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Bar Jokes

How Old Am I?
A guy walked into a bar and ordered a glass of 5-year-old brandy. The bartender promptly gave him his drink. After taking a sip, the man told the bartender that he had given him 1-year-old brandy. The bartender apologized and poured him another drink. The man took a sip and complained to the bartender that he had given him 3-year-old brandy. The bartender apologized and poured him anohter drink. The man took a sip and replied to the bartender that this was 5-year-old brandy. Having overheard the conversation, an elderly man replied, "You sure do know your brandy." The man proudly said, "I like to think so." The old man asked if he would taste his drink and tell him the age. "Sure," he replied and began to take a sip. Quickly, the man spit out the drink and yelled, "This is not brandy! It's pee!" "Yep," replied the elder, "now tell me how old I am."