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Rob - December 30th, 2001 (full moon)

I thought it was about time to update you (the fans) about what is going on with TRANZIT. After trying out many singers we still have not chosen anyone and are waiting patently for the right person to come along. We had come close a couple of times once with a girl and once with a guy but had decided to hold out until something more of our style comes along. It is very difficult to find someone who is committed, talented, and who can fit the look and sound we need. In the down time we have been meeting a lot of very important people who will help us out when we do find our lead singer and make it much easier to get our music out to as many people as possible. We have also been working on improving our sound and discussing a possible name change. All of us are just itching to play another show and have a lot of built up energy but the wait will be worth it, we know that and we thought we would let you know. I have no doubt in my mind that we will come back stronger then ever as soon as a singer has been found. WE WILL NOT GIVE UP !

Rob - April 28th 2001
Sad to say our lead singer has left us to pursue his future career as a journalist in Toronto. We are searching long and hard for a singer male or female to take his place at the front of the stage. Currently our CD production has been discontinued and we are auditioning new singers who will fit with our heavy tones and professional attitudes. If you know anyone who can fill this spot please E-Mail TRANZIT@GOTMAIL.COM . We have NOT broken up we are just searching out new talent and hope to be playing shows by summer.

Rob - December 14th 2000
No we're not dead, we have just been working hard in the studio for the last month and will be there for the next 3 or 4 months working hard on our first full length enhanced CD that should be ready and in stores in May or early June. I am feeling really confident in our new material and from the past show at the Embassy I can say that it got a very good reaction from the crowd. I can definitely say that we have a much more solid sound then the last CD and the sound quality of this disc will definitely be noticeably greater then the last one. I am happy to say that everything is going well and we should have a song from the new disc up on our site within the next month!

Cory - November 12th 2000
Well its been awhile since we have posted a journal. Its mainly because we are laying low and only doing a limited amount of shows because we have been getting our shit together to head in for recording next friday. Anyhow, last nights show at the Embassy in london was great fun, it seems more people are showing up each and every time we play there. We played a solid 10 song, 45 min set packed with new material. The crowd was awesome and full of energy, hell james even tryed a bit of crowd surfing! We will be back in london soon..

Cory - September 17th 2000
It was a busy weekend for us, to start off we had a show in chatham on friday night that we were all jacked for. It was a battle of the bands for an opening spot at the Eightball VIP Sports Cafe, which is the same place we opened for finger eleven. We eventually went on to win the battle. We met up with some new friends and old friends. After hanging out for a bit, we headed home to get some shut eye before the following nights events.
That brings us to last nights show in our home town of St.Thomas where we performed in a skate park fundraiser dubed "Park Aid". It had been about three months since we had performed in St.T, and we were glad to be back on home turf. An awesome crowd turned out for this event and to check out the show. Although we only had a short set due to the number of bands, we made the best of it and rocked out Tranzit style.

Cory - September 3rd 2000
We played Call the Office in London last night for the first time, and we had a blast. A very responsive and fun crowd showed up as usual, this always adds excitement to the set, the crazier you get...the crazier we get! We hope to be back to Call the Office in the near future, it was a fun experience.

Cory - August 14th 2000
The show at the Embassy on Saturday night was great. We played a tight hour set and gained some new friends in the process. It was definatly great to be back "home" as we like to refer to the Embassy as, we have been traveling around a bit this summer to various other cities and although we love to do that, it was great to come back and play to some familiar faces. Thanks to everyone that came out and supported us we will definatly be back soooon!!

Cory - July 30th 2000
Well the biggest party weekend of the summer has come and gone. We had a great weekend, met alot of new friends and had great times. Our performance on Saturday night went over well with the crowd, who were right into it from start to finish. I think we set the fans up nicely for Edwin to finish them off. Although a few curve balls were aiming to catch us off guard we pulled through and rocked country camping into the ground, then partied all night long !! Thanks to everyone for getting right into it and making it fun for all, you guys rule and we love you to death!

Cory - July 26th 2000
Lee's Palace was another great show for us. We finally got to have our own dressing room!! The sound system and the layout of the place was excellent. Now that the Lee's Palace show is overwith we are looking forward to opening up for EDWIN saturday night at Country Camping. I just got finished writting out set lists for the show, we are fully prepared to tear the roof of the stage and are looking forward to not only the experience but the huge party that will take up the rest of the weekend!!

Cory - July 2nd 2000
Rockstock 2000 was a very interesting event to say the least.  Although it did turn out to be a worthwhile event for us.  There was a fairly week turnout for the number of people the event was rumored to bring in, but we got up there and played like we always do anyways.  The crowd that was there was extremely responsive and kind to us.  Between James and I we had two separate live on air interviews for the Rock 94.3  who was there to promote the event.  Thanks to everyone who turned out and supported us and also to Reg at the Rock 94.3 for all his help.  We made alot of new friends friday night and we look forward to seeing them all again soon.

Rob - June 26th 2000
This is a new section where we will share random thoughts and feelings on current events.