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nsync fiction
This wasn't my first subject for fan fiction, but it was the first one that people actually read. For awhile there, my Brooklyn Turner series was very popular. And yes, I'm planning on adding new stories and maybe even finishing off some of the old ones.

First three stories are listed in reading order (as they are a series), followed by incomplete stories, and then short stories.

Title >> Let Him Fly by pepsicolagurl
Summary >> Brooklyn Turner seemed to live the perfect life. A long and still promising career in country music, money, fame, and a loving boyfriend has brought her far in her twenty four years. Suddenly, she's thrown in the company of JC Chasez, and everything seems to reverse. Right becomes left, up becomes down. Now, Brooklyn's life doesn't seem so perfect. What she doesn't know is that someone had as alternate plan for her life, and JC may be the only friend that she can turn to. Will she tell all or keep it silent like she normally does...until the end comes around.
Rating >> R for language and violence
Characters >> JC Chasez, Lance Bass, Brooklyn Turner (original character), Austin Turner (original character), Tim Croft (original character)
Length >> Twenty chapters; epilogue
Status >> Complete

Title >> If I Fall by pepsicolagurl
Summary >> Now that the fuss has died down, Brooklyn Turner is ready to go on with her life, the way that she wants to live it. The only thing she didn't expect was the new feelings that she has towards her best friend, JC Chasez. Then again, maybe she doesn't have those feelings. She's living in a world of confusion one more time, and it isn't the greatest place to be, as far as she remembers. She's ready to take what she believes should be hers (or is she?), and with the help of four people, she just might be able to. Until her mind changes once again, and someone from the past comes into the equation. Her new friends aren't ready to give up on the should-be couple. Who will win the greatest battle ever? The confused country singer, the reluctant pop star, or the man of everyone's nightmares? Only time will tell. Sequel to Let Him Fly
Rating >> R for language and situations
Characters >> JC Chasez, Chris Kirkpatrick, Lance Bass, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Brooklyn Turner (original character), Mia Coltrain (original character), Austin Turner (original character), Tim Croft (original character)
Length >> Thirty-two chapters; epilogue
Status >> Complete

Title >> A Whisper Away by pepsicolagurl
Summary >> Alexandra Colwell hasn't written a novel in two years, and people are beginning to get mad. It wasn't her fault that one of the most dreaded things for a writer has hit her hard, also known as writer's block. When she's sent on a soul searching trip, she meets someone who manages to test her patience and her attitude, but most of all, that new person rekindles an old love for writing, and before long, she's working like she's never worked before. When the two become a little closer, she notices a few differences in what's been happening. Now, she has to make the ultimate sacrifice: whether she wants to continue with what she loves so much, or if she keeps the man she loves and gives up a piece of her that she's had since she was a child. Alex was never good at making decisions, and it doesn't look like everyone's going to be happy with this one. Sequel to If I Fall
Rating >> R for language
Characters >> Chris Kirkpatrick, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Lance Bass, Justin Timberlake, Brooklyn Turner (original character), Alex Colwell (original character), Tim Croft (original character)
Length >> Undetermined; nineteen chapters so far
Status >> Incomplete

Title >> Black Threes by pepsicolagurl
Summary >> It's amazing what five friends can learn from four decks of cards during a friendly card game. Rating >> G
Characters >> Joey Fatone, Chris Kirkpatrick, Lance Bass, JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake
Length >> Short story

Title >> The Dance by pepsicolagurl
Summary >> Just hold me and let me think about what could have happened before I'm left only with foolish fantasy.
Rating >> G
Characters >> Lance Bass Length >> Short story

Title >> Superstar: The Real Me by pepsicolagurl
Summary >> It's funny how everyone thinks my life is perfect...too bad they're all wrong.
Rating >> G
Characters >> Justin Timberlake
Length >> Short story

Title >> Turning of the Pages by pepsicolagurl
Summary >> They lost each other in childhood, but love can sustain many years...and many Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys novels.
Rating >> G
Characters >> Chris Kirkpatrick
Length >> Short story

February 25th, 2004

Added all NSYNC stories