what do you think?

Okay...I am really messed up in the head right now so bear with me.

here is a run down of the people I am associated with and what they are like and maybe how i changed thier life. kinda like spark notes on my friends.


Dan is pry my best friend as of now. I can honestly say if it wasnt for the army I dont think we would be as close as we are. We keep eachother going no matter what it is...push yourself. HOO AH! I am usually confused for dan for some reason so we got to the point where we might as well be the same person. Oh yeah...he is Jack and i am Tyler...if you know us, you will undertand this.


Ben is a wierd mother fucker, thats a pretty good description of Ben. He loves to skate board and shit like that. Ben is always the one in the wieght room touching either himself or trying to touch me. Ben has joined the Army reserve and seems pretty stoked about it.


Kassie is the one who pretty much keeps us all together, or atleast from killing eachother sometimes. She has got to be one of the coolest girls i know, shes more like one of the guys. shes really into the snowboarding stuff so anytime we get out of school early you know where shes going.


Well, if you know Adam or have been around him you will know what his favorite hobby is....BEER. He is currently going out with Kayla and from what i understand he will be getting married in November...and if i am around i will be his best man. Adam is my best friend and could tell you pretty much anything about me and would do anything for me. I would have to say I could trust him with my life. That is something more than I can say for about 99.9% of the people I know. We have kinda grown apart lately because hes got his girl and so do I, we dont have any classes together but hes still one of the most loyal friends i have.


Sandie has saved my ass I dont know how many times and I am most grateful because of this. I pry know her the best out of any of my friends and she knows the most about me. I honestly dont think I have any other friends that would do as much as she has done for me.