The Lifeguard and the Drowning One

Andrea Heins
March 6/02

Your ship sank and my raft broke apart
In winter's cold ocean
Found eachother, didn't drown eachother -- remarkable start
You thought I was saving you,
I thought you'd saved me.

We're both the lifeguard
And we're both the drowning one
Thanks for your help with
What I, alone, could not have done

I picked up the pieces of my raft
And pulled it together
You have to rebuild all that you once had
But do not despair
On those cold, lonely nights...

If you look long enough into the night
You'll see snow flying
If you look hard enough you'll see the light
You thought was dying
The snow is hidden from view
Until your eyes adjust
The light is out of sight, too
Until your heart adjusts

Safe now, you stare out the window
For hours and hours
Take comfort in the blowing snow
Chatoic comfort --
Somehow soothes your soul

We're both the lifeguard
And we're both the drowning one
Thanks for your help with
What I, alone, could not have done

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