Proceed Into Elainana's Homepage



You either linked to this page from: Apt107, Cpixel, IF, Asiaroom, Asianavenue, Findapix, OR just by random. As you can see, I'm always trying to fix it up & update it. If you got a non-porno link you want to be put up on my links page, just leave me a msg. on my guestbook. If you just want to chop it up with me, I'll try to find that time for you, but if not, don't get all butthurt. If you're wondering why I don't leave my email address on here, it's b/c I receive too much junk mail.


Watching the basketball playoffs. I'd like to NOT comment on it to prevent further 'misunderstandings' & petty arguements with haters and such. YES, I LOVE to watch basketball & football. YES, I'm a sucka for soap operas & I watch Passions & Days of Our Lives everyday.