This is what we used to do about every Sunday. Before we got lives.

Paintballing. Its gotta be one of the best extreme sports out there besides skydiving and bungee jumping. (which I haven't tried yet but would like to.)

I think its so cool becuz its the only sport that you can shoot the shit out of your friends, and they dont hate you (too much). The place that we go paintballing in is about 315acres. We usually play games of 1 on 1, teams, or shoot-outs. I think the teams is the best to play in because there is more people on your team, thus, less chance of getting hit yourself.

here is the run down of everyone in our group, if i forget to mention you, sorry better luck next time.

D.J. Thompson. DJ is one of the better players, even though he was at a disadvantage before he got his stingray. I usually try to get him to be on my team becuase of he knows what I like to do to win. Like he knows when we should set up an ambush, and when to draw them into range. DJ is good at close range and behind cover. The bad thing about him is that he never tells you when he gets hit. CHEATER!

Decker. Decker is usually the last one to get picked to be on teams. I dont know if its his cockyness, or his cheap ass gun, but for some reason who ever gets him on thier team doesn't appreciate his help. Decker has a thing about getting hit in the head and shooting himself. Both seam to happen to him quite often. I can personally recall shooting him in the head at least a dozen times. He is currently using a talon.

Dan. Dan doesnt go paintballin with us much becuz he is always busy or with his girlfriend. But when he does go with us, he gets things stired up. One of Dans best characteristics is his ability to run fast. Hes kinda like a wild cat or something. He will go in for the kill, but if something goes wrong, we'll run like hell. NOt that that isn't a bad thing. he is also using a talon.

The Reck. Brent uses a talon also. (noticing a patern yet?) He is really good at directing fire away from you. This is good when your getting low on ammo and you just happen to get him to get shot at. This is usually long enuff to get reloaded. He also has a thing about getting shot alot.

Callan is using a stingray semi-auto. He is best for suppressing fire. LIke at an ambush point. He can really mow them down when he hits them. He is usually one of the first to get picked becuz of his gun.

Kassie. Kassie uses my gun. She has only been paintballing with us once, and that was during the summer so i guess it didn't really count. That day was really shitty becuz the bugs were out in full force, everyone was low on ammo, thier was only 5 of us, and on my part; i wasn't really in the mood to go paintballing becuz I had been shot in the head a couple of times by Opie earlier. bastard. Anyway, kassie can really hold her own, and it pisses guys like dj off when she hits them. She is good at risking herself to get her opponent. for example she will rin out into the open to shoot the other guy. that day, i think only one person actually shot her.

Jeremy. Jeremy didn't really do much that day but when he did it was fun to watch.

Then there is me. Joe. I guess i am noted for my long shots and being able to shoot everyone else in the head. I have been hit at most 4 times. twice in the head by the same person. and I think maybe once in the leg and ones in the stomach. I am usually a team leader or if im not im the first to get picked. Mostly becuz i know the area and i am a good tactician. (tactician= some one good with tactics.) I was also the first to get a paintball gun, a nice tigershark pump gun. I also have a secret weapon that is called a ghillie suit. When used properly is it almost like being invisable.

thats about it for now.

wouldn't be cool if we could do that?

a cool picture that has nothing to do with paint balling. from ICP.