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My name's charlotte and i'm 14 yrs old

I dont say much but I smile a lot?, Here's another picture of me Smiling this time i'm sitting on my taid's knee.
Taid says this is his favourite picture in all the world
come back next week to find out what I got for christmas.


My Name is Charlotte And I am on holiday in Wales with my Brother's and sister. We are staying with our Nana and Taid. If you walk around Caernarfon and see four children all dressed in the same clothes that's us, I'm the one that's always smiling and with the long hair.Today we all had orange T shirts on, We are in Caernarfon for the rest of the Summer, so if you see me say Hello Charlotte

Charlotte playing with Taid's mobile


2005        My School  My Music   My Joke's     2006

My Medals ;    My fave Things     Elle Mae and Mckenzie 3rd Birthday

My Holidays in Cymru / Wales  More Pictures Try My Quiz    

Try My Camera     Video's   Drawings to Colour     Join The Dots  

The Maze    MSN Games  Tic Tac Toe   Album     Album 1   Album 3  

The day we went to the quarry in Wales All Pictures

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