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Imperialism Webquest


A. The Berlin Conference (1884)

Because of its size, surface features, climate, resources, and strategic importance, Africa became a prime candidate for conquest by ambitious European empires. Although Africa is physically remote from the power centers of Europe, North America, and Asia, it is surrounded by water and can therefore be reached easily from the other continents. This meant that the Europeans needed to establish rules for dealing with one another if they were to avoid constant bloodshed and competition for African resources. The Berlin Conference established those ground rules.

By the mid-nineteenth century, Europeans had established colonies all along the African coast and competed for control. The push for overseas territories was made even more intense by the Industrial Revolution and the need for cheap labor, raw material, and new markets. The competition between the Europeans often lead to violent conflict.

The conference was held in Berlin between November 15, 1884 and November 26, 1885, under the leadership of German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. Although controlling the slave trade and promoting humanitarian idealism were promoted as the focus of the conference, the conference only passed empty resolutions about the ending of slave trade and providing for the welfare of Africa. In truth, the result of the Conference was a method of dividing the continent of Africa between the European powers.

Article 34 of the Berlin Act states that any European nation that took possession of an African coast, or named themselves as “protectorate” of one, had to inform the other powers of the Berlin Act of this action. If this was not done then their claim would not be recognized. This article introduced the “spheres of influence” doctrine, the control of a coast also meant that they would control the hinterland to an almost unlimited distance.

Article 35 determined that in order to occupy a coastal possession, the nation also had to prove that they controlled sufficient authority there to protect existing rights such as freedom of trade and transit. This was called the doctrine of “effective occupation” and it made the conquest of Africa a less bloody process.

The Berlin Act was an important change in international affairs. It created the rules for “effective occupation” of conquered lands, ensuring that the division of Africa would take place without war among the European powers. Through the Berlin Act, the European powers justified dividing a continent among themselves without considering the desires of the indigenous peoples.

While this appears extremely arrogant to us now, it seemed to them to be the obvious extension of their imperialism. The Berlin Conference is one of the most clear examples of the assumptions and preconceptions of this era, and its effects on Africa can still be seen today.

Answer these questions based on the reading above:

a) List 3 reasons why Europeans wanted to take over Africa?

b) What was the Berlin Conference?

c) What agreements came out of the Berlin Conference?

d) What considerations were made by the Europeans to the native Africans?

e) Make a guess: How will the decisions made at the conference change Africa?

B. The 'Scramble for Africa'

1. Make a guess: What is the 'scramble for Africa'?

2. Examine the Maps below. Then answer the questions that follow:



a) What is the main difference between the 2 maps?

b) What part did the Berlin Conference play in the creation MAP 2?

c) What happened to the native African political entities by 1914?

d) According to Map 2-- Which 2 European countries held the most territory in Africa?


Answer the following questions based on the chart above:

a) What percentage of Africa was colonized by 1913?

b) According to the graph, Which 2 European countries held the most territory in Africa? (did you get the same answer as #4 in the Map Comparison above?)

c) What percentage Africa was controlled by the rest of the countries (excluding the 2 countries mentioned in #2)?

d) Think about it: Would the information in MAP 2 and the pie chart above be the same if there had never been a Berlin Conference?

D. The Boer War

Do a search for sites to try and figure out what happened during the Boer War. You will have to look at pictures, captions, timelines, etc. to try and find out what happened.

Make a list of the information you learn. Some things to try and figure out about the Boer War:

Do not limit your self to these questions--write down any information you think helps you to discover what the Boer War was all about.


A. The Opium War (1839)

Opium is a habit-forming illegal drug.

"The Opium Wars"

In the mid 19th Century, China and the European countries were not on good terms at all. At the root of all this conflict was economics. Due to the lack of interest in European goods, all of the European countries, specifically Britain were running a trade deficit with China. In order to reverse this trend, the British started exporting opium from India and into China. This had the desired effect as soon China began to run a trade deficit with the British. In order to stem the outflow of silver from China, Chinese officials began aggressively enforcing its laws against opium use and distribution. The actions of Chinese authorities against this lucrative trade infuriated British politicians despite the fact opium was illegal in Britain as well. This conflict resulted in two wars (1839-1842, 1856-1860) between the British and Chinese and would result in much hardship for the Chinese people in subsequent events. The Opium Wars would end up having lasting effects on China that are evident even in the present day.

The purchases made by British and American firms in Canton were multiplying. Both countries paid for everything with silver instead of the barter system because China had little it wanted from the West. This system was getting costly for the US and Great Britain. As a direct result the smuggling of opium (which was relatively cheap to produce) began. Opium was forbidden in China except for medicinal use. Even though Canton was the only port legally open smuggling of opium occurred all along the southern coast of China, the figures were as follows:








The first group to take opium were young men from rich families. Although it soon spread to urban workers and even low ranking officials and from there opium worked it's way up the ranks. As a result business slowed down and the standard of living fell which resulted in a collapse of public services. What the Western countries wanted had finally happened China was in utter disarray. The sale of Chinese goods to westerners no longer balanced Chinese purchases. The tension that resulted in the first Opium War. The war lasted from 1839 to 1842. This war (and the second Opium War) were fought to determine the relations between China and the West, and as a result China was forced to reevaluate her position as the center of the world.

Find the answers to the questions below based on the reading "The Opium Wars"

a) Which 2 countries fought in the Opium Wars?

b) What was the main reason for the conflict between these 2 countries?

c) Look at the chart: Why do you think the war began in 1839?

d) What problems did Opium cause for the people of China?

B. The Treaty of Nanking (1842)

The Treaty of Nanking ended the first Opium War.

Conditions of the Treaty of Nanking

I.-Lasting peace between the two nations.
II.-The ports of Canton, Amoy, Fuchau, Ningpo, and Shangai to be opened to British trade and residence, and trade conducted according to a well-understood tariff.
III.-It being obviously necessary and desirable that British subjects should have some port whereat they may careen and refit their ships when required, the island of Hong Kong to be ceded to her Majesty.
IV.-Six millions of dollars to be paid as the value of the opium which was delivered up as ransom for the lives of H.N.M. Superintendent and subjects, in March, 1839.
V.-Three millions of dollars to be paid for the debts due to British merchants.
VI.-Twelve millions to be paid for the expenses incurred in the expedition sent out to obtain redress for the violent and unjust proceedings of the Chinese high authorities.
VII.-The entire amount of $21,000,000 to be paid before December 31, 1845.
VIII.-All prisoners of war to be immediately released by the Chinese.
IX.-The Emperor to grant full and entire amnesty to those of his subjects who had aided the British.
X.-A regular and fair tariff of export and import custom and other dues to be established at the open ports, and a transit duty to be levied in addition which will give goods a free conveyance to all places in China.
XI.-Official correspondence to be hereafter conducted on terms of equality according to the payments of money.
XII.-Conditions for restoring the places held by British troops to be according to the payments of money.
XIII.-Time of exchanging ratifications and carrying the treaty into effect.

Effects of the Treaty of Nanking

For the first time, China, the once proud country would be forced to cede sovereign land to a foreign power and leave its citizens subject to a foreign rule. The British ended up occupying Hong Kong for the next 155 years and will finally hand over control to China on June 1, 1997.

China at the start of the Opium Wars was not the most economically powerful country because of the lucrative opium trade run by the British. The weight of the payments to the British under condition 2 drastically drained the Chinese Treasury and left Dynasty fiscally unstable.

Although on the surface, the opening of ports to the British for trade does not seem that bad, but this condition would end up being the most damaging to the Dynasty. When the conditions of the Treaty of Nanking were released, all the Western Powers were upset by it. All the Western Powers were trying to make inroads into the vast Chinese market and the conditions that regarded the privileges granted to the British for trade created a negative reaction with the rest of the Western Powers. Soon, the rest of the Western Powers were using old offenses committed by the Dynasty to apply pressure for similar trading rights. Saddled with debts to the British and an obviously inferior military, the Ching Dynasty was forced to give in. This began a series of treaties that would result in 'spheres-of-influence' being carved out of eastern China and eventually would undermine the Ching Dynasty's authority.

Answer the questions based on the treaty:

a) How many conditions were favorable to the Chinese? How many conditions were favorable to the British?

b) Which 3 conditions were most favorable to the British (write the condition, not just the number)? Why did you choose these 3?

c) What do think the effect of this treaty will be on the people of China?

Map of Imperialism in China

Look at the map above and answer these questions:

a) Which countries had influence in China in 1912?

b) How did the events you have learned about (Opium War, Treaty of Nanking, Taiping Rebellion, and the Boxer Rebellion) lead to the situation shown in the map?

Rebellions in China

The Taiping Rebellion (1850 - 64)

The Taiping Rebellion (1850 - 64) was by far the bloodiest war of the nineteenth century. The revolt was a radical political and religious uprising, that ravaged 17 Chinese provinces and cost 20 million lives. The rebels rose against the tyranny of the Manchus, supporting a program partly based on Christian doctrines. Among their aims were public ownership of land and the establishment of a self-reliant economy. Their slogans - to share property in common - attracted many famine-stricken peasants, and the Taiping ranks swelled to more than one million soldiers.

Under the leadership of Hung Hsiu-chuan they captured Nanking and made it their capital. Hung founded the 'Great Peaceful Heavenly Dynasty' in 1851. After a few years the leaders began to quarrel among themselves, the reforms were not completed and their opponents, supported by the Western powers, defeated the Taiping in 1864. But the Manchu government was so weakened by the rebellion that it never again was able to effectively rule China.

The Boxer Rebellion (1900)

The Boxer Rebellion was a peasant uprising that attempted to drive all foreigners from China and to destroy the Mongol Ch'ing dynasty. The Boxers were a secret society known as the I-ho ch'uan (Righteous and Harmonious Fists). Its members practiced certain boxing rituals in the belief that this gave them supernatural powers and made them invulnerable to bullets.

After Japan defeated China in 1895, Japan and the Western Powers began to control more and more of the Chinese economy. In reaction the Boxer movement attracted popular support. As early as 1899, Boxers were killing Chinese Christians. In 1900 the Dowager Empress persuaded the Boxers to drop their opposition to the Ch'ing dynasty and unite with it to destroy the foreigners. All over northern China Missionaries and other foreigners were killed, and in Peking the Boxer besieged foreign diplomats who took refuge in the foreign legations.

In 1900 an international force landed at Tientsin and fought its way to Peking. In August the siege was raised, the city looted, and the imperial palaces were sacked. The court fled to Sian, and representatives of the Dowager Empress had to sue for peace. The terms of the agreement signed in 1901 were the harshest imposed on China by Western powers.

a) What similarities are there between the 2 rebellions?

b) Download and complete this chart.


In 1857-1858, India experienced a large uprising against the British, led by Muslim and Hindu sepoys -- soldiers trained in the European military tradition -- and joined by several native Indian princes. The rebellion was put down by the British, aided by loyal Indian troops. The British termed the event the Sepoy Mutiny; Indians called it the Great Rebellion. From that moment, India fully lost its independence. The British East India Company no longer administerd the subcontinent, and India came under the control of the British parliament.

The British governed India with a civil service composed of a small European elite of about 3,500 persons in 1900, and a British-trained bureaucracy of Indian officials. They administered a subcontinent of 300 million people, speaking many languages, and composed of Hindus, Muslims, and others. In local areas, native princes often continued to rule in accordance with British policy. In 1876, parliament proclaimed Queen Victoria Empress of India.

British rule did create unity and an infrastructure that would eventually give India the means to achieve independence. A railway system was built, and the Indian economy began to join the world market, though at the cost of undermining domestic industry.

Queen Victoria promised her Indian subjects that all treaties made with them would be respected and that the government would cease further annexation of territories and allow the remaining princes to continue to choose their heirs, so long as they acknowledged her as Empress of India. The British also recognized that the policy of interfering in the customs of local people and making laws that contravened their religious practices was a cause of discontent. The British became much more cautious in forcing "modernization" on Indian society.

Between 1858 and 1914, the British Raj became entrenched in India. The British goal of creating a class of Westernized Indians, through the adoption of the British educational system and the English language, meant that educated Indians were more exposed to Western culture than were other non-Western peoples. While many found much to admire, they balanced a "selective admiration for Western achievements (with) a rejection of much that Europe valued."

Indians often criticized Europe, using Europe's own values. They admitted that India lacked political liberty, but they recognized that the reality in Western countries often fell well short of that ideal. Indian observers were struck by the continual violence among European nations, by the degraded state of the poor, by the conflicts among religious sects, and by the condition of women. One argued that young women were educated "to supress all strong and independent expressions of thought, to ignore all emotions except the kindly emotions of pity or love, (and) to affect a delicacy of feeling where perhaps none was felt." Indians also found the West wanting when they compared it with the traditional values of their own society. Western life lacked the warmth, openness, and affection central to Indian life and was excessively formal and too focussed on consumerism. Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) saw Western culture as unique and great, but he also saw no reason for Indians to be ashamed if their culture had different values, emphasizing society over individual self-interest.

Not all Indian critics of the West became nationalists, though the nationalist movement did emerge from among the English-educated urban elite. It was men from this group who founded the Indian National Congress in 1885. The early leadership of the Congress was moderate in its methods and aims. One of the most significant issues that concerned the National Congress was the Indianization of the administration. On the economic front, there were protests against the drain of wealth and the high costs of administration charged to India by the British.

By the mid-1890's, some nationalists began to criticize the modernation of the Congress. Bal Gagadhar Tilak (1856-1920) and other leaders espoused religious nationalism. The aggressive imperialism of Lord Curzon, the Viceroy between 1899 and 1905, particularly his partition of Bengal in 1905, roused Indian resistence. While the British claimed that this measure was intended to achieve greater administrative efficiency, many Bengalis saw it as a divisive gesture, meant to pit Hindus against Muslims, and encourage Muslim separatism.

In response to the partition, nationalists launched the Swadeshi Movement (1905-1908), an economic boycott of British-made textiles in favour of locally produced cloth. The nationalists also shunned the British courts and educational institutions. The staunch resistence convinced the government to set aside the partition, but the damage to British rule was done. It spurred the growth of nationalism and provided militant nationalists with a platform. Addressing the Congress in 1907, Tilak said:

We shall not give them assistance to collect revenue and keep peace. We shall not assist them in fighting beyond the frontiers...with Indian blood and money We shall not assist them in carrying on the administration of justice. We shall have our own courts, and when the time comes we shall not pay taxes. Can you do that by your united efforts? IF you can, you are free from tomorrow.

The National Congress, dominated by Hindus, next made home rule with an elected parliament its highest priority, but by the early twentieth centurymany were calling for complete independence. Indian nationalism challenged both Britain and local princes who co-operated with the British. Serious divisions among Indian nationalists along regional, language, and religious lines continued to exist. An Indian Muslim League was organized in 1906. Yet, Western domination had created universal demands for the ideals espoused by the West.

Answer the following questions:

a) From India's perspective, what were the advantages and disadvantages of British colonization?

b) Outline why the Indian National Congress was formed and what its aims were.


The Spanish and Portuguese lost control of their large empires in the first part of the nineteenth century, but Iberian culture was now part of the identity of Latin America. Most people were Catholic. Brazilians spoke Portuguese, and others spoke Spanish. There were many mestizos, a mixture of native and European ancesty, and many others of different backgrounds.

In the nineteenth century, the United States came to dominate the region, both expanding its own borders and protecting what it regarded as its sphere of influence. After having already annexed the area that became the state of Texas in 1845, the United States went to war with Mexico in 1846, to gain more territory. Americans began to follow a policy of Manifest Destiny, a term coined in 1845, as a warning to other antions to be wary of "hampering our power, limiting our greatness and checking the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent alloted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions."

In September 1847, US tropps entered Mexico City. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of 1848 gave the United States hald of Mexico's territory, including California, New Mexico, and the Rio Grande boundary of Texas in exchange for $15 million adn the assumption of Mexican debts to American citizens of up to $3.5 million. The United States had become a Pacific Power, incorporating areas dominantly Spanish in language and Latino in culture.

The imperialism of the 1890's saw the United States assert its authority in Latin America. The motives were similar to those of the Europeans. Some Americans believed in a national mission and feared that, if not active, the United States would be left behind in the international competition.

In 1895, a revolt in Cuba against arbitrary Spanish rule brought the United States and Spain into war. Americans thought that both Cuba and the United States would be better off under United States influence. Thus, in 1898, the United States intervened and easily defeated Spain. The victory in the Spanish-American War resulted in Guam, the Phillipines, and Puerto Rico being ceded by Spain to the United States. The Filipinos rebelled, but the United States crushed the rebellion. US influence now extended beyond the Western Hemisphere. Though Cuba was granted independence in 1902, the United States still reserved the right to intervene in its affairs.

The United States also wanted to construct a canal through the Isthmus of Panama. When Columbia refused, the United States intervened and established Panama as a separate country in 1903. Then, the United States and the new Republic of Panama signed a convention that allowed the Americans to buld the canal on the most favourable terms.

In 1904, President Theodore Roosevelt proclaimed his "corollary" to the Monroe Doctrine, in which he asserted the right of the United States to police Latin America. This was more than rhetoric. The United States sent its troops into the Dominican Republic in 1905 and Nicaragua in 1912. They remained in effective control in the latter country until 1933.

Across Latin America, in the late nineteenth century, the elite responded to Western power by seeking to imitate it. Several countries found themselves in the ambiguous position of feeling victimized by imperialism, while creating similar problems internally.

Answer the following questions:

a) Explain how foreign occupation could encourage nationalist sentiment in various colonies.


A. Imperialism Map

Answer the following questions based on the map 'Imperialism and the Balance of Power'

1. How many different countries have colonies?

2. Which country has the largest colonial empire?

3. Which continents are almost completely controlled by other countries? Which continents are only controlled by a few countries?

4. What could be a different title for this map?

B. Data on Colonial Empires

Examine the following charts to answer these questions:

a) About how many square miles of territory does France control?

b) What is the TOTAL population controlled by the 5 countries shown in this chart?

c) Based on this information, which country has the largest colonial empire? Does this answer agree with your answer to question 2 above in section A 'Imperialism Map' ?

C. Impact of Colonization Data

Look at the chart below and answer these questions:

a) Which 2 areas of the world are almost completely controlled by colonial powers? Does this answer agree with your answer to question 3 above in section A 'Imperialism Map' ?

b) Make some conclusions about Imperialism based on the information above.

c) During this time in history, which country do you think was the most powerful? Why?

d) During this time in history, which regions of the world were most sought after by the Europeans?

e) Make a guess: How do you think imperialism impacted the continents outside of Europe?

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