*Those Days*

Words and Music by Andrea Heins

There are times
When it seems your world comes crashing down
Those are days
When you don't want just anybody round
Those are the days I save for you
You've been here through it all
I don't know where I'd be without you
You are the one

Now's the time
That I need to be here for you
I don't know how but
I love you and that much is true
Here are the days when you need me
To stand right by your side
Well I just hope that I can help you out
You are the one

You're in pain
I just wish I could do more
To see you hurting
It hurts me to my very core
Every time I see you cry
It breaks me more inside
I want to take your pain on to myself

I can't stand to see you this way
When it seems like yesterday
That you were the one holding me
Well now I have to be so strong
I know that I can carry on
I love you so I'll let it be

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