CWB rules, so don't fuck wit us.

I am like most people, I dont like to get shit from people who dont know where I am coming from. Its ok if you think it, just dont say it. Plus, some day I can guarentee that you will need help from some fool like us, so at least keep your mouth shut. We dont give you shit unless we expect it back.

What would happen if you fucked with CWB's:

you know those fwds you get from your friends, one of them will have a virus in it. (think about it next time you check your mail.)

Revenge is better served cold. (go ahead, piss us off now, we have a few more years together. Thats plenty of time to get even.)

You have a car right? Have you ever seen what a spud can do to a windshield? (combustion cannon)

And as history has proven before: CRAZY PEOPLE WILL RULE THE WORLD!!!!

all the shiznit I said was fake, except about ruling the world.

Other than that, here's a bunch of stuff that i have that I think is pretty cool and maked other people really wonder about me. The rifle is my Winchester 70 HBV (heavy barreled Varmint) it is basically the same rifle they, the USMC used in Vietam as a sniper rifle. Its topped off with a 6.5-20x44mm scope, which doesn't mean anything to you because you would rather know something interesting about video games. another thing you dont know is that this rifle is capable of .25 MOA accuracy. which means at 100yds, it could shoot 1/4" 3 shot groups. at 200yds=1/2" groups. 300yds 3/4" groups. 1" at 400yds. Think about that...the ability to shoot a kiwi out of someones hands at 4 football fields away. Mind bogling isn't? I would not reccommend trying it (the kiwi would BLOW UP becuz of the HP 69grain boattail, another term you dont understand.) Anyways, only 2 people hae shot ever shot this rifle. It cost me a "little bit" over $1000 for the gun. Then i have a 3-400 dollar scope atop it. I just had that laying around so i went to the store and bought a couple of them.

More shit i have:

SPUD GUN!!!! If you were over at Dans for his November 12 party, you would know what this is. Mine looks kinda like the one in the pics, except its green now & its better. I call it the FROG. If you were going to be araid of something that i have, (or me) this would be the thing to worry about. This cannon can shoot a spud over 200mph with ether. And yes, thats the only fuel i use. Its perfectly legal to, as long as you dont shoot anything out of it except spuds. LIke say a 2ft steel spike that could go right through a steel barrel. (thats neat) Some cool stuff to shoot out of it is paintballs, confetti, hand grenades(just JKing), and about anthing you can think of. It is LOUD and it can kick like a rifle, just remeber, the heavier the ammo, the louder it is, the more it kicks and the greater chance of it blowing up. not cool. The closest I have came to that is when I shot a spud at the Aurora Park, it was a little heavy: (this all happened in less then a sec) I pushed the igniter, it blew, spud was forced out so fsat that the back end, scrwe cap blew OFF and bounced right off my arm, the spud landed about 4 seconds later a few hundred yards away. it was pretty cool, cept for when it hit me. Ihave a friend that shot another kid in the leg with one and broke it. another thing to remember is to always shoot it agian after the spud came out to make sure all the fumes are burnt and it wont accidently shoot while your in a house or car, I know from expierence its not cool (for the other people around I thought it was funny).

and last, that bottom pic is a pic of a mossberg 500 shotgun. And yes I have one. it doesn't look exactly like that one. sorry.