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Click click click

The staccato beat tears at me.
Each step sounding quieter than the last.
As you walk away.
What did I do? What did I say?

Click click click

This isn’t a game.
It isn’t a contest.
I won’t compete for you.
You aren’t a prize to be won.

Click click click.

I want to be with you.
I don’t want to own you.

Click click click

I want to pull you close and make you see.

Click click click

I can take away the doubt,
The pain and the fear.
All that and more
If you only ...

Click click click

But distance is more than a physical thing.
Eyes wide open, you see nothing.

Click click click

One last step
You find the door.
No sound.
Pleas mean nothing.
You step through.
Into that gilded cage
With bars you will never see

A timeless pause
The lock slides home.


