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Sex Toy

Sephiroth stares at Cloud, who is huddled in the corner... smirking slightly Cloud Strife has his knees pulled up to his chest Sephiroth goes over to the corner Sephiroth says, "you ready?" Cloud Strife says, "?" Sephiroth reaches down for him Cloud Strife draws back... but cant get far Sephiroth grabs Cloud's arm in one gloved hand Sephiroth says, "Where are you going cutie?" Cloud Strife says, "Leggo..."

Sephiroth puts one hand around Cloud's neck and pulls him close to his face... grinning slightly Sephiroth says, "You're mine" Sephiroth forces a deep kiss on him Cloud Strife says, "!!!" Sephiroth grins at him. Pushes him down to the floor and pins him there... moving his shirt up Cloud Strife says, "stop!" Sephiroth goes down and starts to suck on one of Cloud's nipples as he pins him to the floor Cloud Strife Whimpers Sephiroth continues with the nipple till it becomes a hard point then moves to the other one Sephiroth says, "you might actually like this at some point... but for now you have to do what I say" Cloud Strife Squirms a little

Sephiroth reaches down into Cloud's pants and grins Sephiroth says, "now let's see what you've got hidden in here" Cloud Strife shivers Cloud Strife says, "Please stop..." Sephiroth says, "nah... you got to have something good down there" Sephiroth slowly pulls down Cloud's pants and goes back to the nipple that was not yet hard Cloud Strife whines slightly and tries to get away Sephiroth keeps Cloud there and takes the tip of Cloud's groin between his fingers Sephiroth says, "nice..." Cloud Strife sniffles and tears start leaking out of his eyes Sephiroth moves down and starts to lick Cloud's thighs... obviously enjoying the taste of Cloud's fearful sweat.

Cloud Strife says, "Please... sir? Stop... I... " Sephiroth looks up at him and grins Sephiroth says, "are you afraid?" Cloud Strife says, "I don't want this...." Sephiroth says, "Heh, then you will not like what I want you to do... so I might as well show you first" Sephiroth takes Cloud's cock in his hands and starts to lick the tip of it Cloud Strife says, "Noooo... " Sephiroth says, "don't complain" Sephiroth puts the head of Cloud's cock into his mouth and starts to suck Cloud Strife says, "..." Sephiroth just sucks on the tip... not putting Cloud any deeper into his mouth Cloud Strife whimpers and squirms Sephiroth takes his gloves off and puts two of his fingers into Cloud as he sucks. Pushes the fingers deep into him... feeling them around as Cloud squirms Cloud Strife says,

"Stop!" Sephiroth continues to suck on Cloud's now hard cock... thrusting his fingers back and forth inside him Cloud Strife starts panting Sephiroth at last takes his mouth away and unzips himself with his free hand Sephiroth says, "I think I've taught you enough... your turn" Sephiroth pulls his fingers out of Cloud and grins at him Cloud Strife says, "no..." Sephiroth says, "yes" Sephiroth pulls Cloud over from him.. his cock now free from his pants Sephiroth says, "suck" Cloud Strife says, "no no.. " Cloud Strife shakes his head Sephiroth says, "Do it or I'll hurt you" Cloud Strife says, "No...." Sephiroth pulls Cloud's head down to his cock... showing him how rough he can be Sephiroth says, "Do it" Cloud Strife turns his head aside Sephiroth pulls Cloud's head to touch his cock Sephiroth says, "suck me... or you will really regret it" Cloud Strife says, "no.... I don't want to" Sephiroth says, "Come now... I taste good or so I'm told... you have to anyway" Cloud Strife says, "I said no"

Sephiroth pushes his cock to Cloud's lips anyway Sephiroth says, "taste" Cloud Strife keeps his lips closed Sephiroth says, "lick... try it out" Sephiroth rubs the tip against Cloud's lips Cloud Strife turns his head away in disgust Sephiroth pulls Cloud's head back Sephiroth says, "You never know what you like till you try" Cloud Strife says, "I don't want to" Cloud Strife opens his mouth and bites instead of sucking Sephiroth grins a little Sephiroth says, "you are still tasting you know... you might as well suck me off while you have me at all in your mouth" Cloud Strife bites harder Sephiroth chuckles and thrusts his hips a second... forcing himself into Cloud's mouth.. breaking off the bite Cloud Strife gags and pulls away Sephiroth says, "stop that... you have to suck me off some now.. or I'll hurt you so you will not be able to move... how does that sound?"

Cloud Strife says, "No.. I don't want to .... I don't like it" Sephiroth pulls Cloud's hair very hard... causing him pain Sephiroth says, "how would you like it for me to pull your cock off like I can your hair? That would really hurt" Cloud Strife says, "Leave me alone!" Cloud Strife sniffles Cloud Strife says, "Please..." Sephiroth says, "just suck me... and I will let you walk away when I through with you" Cloud Strife says, "I don't wanna "

Cloud Strife tries to ball up... not wanting to be abused Sephiroth says, "would you rather be hurt bad enough that you might never get up?" Sephiroth pulls his arms around Cloud and drags him over to him Cloud Strife says, "I don't care.. I don't wanna" Sephiroth says, "You really can't mean that..." Sephiroth raps one hand around Cloud's throat and squeezes some what Cloud Strife says, "...." Cloud Strife closes his eyes Sephiroth says, "you fell pain from this... is this worth not sucking me off?" Cloud Strife nods Sephiroth takes his hand away from Cloud's throat and raps it around the younger man's cock... pulling on it roughly Cloud Strife whimpers again.. trembling violently Sephiroth says, "just suck my cock and I'll not pull yours off" Cloud Strife says, "I don't wanna "

Sephiroth grips harder and pulls again Cloud Strife says, "Please... why are you doing this?" Sephiroth says, "Because you are cute and I can... now do as you are told" Cloud Strife says, "no! I want to know why I was put here..... I wanna go home..." Sephiroth pulls hard enough to cause a great deal of pain Sephiroth says, "Not until I finish with you" Cloud Strife says, "Aiii Aii.... stop... please... Nononoooo... leave me alone...." Sephiroth says, "I said I will once I'm done... now the sooner you start sucking the sooner you can go home" Cloud Strife says, "You'll let me go if I suck?" Sephiroth says, "and do a few other things... but for right now that's what I want from you" Cloud Strife says, "......" Cloud Strife sniffles and leans down... beginning to suck on the older man's erection Sephiroth releases Cloud's cock and leans back... Sephiroth says, "mmmm... very good...."

Cloud Strife isn't quite sure what else to do.... and doesn't like the taste much at all Sephiroth reaches down and puts his fingers back into Cloud... moving them in and out Sephiroth says, "you feel good... mmmm... your lips are nice too...." Cloud Strife stops and draws back Sephiroth takes off his cloak and grins at Cloud Sephiroth says, "Why are you stopping?" Cloud Strife says, "..... " Cloud Strife shivers Cloud Strife says, "Can I go now?" Sephiroth says, "not yet... I'm not through" Cloud Strife says, "You said if I sucked I could go.." Sephiroth pulls Cloud back by his legs Sephiroth says, "but you haven't finished yet..."

Sephiroth keeps two fingers inside of him... moving back and forth rather quickly Cloud Strife says, "You said..." Sephiroth says, "I said when you were done... you're not... get back to it" Cloud Strife says, "no!!" Sephiroth says, "fine then... just sit on me" Cloud Strife says, ".... no" Sephiroth says, "yes yes yes... I said you are not going until I'm done with you... you just keep delaying" Cloud Strife whimpers Sephiroth takes his pants the rest of the way off Sephiroth says, "Come now... " Cloud Strife says, "No! I want my momma.... " Sephiroth pulls his arms around Cloud's waist and sets him down... forcing himself into Cloud.. keeping the younger man's back to him Cloud Strife says, "Aiii!!"

Sephiroth leans back and grins, moving his hips up and down Cloud Strife shudders convulsively at the pain... and struggles... crying loudly Sephiroth moves his hips rather slow... only having the tip of his cock inside Cloud for the moment Sephiroth says, "Come now, later on you'll say this feels good" Cloud Strife says, "I don't want a later on....... " Sephiroth says, "Did I say with me? mmmmm you are just so nice and tight now" Cloud Strife sniffles Sephiroth says, "you must be feeling very hard now... painful isn't it with no one to do anything about it?" Cloud Strife says, "....."

Cloud Strife nods sadly ... his body having responded where his mind won't Sephiroth keeps his hands on the floor, grinning as he thrusts again and again into Cloud Cloud Strife begins to sob softly Cloud Strife . o O ( it hurts.... why was I brought here? what did I do... I wanna go home... ) Sephiroth leans up a little with one of his thrusts and places his hand to Cloud's back Sephiroth says, "you know.. you don't need to suffer... I can stroke you myself..." Cloud Strife says, "I..." Sephiroth thrusts a little harder into him Sephiroth says, "you'll feel better after you are stroked" Cloud Strife says, "I wanna go home.. can I go home when you're done?"

Sephiroth says, "oh yes... mmmm... you can go when I'm done... which is not yet" Sephiroth starts to stand up. Takes one of Cloud's legs in his hand and puts the other on the boy's hard cock Cloud Strife relaxes a little.... Sephiroth thrusts hard into him... keeping him supported and stroking his cock at the same time Cloud Strife shivers and tries not to moan... so he doesn't sound like he is approving of this behavior Sephiroth thrusts hard.... his hand rough around Cloud's cock but not as unpleasant as the last time it had been down there Cloud Strife . o O ( I want him to stop.... ) Sephiroth moves his face forward to kiss Cloud as he thrusts into him Cloud Strife sniffles.... tears still running down his cheeks as he squeezes his eyes shut against the oddly mingled pain and... surprisingly pleasure Sephiroth snakes his tongue out and licks his cheek as he takes him.. moaning deeply Cloud Strife . o O ( please... stop... I hurt now... )

Sephiroth feels himself start to climax and moans loud.... stroking Cloud vigorously to bring him to the same Cloud Strife whimpers and feels his muscles contract as a warmth floods through his body Sephiroth buries himself full into Cloud as he comes... grunting in savage pleasure and holding onto Cloud's cock Cloud Strife feels something surge out of himself and looks down.. somewhat surprised at the fluid that was released Sephiroth withdraws out of him and licks his lips, panting Sephiroth says, "Now that was good" Cloud Strife says, ".... "

Sephiroth takes Cloud into his arms and kisses him rather passionately Cloud Strife says, "I wanna go home now" Sephiroth says, "Mmm... and where is home cutie?" Cloud Strife says, "Nibelheim" Sephiroth plays with Cloud's wet cock for a little and tilts his head to one side Sephiroth says, "really?" Cloud Strife says, "yes.... why am I here?" Sephiroth says, "you were here to be my sex toy... and I must say.. after I got you to behave you were quite good" Cloud Strife says, "How.... why?" Sephiroth says, "I don't know... they just brought you for my pleasure" Sephiroth kisses Cloud's neck softly Cloud Strife says, "I wanna go " Sephiroth says, "alright... but you'll have trouble walking for now" Sephiroth sits down in the corner Sephiroth says, "I'm comfy... why not sleep on me" Cloud Strife says,

"No I wanna go home..... " Sephiroth says, "it's a little far from here I think" Sephiroth pulls Cloud gently into his lap and cuddles him to his chest Cloud Strife says, "but... my mom... she'll be worried" Sephiroth says, "You have a mom? That's lucky" Cloud Strife says, "I wanna go home... " Cloud Strife wriggles Sephiroth lets Cloud slip from his arms Cloud Strife picks up his clothes.... sniffling Sephiroth starts to get dressed himself Sephiroth says, "I know it hurts the first time.... how old are you anyway?" Cloud Strife says, "14"

Sephiroth says, "Older then I was the first time" Sephiroth beckons him over Cloud Strife says, "No... I don't wanna do nothin" Sephiroth says, "I wasn't saying anything about sex... it just helps to be held... you're in pain" Cloud Strife says, "I don't wanna be touched" Sephiroth says, "fine, then suffer... don't take the advice of someone who knows" Cloud Strife says, "I don't like you.. you hurt me.... " Cloud Strife winces as he adjusts his pants Sephiroth says, "then what are you going to do?" Cloud Strife says, ".. go away from here..." Sephiroth says, "and then you'll curl up and want to die" Sephiroth gets up and goes over to him Cloud Strife says, "I already want to....." Sephiroth hugs him in a way that makes him seem like some one else other then the guy that just fucked him Cloud Strife leans into the hug Sephiroth says, "shhh... I know how much it hurts... I was 10... much younger and smaller then you... it hurts.. but it feels good after a time" Cloud Strife says, "I don't want it to feel good.... I wanna go home" Sephiroth says, "I wasn't talking about now... I meant the next time some one does this it will feel better.. trust me"

Cloud Strife says, "I don't want anyone to ever touch me again" Sephiroth rocks him slowly back and forth Cloud Strife says, "I hurt inside.... " Sephiroth says, "shhh.. the pain goes away" Cloud Strife says, "Why'd you hurt me........" Sephiroth says, "I needed a pleasure toy... when I'm in that mood I tend to forget that I was one once too" Cloud Strife says, "I'm not a toy..." Sephiroth kisses Cloud's cheek Sephiroth says, "We are all toys to the ultimate puppet master" Cloud Strife whimpers Cloud Strife says, "....." Sephiroth says, "It will be ok in time" Sephiroth strokes Cloud's hair softly Cloud Strife practically collapses into Sephiroth's chest... sobbing heavily Sephiroth sits on the ground.. cradling him to his chest... stroking his hair softly Cloud Strife says, "I want my momma...... I don't wanna be here anymore....." Sephiroth says, "I'm... sorry" Sephiroth continues to stroke Cloud's hair Cloud Strife begins to doze.. lulled by the sudden gentleness... and Sephiroth's warm sweet smell Sephiroth says, "It's as if I have two forces inside... and maybe I do... a monster that wants what he can get... and the thing that will never die in me"

Cloud Strife sniffles Sephiroth cradles Cloud Cloud Strife becomes very clingy..... feeling lost and broken Sephiroth says, "the pain will go in time... shhh... and you can cry all you need" Cloud Strife says, "I wanna die.. I don't wanna hurt like this" Sephiroth says, "It will end soon.. the pain... " Sephiroth strokes Cloud's hair some more Cloud Strife says, "end it now..... " Sephiroth says, "shhh.... you should sleep... and I'm comfy..."

Sephiroth lays out on the floor and cradles Cloud to his chest Cloud Strife is falling asleep anyway... finding strangely that Sephiroth's presence is soothing... whimpers for his mother in his sleep Sephiroth smiles and strokes the boys hair... whispering that it will all be all right soon. kisses Cloud's ear tenderly and feels himself fall asleep