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The world is gray, it’s light is dim
all beauty is gone
I can only feel my pain
There is a hole, a gap
the place you once filled is now empty.
And I feel the loss as if I had lost a part of myself.
A shape in the clouds makes me think of your face.
The feel of the wind reminds me of your touch.
The sounds of the night bring back the memory or your voice.
And I close my eyes and cry out my grief.

I close my eyes and I can imagine you are still beside me.
I close my eyes and I can hear you, feel you, see you.
I close my eyes and for a moment the world is beautiful again.
I open my eyes and the world is grey, it’s light is dim.
It’s beauty once again gone.

But then I see the shape of the clouds.
I feel the wind, I hear the sounds of the night.
And I know that you surround me.
You are become the wind, the clouds, the night.
You are all things joyous and beautiful.
You surround me with your love, your light.
And the gossamer wings of an angel enfold me.

