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Hey there, Kit Silverfox here, as always. If you stumbled here by accident, which is the majority of you, you'll find some artwork and the begining of a sci-fi thriller I'm writting. For those of you that have been here before, I know I said I'd put the link page up soon before, but this time I mean it, so keep comming back, we'll have some fun.

Under construction

So come back....whenever, see if I've updated. I'm trying to keep it fresh, but content is always a factor, and I just need to find time to get more things done. So here it is, enough of the introductory crap, feel free to browse around. Have fun.

10/29 UPDATE!- Ok, I've been really busy with work and shit, but I did manage to squeeze out another chapter for Frozen Helix for the 5 people that read it because I asked them to. Enjoy, guys.

11/7 - UPDATE! - Ok, I got the link to my live journal on the main page working, and there seems to be a link section now. Thats it for now.

E-mail the webmaster (thats me) at

about Kit Silverfox - surprise surprise, its all about me!


Gallery - Stuff I've drawn or things I've found drawn that deserve a place here.

Library - The Den's lirary, which is curently being filled. Come on in

Downloadables - Everyone likes downloading things for free. I'm no diffrent.

linx - These are some sites I found that either deserve recongnition or either I just like em.

my live journal - Got bored, got a live journal. nice and simple

Friends - These are my friends. If your supposed to be here, send me a pic and I'll put you up.

View Register - Who's been here? These people.

Sign Register - Come on, sign it. It'll be fun. Everyone's doing it. First time is free.

Oral Sex Donations Accepted Would you like to donate oral sex, redeemable by me or a friend at a later date? No I don't know why you would want to, either, but come on!