Tricks

Links Page

(always under construction)

Official Microsoft Sites

Windows Home Pages

Microsoft Windows 95
The official Windows 95 web site from Microsoft. Get the latest info and enhancements on Windows 95. Also includes articles and FAQ on using Windows 95. Updated fairly consistently.

Microsoft Windows 98
The official Windows 98 web site from Microsoft is loaded with a ton of useful information straight from the source.

Microsoft Windows NT Home
Microsofts Official Windows NT Worksation home page. Here's where you'll find the most up to date information and the latest updates.

Microsoft Windows 2000 Guide Page
This is the official Microsoft Windows 2000 guide page to help you decide which Windows 2000 version is right for you - 2000 Pro, 2000 Server, 2000 Advanced Server, or 2000 Datacenter Server. Detailed overviews on all four builds.

Microsoft Windows Me
Here's a good starting point - Microsoft's home page for ME - to learn all about this latest Windows operating system. Includes 84 secrets to working better with ME and handy tips.
Microsoft Windows XP Home
Official Windows XP home page.Microsoft's latest operating system.

Windows Updates

Windows 95 Updates
Here is where you will find all the updates available for Windows 95. Categorized under Critical Updates, Recommended Updates, Service Paks, Communications, Networking, Power and Kernel Toys, Other Downloads, Adminstrative, Management, and Networking Tools. All available for immidiate download.

Windows Updates Home
This is the official updates home page for all Microsoft operating systems.


Knowledge Base Search
Microsoft's official searchable knowledge base where you can enter the problem you are having and have Microsoft search it's extensive database for a possible answer.

MSKB Articles

The Microsoft Knowledge Base includes thousands of helpful self-support troubleshooting articles to help you solve all types of computer problems. Here is a handy categorized reference index of some of the articles available.

Internet Explorer 5.0 MSKB Articles

Internet Explorer 4.0 MSKB Articles

MSKB Outlook Express Articles

More MSKB Outlook Express Articles

DialUp Networking & Modem MSKB Articles

Windows NT and Remote Access Service (RAS) MSKB Articles

FrontPage 97/98 MSKB Articles

MSKB Miscellaneous Articles

Using Windows

Windows 3x

Windows 3.1 FAQ
If you have an older 3.1 machine that you are trying to get onto the Internet, this FAQ is for you. Covers setup issues, internet connectivity, troubleshooting, and more.

Windows 95\98

Windows 95 Manual
An excellent online Windows 95 Users Manual by Tracy Marks. Well organized and easy to understand(great for beginners)with lessons on all aspects of using Windows 95.

Using Windows 95
Another great site for novices - teaches you all you need to know to use Windows 95 efficiently. Easy to understand and very well explained.

Windows 98 Annoyances
One of the best and most comprehensive Windows 98 sites on the net. All the information is written for and by actual Windows 98 users. Very helpul site.

Wayne's Computer World
This site is totally devoted to Windows 98 Site. If you have any questions or any problems, visit this site for your answers. Free help with any computer problem. Join the Windows 98 Forum or the PC Help Forum and give Wayne a challenge.

Windows 98 Megasite
A very comprehensive Windows 98 site hosted by CMP and Windows Magazine. Hundreds of tips and a handy searchable database

Windows NT/2000

Trident's World of Windows NT
This is truly a great site for both novices and more experienced Windows NT or 2000 users. It covers just about every aspect of using NT you can think of.

Quick Guide to Using Windows NT
A great guide for beginners on how to use Windows NT. Organized into 31 main "chapters" with further subdivisions for most. Very thorough.

Windows 2000\NT FAQ
A wealth of information, in the form of hundreds of frequently asked questions pertaining to both Windows NT and Windows 2000. The site also includes discussion forums where you can ask questions.

Windows 2000 Quick Start Guide
Put out by ZDnet, this is an excellent guide to help you get the most out of Windows 2000. Covers setup and installation, backup procedure, updates & downloads, troubleshooting, tips, FAQ, and How To information.

Windows ME

Frank Condron's World O'Windows
A very useful site to learn all about Windows ME(and all other versions of Windows as well). Topics include ME requirements, features, setting up, drivers, issues, and discussion groups.

Windows ME Tutorials
Very handy, easy to comprehend Windows Me tutorials by Lycos that cover everything from installing Windows Me to networking with Me.

Windows Me Essential Upgrades & Fixes
A compilation of links I put together of official and unofficial Windows Me upgrade and fixes links.

Optimizing Performance

This is a tech site that is totally focused on ways to improve system performance. It covers areas such as modems, registry tweaks, overclocking, and customization.

Pure Performance
A great Windows site full of helpful tips and tweaks to enhance the performance of your Windows Operating System(covers all versions).

High Performance Computing
Excellent performance optimizing site for the more experienced user. Information on overclocking, increasing bus speed, tweaking bios settings, and more.


Windows Printing Tips
A good collection of useful printing tips.

Tips and Tricks

Bob Cerelli's Windows Page
A fantastic collection of all sorts of short tips and tricks, installation information, application notes and more. Very well organized and concise.

A highly rated site - Malektips covers just about everything to do with computers - tips on all Windows versions, DOS, software, and the all important basics.

Winmag Tips
Make sure to check out this site if you're looking for Windows tips! This is Win mags Online Tips database and it contains over 2600 Windows tips covering every Windows version.

The Windows Registry

The Windows Registry Guide
Formerly known as RegEdit, this is one of the top sites to learn all about working with the Registry. Full of tips and tricks for optimizing, customizing and securing your system.

Mystery Behind Windows Registry
A well laid out and organized guide to learning all about the Windows registry. Contents include registry structure, registry corruption and recovery, tips and much more.

Troubleshooting Windows
The Windows Troubleshooting Site - this is a great one-stop shop for Windows troubleshooting information. It just may save you a tech support call!

Windows 98 Troubleshooter
This is a very helpful one-stop site that is loaded with information and resources to help you troubleshoot Windows 98 problems and get you the technical assistance you need as quickly as possible.

Desktop Customization

Themes and Wallpaper

Debi's Wonderful World
A great selection of original icons, cursors, themes, wallpapers, clip art, sounds, puzzle games, counted cross-stitch designs, and much more. Everything on this site is free and original.

A top site where you can download over 3500+ themes. Topics include nature, animals, cartoons, movies, television, vehicles, music, people, and military.

A site loaded with high quality screen savers complete with descriptions for each one. This is the place to go if you are searching for cartoon, movie, religious or holiday screen savers.


Icon Library
A huge collection of over 10,000 unique icons for Microsoft Windows. Organized into 150 different categories.

Help and How-To

Computer Tips Ezine
This is a great free ezine dedicated to helping people solve problems with their computers. Computer Tips is distributed "daily" and it is jam packed with computer tips and tricks for Win 3.1, Win 95, Win 98, Win 2000, Win ME, MSIE 4, MSIE 5, Outlook Express, AOL and Netscape Communicator.
As an added bonus, they publish every Friday their "weekly" Tweak Freak Newsletter. If you crave getting under the hood of your PC,the weekly Tweak Freak Newsletter will show you how to squeeze every last drop of performance out of your system. It's all 100% free and definitely worth joining.

5 Star Support
This is a very helpful site containing tips, tricks, tutorials, support resources and technical support advice. And it's all free.

CNet Help
CNet Help is the site to visit for answers to all your technology questions. They cover all aspects of computing such as hardware, desktops, notebooks, motherboards, operating systems, software, graphics, browsers, email, web design, and more.

The Trouble With Windows
A very helpful and well organized site that lists a slew of problems that may be encountered with Microsoft Windows and then gives quick solutions and explanations of each problem. http


EasyDOS Commnand Index
A handy a to z listing of all the DOS commands and their associated switches, along with complete information and examples of each. From the book "DOS the Easy Way"(which may also be downloaded) by Everett Murdock Ph.D. Highly recommended.

Hardware & Drivers

This is the best resource on the net for finding Windows drivers for all your hardware. Highly rated.

Toms Hardware
Here is a very useful site for anything you need to know about hardware, whether it be motherboards, cpu's, hard drives, video cards, or whatever else. Itīs very well organized and an excellent source of good hardware information and how to articles.

Internet Explorer

IE Info Site
This is a very useful site for info about Internet Explorer. It contains about 200 tips and tricks on IE 4 and 5, as well as links to other Internet Explorer sites and programs designed for IE.

Outlook Express

Outlook Express Tips
Eric Miller's User Tips for Outlook Express. Hundreds of helpful how- to tips - all neatly categorized.


How To Upgrade To Or Fully Install Windows Me by Tony Kaye
A well written article that walks you through the installation procedure for Windows Me. It's a particularly great guide for beginners.

New PC Setup Guide By Jeff Davis
Beginners guide on how to properly set up a new PC.

Should you upgrade to Windows 2000? A Windows 2000 technology showcase by Paul Thurrott
An excellent article to help Windows 95\98 users decide whether or not to upgrade to 2000 and to help one understand the basic differences between the operating systems.

Windows ME Overview by Jim Fox
This is a good, fundamental overview of Windows Me for anyone contemplating upgrading to it or wishing to know the basics of what Me is all about. Covers the improvements made in the areas of System Stability, Digital Media, Home Networking, and Online Improvements.

A Complete Guide to Networking Windows by Michael Hayman
If you know little about Windows 95 or 98 networking now, you'll know a whole lot more about it after reading this excellent article. All the details are clearly explained in a numbered step by step manner. Very thorough.