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Since April 2nd 2000

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This is a cyber cattery which means I don't breed real cats (or PF Magic Catz), and that I don't get any money when I 'sell' them.
All graphics on this page is (c) copyright to the person who drew them.
Most graphics were made by me, and if someone else made them, there's a link to that person.

I breed: Abyssinian, American Lynx, British shorthair, Devon Rex, Exotic shorthair, Maine Coon, Munchkin, Norwegian forestcat, Persian, Ragdoll, Russian Blue, Siamese, Somali, Turkish van, and Tonkinese.

Litters My Cats
Adopt My Real Pets
Sign My Guestbook The CCA
E-mail me

Number of visitors since July 23rd, 2000

(c) 2000 All graphics on this page were made by me, unless otherwise noted.