Colin aka 0101001000111

INTERESTS: Pleasing Eric's woman 25 hours a day, Eric hating Ann, Computer talking while jerking off, Making fun of Kate McBride, Socks with holes, Pee that smells bad, A nice solid log of poo, Hitoshi, Having to pee so badly that you are going to explode, Ann Wilson(I have to put this) Whhttch, PORN, Why nick's head is so big, the fact that A&P hates puke club.

DISLIKES: Holes in the front of boxers so you hang out, People who don't touch my penis, The extra squirt of pee that ALWAYS squirts out after zipping up, Diarea that BURNS, Making out with Mike Denby, Exploding from holding in the pee too long, Anyone that is not a member of pukeclub, Girls who cry when they are wasted, BEING SOBER(what's up with that?)

EMAIL: Colin

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