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Funny Shit

The Accident
A Catholic priest and a Baptist minister were involved in a severe intersection accident. Car doors were flung open, and both were thrown to the pavement.

The priest said, "Reverend, you look like you're in a lot of pain. I have a drink in my glove compartment, and that might help with your suffering."

"Well, thank you," said the minister, "but I'm a Baptist, and we don't believe in drinking."

"Reverend, it's for medicinal purposes, and I know the Lord would approve," the priest said.

"Well, maybe you're right," said the minister. "I am hurting pretty bad."

The priest reached up into his glove compartment, found his bottle of Rye whiskey, uncapped it, and gave it to the minister. The Baptist took a good gulp and returned it to the priest. The priest replaced the cap and put the bottle back in the glove compartment.

"You're hurt, too," said the minister. "Aren't you going to have a drink?"

"Oh no," said the priest, "not until the Highway Patrol gets here!"