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A Page For Doc...

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July 12th, 1966 - August 4th 2000

Mike you will be missed.... is where you all come in....I'd like anyone that cares to share a memory, or little story.....a little anything....
I'd like for this to be a place for his daughters, for when they begin asking about the man that is their Father, for this to be a place for them to learn about their Father, from his friends.
Over the next few days, I'll be adding your thoughts as I can...please e-mail me with anything you would like to share...
*new addy* *new addy*
and if you would be so kind....please add a real pic, and your usual vp av...(mouse over the av's to see why I'd like both pics)...thx.....for now....
John aka sno*man

A THOUSAND APPOLIGIES TO ALL....due to an extraordinarily rare dual hard drive failure at Bravenet, all the guest-book enteries prior to August 23rd 2000 were lost... and the counter has been set back by nearly 450 hits... Those of you that are visiting for the first time... there were nearly 30 enteries lost, further testimonal to the many lives touched in some way by this man.
Those of you that had signed...I'm sorry to have to ask, but if you can find it within you to re-sign the guest-book, the rest of us would really appreaciate your effort. And again...I'm sorry for this...(and Bravenet swears it won't happen again.)

This is a poem that I think doc would say to us if he could. I hope you find some peace in it...........

I am near...

I know that you will miss me......your heart will cry out, "why?"
and the tears will come quickly to try to dim your eyes.
Don't worry about me, just look toward the sky.
You may see me standing with jesus by my side.

For I'm safe in god's heaven. He's holding my hand.
I can see his angels coming, someday you'll understand.
For I'm safe in god's heaven. He's holding my hand.
I can see his angels coming to whisper in your ear, "I am near."

Sometimes there is no answer that seems to satisfy.
So hold to our father's hand. His peace he will supply.
Don't worry about me, just look toward the sky.
You may see me standing with jesus by my side.

For I'm safe in god's heaven. He's holding my hand.
I can see his angle's coming, someday you'll understand.
For I'm safe in god's heaven. He's holding my hand.
I can see his angels coming to whisper in your ear........"I will always be near"

pic of sherri
I have had a couple of weeks to decide what I wanted to share about my husband with everyone who reads this page. John designed this page so that when our daughters began to ask questions about their daddy I would have a place to bring them. So, the first thing I want to say is thank you to everyone who has shared a little piece of Doc for me to share with Felicia and Makayla. You have all said such wonderful things about him that we will cherish always. It is just too bad that Doc could not see how much he truly was liked and loved. I will forever wonder why he did what he did and even more when our children begin to question me. Anyways, this is a page to remember so that is what I will do. I have so many memories as he and I were together 8 years and 7 of those we were married. I have been trying to think of all the things I want the girls to remember and to know about him. The things that make him the man he was. Doc spent 10 years in the Army and he was a great soldier and leader; always thinking of his soldiers first and doing whatever was expected of him. Doc spent 6 months in Desert Storm and a year in Bosnia. His troop was one of the first to cross over into Bosnia on the pontoon bridge. I remember after he was gone well over a month the very first phone call I received from him. I can remember that day like yesterday. I was so excited that I spent most of our conversation in tears because I was so excited to hear his voice. One of the girls I worked with wanted me to ask him if he had had a shower yet. In Doc's silliest voice he said to me " Sher I am standing in mud to my knees and our camp has only been set up for about a day now, do you really think that I have had a shower." The conditions that he lived in over there were horrendous but he survived them and so did we. Anyways, I think that is all I will share about his military life. When Felicia was born I will never forget how he was with her. My mom was making fun of him because he would make the ugliest faces if anyone that came to see us would hold her too long. He did not like the idea of having to share her with anyone including me. As a matter of fact all of the pictures taken in the hospital when she was born were of him holding her. LOL. Then almost four years later our second treasure arrived in a hurry. A whopping two and a half hours of labor and Makayla was born. I am very lucky because everyday I get to look into the eyes of the two greatest gifts he could have ever given me; Felicia with her daddy's platinum blonde hair, facial features and build. She will grow up to be a very beautiful woman I am sure. Makayla is a Severson through and through, so very stubborn and afraid of absolutely nothing. God help me, but I know she will be as brave as her father. Doc I hope that you will guide our children throughout their lives to make sure that they will make the best decisions they can and if they ever feel the pain that you did I hope that you will guide them down a better path then the one you chose for yourself. I have told the girls that they are lucky because they have a guardian angel to look after them; one that they can talk to whenever they need someone and mom just won't do. So, Doc please listen and tell them what you can. Whenever they are out in the sun too long remind them to go inside so that they will not get as burned as you did when we were in Spain. We were so sunburned we had to spend an entire day in our hotel room because neither one of us could handle the sun shining on us and you couldn't hardly put clothes on because you were burned just about everywhere. Oh how I laughed when I saw you in the bathtub and the only place white on you was where your shorts were. Good thing we hadn't decided to go to a nude beach. LMAO. Then there was the time when you had knee surgery and wanted me to cut up your food. I had to remind you that you had had surgery on your knee and not your elbow. I would like for you to let our children know that they are not helpless and can take care of themselves. Hehehe. Well I guess I have shared enough of your embarrassing moments so I think I will share one of your funny thoughtful things. When you see tears in our daughters eyes I wonder will you tell them what you used to tell me. I think of it everytime I start to cry now. I know that you are up in heaven saying, "Sher what are you doing? Why are you crying? You need to be strong because the girls need you. Do I have to tickle you until you pee your pants to make you stop crying?" LOL. I cannot tell you how many times I heard those words. Hon you never made me pee my pants but you certainly did tickle me often enough. I hope you know that I love you and like the words from our wedding song: " Our love is unconditional. We knew it from the start." You will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for giving me your beautiful gifts; our beautiful daughters. Through the good and all the bad I wouldn't trade the years I spent with you for anything. I hope you are happy and no longer hurting. If I know you, you are holding that halo of yours up with your horns and tail. You truly were a wonderful man and I will miss you always. Please guide me and have faith in my decisions for mine and the girls lives as I will do the best I can to raise them as you would expect me to. Hopefully someday our paths will cross again but with any luck it will be a very long time as I think our girls need me here on earth for now.

To John aka Sno_man, thank you so much for this magnificent page you unselfishly made for my children. You are a wonderful person and I will treasure your friendship always.

To Saff and Only who were there for both Doc and I during rough times and good ones thank you. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and New Years that will forever be memorable. I will treasure your friendships as well forever.

To JH for that wonderful eulogy I can never thank you enough. You pegged all the good things about Doc. I couldn't have asked for anything better.

To Mnmom2, Shy, and Angel, thank you for your support at the funeral and the roses that you left for him. They will always be kept with him.

To Jesse and Bergie more thanks then I could ever tell you for being Doc's friends and more. I hope that you will always be a part of our lives.

To the Severson family I want to thank you for letting me be a part of your family. I love all of you so much and feel blessed to be with you. I only hope that all of the pain of the past and present will subside. You have had many rough times and it is now time to forgive and go on. I promise you that is what Mike would want. I know because we have talked about it so often. He did love all of you very much. You all will always hold a special place in my heart. I promise to never let our children forget their family and most especially their daddy. I say daddy because any man can be a father. It takes a special person to be a daddy and that is what he was.

Doc I love you and I miss you so very much. I will never forget you. Thank you for seven wonderful year of marriage and friendship.

pic of sno
I perhaps didn't get the chance to know Mike as well as some, but in the short year or two since we met, it was clear to me there was a connection there. Some common ground, sometimes so uncommon as we go though life...
It's funny, the concept of meeting someone, and getting to know them without having met face to face, it's like a short cut to the personallity, without all the ritual and hang-ups of the first impression. When we did finally meet in Bancroft, within a minute, it was as though we had always known each other... Your sense of humor...that easy laugh, the journey of friendship we had begun, will be sadly missed.
Catch ya next time bro....

pic of missy
A friend, is someone you knew you had in Doc... There were times he made me laugh.. Times he made me mad...but it never lasted long.. I knew that if I needed a smile, I could just say Hi... I didnt have the pleasure of meeting him in real, but felt I knew him as if I had.. He was a great friend, and I will miss him deeply. I love ya will be missed..but never forgotten...
Your friend always

pic of ann
Doc aka Mike I love you with all my heart.....and know you will remain there......your at peace now and I know you will be with us take care my friend 'til I see you again.......your my angel now.
God bless his family and friends and if I can do anything please don't hesitate to ask......
love you all Annie

pic of mom
Doc I never got extremely close to you. You always were a true gentleman with me. I know from the 2 years or so that I knew you online you were extremely proud of your family. I remember painting av's for hours for you and Sherri and so glad our lives crossed if only briefly. Having the opportunity of meeting you in Bancroft was wonderful and sure makes one take count of special memories. Watching you laugh, joke around , cook and be a great friend and family member to all that were present stands out the most for me. We don't always understand why things happen....but I know your in good hands now and hope all the pain and hurt has gone for you. Keep smiling down on us Doc. We love you and won't forget how you have touched our lives.
Debra (MOM)

pic of pebbs
We get online and we make friends, some are more special than others... You let them in your heart and you come to love them and look for them when you are on... Doc you were one of those special people that makes others smile... You always was ready to listen to others and lend your shoulder to cry on you were and are a dear friend... you will be missed... as will your funny emails... Always holding you near... You didnt let us say goodbye... so this is our special way of doing it... Thanks for being a part of my life and the love that you showed... Your always in my heart....

pic of goddess
Doc, you are a wonderful person, and a wonderful friend. I never heard you utter a bad word towards anyone. You are the epitomy of what a real man is and shoud be. I will miss you deeply. Knowing you online has given me faith again in humanity and man-kind. You are truly missed. As for you family, my thoughts and prayers are with you. May God take your hand and guide through this hard time. All my love, Goddess, (Michelle)

pic of ladybug
I could go on for hours with stories about Doc. It seemed as tho it was a split second in time that we were such very close dear friends. Doc, you were one of my angels during my darkest moments. You will remain to be an angel by my side. Your laughter will always resound in my heart. Our friendship was always based on total truth with one another and I will treasure it always. I wait for the time we will meet again my friend. To share a treasured moment once again with a very treasured friend. I love you always....

pic of crickett
It was truly an honor to have been able to know you Doc. We go back to the days when you didn't know how to do a web page or a gesture. I still remember when we used to talk about finding songs for your page and all the questions you asked (like I had a clue) and you asking me to make you a gesture for "Friends of Chatters". I'll keep that gesture forever my friend. I thought then as I do now the The Best of Times pretty much covered it. Although we are missing you dearly, I know you are now free of the turmoil that wouldn't let you go. You were always first and foremost a gentleman and that is how I will always remember you. You made us smile and were there when we needed someone to talk with. We'll try to make sure your beautiful daughters know just how much you were loved and respected. We're praying for them to have the strength they will surely need in the days ahead. I know you've found the tranquility and peace of mind you were searching for and for that I'm grateful. You will always be in our thoughts, our memories and our hearts.
Love, Cindy (Crickett)

pic of jesse
Words can never express how much you mean to me Doc. You touched my heart like no other man ever has or ever will. You see bud..not only were you a great friend but like I told you not that long ago. I feel that fate brought you into my life because we were meant to be together since the begginging of both our lives. We didnt really talk as much as I would've liked to, but mere words didnt need to be spoken because like we both know..what you were thinking at the time, so was I. Having the chance to finally meet you face to face in Bancroft meant the world to me..just wish we had done it sooner brother. Seeing your smile & looking into your eyes I knew that you truly are 1 of a kind bud. It still warms my heart seeing the way all the kids swarmed around you as if you were their big brother...I know my boys will never forget you & I thank-you so very much for letting them into your heart. I know how much your daughters meant to you bro & I make you this much as I can I will do anything to help & will forever be their uncle jesse. It's still hard to believe that your not here with us..I keep thinking that you'll suddenly appear. Someday we will see each other & knowing'll have a bunch of gestures waiting because remember I'm still one up on you. Just keep in mind bro. If you ever get the chance, we talked about you coming out here sometime this fall. If your even in our neighbourhood,there's a room & a bed..the offer still stands bud. So if you need a rest please feel welcome, as it would be an honour to have you here with me. Please know that I'm thinking of you & we will see each other again. I'll never say goodbye to you bro & you probably know why. Well thats all for now & I'll talk with you soon..just know that I love you brother & your with me forever.
*kissing your forehead*
I'll see you later bro
your brother

pic of cami
Doc hon, you are an awesome man. You have a great sense of humor, generous and so kind hearted to so many people, you will be with us ALWAYS. I haven't known you as long as the other chatters, but you touched me in a way that only you know. You'll always have a special place in my heart. And to you two little angels, your daddy loved you with all his heart and soul and you meant the world to him,, please dont ever forget that. And Sherri hon, god bless you in these times of trial, never really got to know you that well,, just stay strong and keep smiling. God Bless all of you and chatters too!!
Love you all, Cami

pic of mnmom
You left without any warning
Some say it was at late that night, others say early that morning

We are all hurt because you lied, but mostly because we lost you
When we heard, most of us didnt know what to do

We miss you so much that we ache
We didnt know how much more pain we could take

But we are finally beginning to heal
It is hard, nobody could ever explain the pain that we feel

We are all glad that you are in a better place
But anyone of us would give anything just to see your face

You are watching over us now with a smile on your face
We sure hope that you are having fun in such a beautiful place

We want you to know that we are keeping your name around
The tears roll silently down, showing all of our pain, but making no sound

Anytime that you need us we are here
Dont think that we arent, forget that fear

We wish that we could tell you that we miss you
We can in our dreams, and that is what we do

We also wish that we could look you in the eye
And say, I love you and goodbye
Doc I miss you so much but know you are at peace with yourself and are feeling no more pain. I am so glad I had the opportunity to have you come into my life. We shared many great times and hard times. You never realize what someone means to you until they are gone, Doc hon, you were and are a big part of my life and I am very blessed for that. It's funny how you start chatting and shooting the breeze, where ya from, how old are you, and that turns into an unbelievable friendship that only other chatters can relate to. Doc you touched many hearts and have a special place in my heart. Good-bye hon and all my love...
mnmom2 -- Michelle

I talked to you only a few times Doc. Everytime you treated me with such respect and kindness that I will never be able to forget you. To your family, my prayers for you. May you find peace. Godspeed Doc.....

pic of shep
I didn't really know what to say or if I wanted to say anything untill I read some of the other comments and memories shared. I never met Doc and didn't talk with him everyday. But with Doc, he wasn't concerned with how much you talked or how well you knew him, he just wanted to give a kind 'Hello' and 'Have a great evening' that was meant from the heart to who ever wanted to accept it. He was glad to help in anyway he could and just a kind gesture in life made him happy. He and Jesse helped me get started making gestures. Doc always seemed to be around when I had a question and didn't hesitate to give me a hand. Most of my friends know I have no patience when it comes to this puter stuff. Doc somehow understood that and would explain it in a very simple and understanding way. I hope to take some of his patience, kindness, and understanding and pass it along as I go through life just as Doc did. He's not just my 'Friend', He's everyone's 'Friend'...

pic of halp
Hiya all.
I knew Doc only well enough to have begun to look forward to talking to him in VP. I know, though, that he must have been one fine human being for his passing to bring about the outpouring of emotion I have seen here. That's good enough for me. The following is, I think, my best effort at a fitting tribute:
About the only thing, other than VP, that I know I have in common with you, Doc, is that I too have served in the US Army. My service was not on a plane with yours. I was drafted and chose to serve only my two-year obligation. You, on the other hand, devoted your life to serving our country. For that service, some 210,000,000 people are eternally indebted to you. I can't come to your funeral, Doc, but maybe I can serve on your Virtual Honor Guard. I'm doing this from memory, Doc, forgive me for any mistakes:
"Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to honor our fallen brother." I march slowly to your graveside. At the command "Present arms," with the rest of the detail, I salute with military precision the like of which I could never hope to achieve in real life. "Order arms." Taking the folded American Flag, I execute a perfect about face and present the flag to your next of kin, "On behalf of a grateful nation." After stepping back one pace, I salute again, crisply. Three volleys from seven rifles. The bugler sounds taps. Fare thee well, safely rest, God is nigh. Stand at ease Staff Sergeant. (Salute)
--Sp5 Halp51

pic of blue
Hey Doc!!!
Hiya are you?
Darn where have you been? I miss chatting with you!
I miss you landing in the room and 'on' us lol ...I miss your teasing...your laughter...your kindness...your words yeah I even miss your gestures :)
I miss your emails... I don't think there was a day went by without an email from you.
I kept one of you emails in touched my heart...its probably one of the most touching emails I have ever received...I hope you don't mind, but I forwarded it to share with all of our fellow chatters.
Hey, I was thinking about Bancroft today.. lol we had fun huh??? Gosh, I'm so darn proud to have met you are a darn sight taller than I imagined though!!!...I swear when you hugged me I thought I was going to get lost in those arms of yours..and the way you were with everyone, just such a natural guy.
Never a 'woooser!' in my books hun...and damn what a cook!
Gosh it was a great week ...shared some tears huh? But good tears...Im glad I got to share those with you.
Well hun.... I guess its time I left you in peace... I hope you are happy Doc, and smiling that special smile of yours.... I love you Doc, you have part of my heart and I part of yours....
Take care of you always

p.s. those wings look kinda cute hun :)

pic of coach
Doc I guess this is goodbye to a dear friend. I'm going to miss your help and friendship. It was a pleasure to finally meet and party with you in Bancroft. Everyone that was there got to see just what a fantastic man you were. The kids,and the chatters will never forget you. My heart goes out to your girls and Sherri, for they truly lost a great friend and father. I have no doubt that we will meet again, and until then bud... I will take the blame.
Your bud Coach61

pic of happs
Dearest Felicia and Makayla,
What a wonderful man your daddy was. So caring, loving, kind and gentle. He was a very dear friend, someone you could always turn to, he always had time to listen, always had time for a friend. When I was feeling down, he always knew just how to make me smile. I have many wonderful memories of times shared with him that I will hold in my heart forever. He touched so many lives with his love.
So don't be sad little ones, Daddy is in heaven now, watching over you, and he will be with you always, in your hearts, as he will be in mine.
May God bless and keep you, Love Felicia {Happs}
p.s. Doc, thanks for letting me in. I miss you and I wuvs ya,,,,,,always,,,,,,,Godspeed my dear dear friend,,,,,,,,,

pic of peaches
We woke this morning to a chill in the air
But not as cold as the one in our hearts
For you see you are gone
Lost to us forever

You were a good friend to all
Some more then others
But you were still loved
By all that knew you

When we think of you our eyes fill with tears
our hearts fill with pain
but we still have the memories of you
that we will carry on through our years
You will never fade in our hearts because
You have touched each of us in your own special way

You are in a place with no more pain
You have a new life filled with love & joy
But even though we all know that you are safe now
we still miss you so much & love you just the same
We love you Doc and always will
We miss you so much

Doc...I remember the first day I met you, it was in the old chatters. From that day on we became good friends, you were always there when I needed a shoulder to lean on & for this I am very grateful. You were a special kind of man & a special friend to all that knew you well. You will ALWAYS be in my heart hun & I am so glad that I finally got to put a face with the name & voice when we met face to face in Canada. I still wonder why you did this, but I know that you are in a better place now, free from pain & loneliness. Now when I go out at night & look up at the stars, the brightest one I see will be you looking down upon me smiling. Doc, I miss you hun & always will, you were a great friend to me......I love you.......
sherrie aka _PEACHES38

pic of txdream
Doc was a wonderful person and a very close friend. He always knew when I needed a shoulder or a good laugh, and I'm sure he was the same for anyone that crossed his path. He will always be in my heart and will never be forgotten. The following is a verse from a poem that was read at my mom's service. It helped me and I hope some day it will help his girls...
I won't be far away for life goes on
So if you need me, call and I will come.
Though you can't see or touch me, I'll be near
and if you listen with your heart, you'll hear
All my love around you soft and clear.
I love you Doc and will miss you,

pic of dream
I've known Doc for quiet awhile now and have always thought he was a very nice young man...always laughing and funny. When I first met Doc....I made him his first web page and he was so excited and had to learn to do it himself. I remember when he added the fish to was so funny. He talked a lot about Sherrie and the girls, and you could tell he took a lot of pride in them. Meeting Doc in Canada was a real bonus for me. He was as nice in person as he was in VP. I will miss you a lot Doc and my prayers are with your girls and your family. I know this has to be a hard time for them.

pic of body
One day you're here
The next you're gone
what memories we have
to carry on
Good words of wisdom
A smile, A tear
You were a father
Loved so dear
We know where you are
For now you're at home
But in our heart
your memories live on
I hope we will meet
Again one day
to tell you how much
you were missed
while you were away

pic of beauty
Dear Doc,
I still cant believe you have left the real world. I had just talked to you a few days before they say you left. You and I had a very nice conversation about family and what we had been doing lately. I miss talking to you and being here when you needed someone to talk to and vice versa. I miss comparing things about army life. I wish you peace and happiness my friend. Someday we will all meet again. Until then I hold a prayer in my heart for your daughters and Sherri. May their pain subside and they remember the good times they had with their loving father. God Bless and Keep you all.
Love your friend, Ann (Beauty)

pic of kitcat
hi doc ~ it is one of those quiet nights and I'm just sitting here thinking and reading what everyone has written to you there is a lot of love in this page, lots of memories, lots of laughter smiles and tears and I feel ya ~ just like I always did, making sure I was ok. Pretty sure I'll see you next time around. Can't help but think we are all here to learn and they aren't easy lessons ~ we manage to smile our way thru many, but no matter what anyone says, most of us are closer to the edge than we like to admit... I feel your peace now and pray your new journey will nourish your soul and comfort you. I will think of you everytime someone reaches out their hand to me and I start to pull mine back... perhaps I will learn to put it out there and I will learn to hold on tighter. I'll think of you in quiet times and in moments of laughter and giggles and mostly when I feel a smile start across my face as someone greets me.

When all our tears have reached the sea
Part of you will live in me
Way down deep inside my heart
The days keep on coming without fail
New wind is gonna find your sail
That's where your journey starts

You'll find better love
Strong as it ever was
Deep as the river runs
Warm as the morning sun
Please remember me

Just like the waves down by the shore
We're gonna keep on comin' back for more
Cause we don't ever wanna stop
Out in this brave new world you seek
Oh the valleys and the peaks
And I can see you on the top

Remember me when you're out walkin'
When snow falls high outside your door
Late at night when you're not sleeping
And moonlight falls across your floor
When I can't hurt you anymore
Please remember me doc~ remember all of us we will remember you peace and love brother

pic of jh
HI Ya big bastard
Yhea it's me JH and I just wanted to put in print the same thing we have told each other many times and that would be "Hello my friend Hello". DOC - you certainly are an inspiration for those of us that really are trying to be true gentleman and an honest friend to people and even a good father. While many of us understood your anger and fustration, even the best of friends cannot wave a wand and make it dissapear. Your choice of resolution is one that agreed with your needs and as always DOC, - I'll support your decisons 100% and respect you for making a descion to resolve your despairity. As your friend I ask only one thing DOC - should you see me or any of your friends and relatives going down troubled ways or fixen to make a decison of poor judgement - Speak to us my friend. Guide us in ways that only you and GOD would be able to see and understand.
Your Friend
P.S.- In the event you were still at the Pearl Gate Bar and Grille - I read your eulogy and tried my best to address everyone and tried my best to include that DOC humor. Show us the way DOC - we are counting on ya buddy

pic of crackers
How do I put to words, the emotions one feels at a time like this? I've lost both my Parents, and two brothers in my 36 yrs of life. Its always so difficult for the family. Chatters is an extended family, and we are feeling it also. I didn't know him as well as some. But He was someone who could always put a smile on your face, just because of his presence. My Heart goes out to his family, and his Children he left behind. I suppose we all wish we could of made a difference and feel sadness because we didn't get to say goodbye.
You went through much pain in your life,
so god gave you a rest.
Gods garden must be beautiful,
for he only takes the best.
Our hearts are still aching,
Our silent tears still flow.
For what it meant to lose you,
No one could ever know.
We will miss you dearly
Goodbye and God bless

pic of jet
I really dont know what to say. I will miss Doc very much. I always looked forward to his antics when I got a chance to get online...He has been online since I started chatting in married life a few years ago and have gotten use to him picking on everyone. He was a great friend and a charished fellow chat addict. I wish that I would have gotten to meet him in person but it just didnt work out for us to meet. Thank you for being a friend Doc. We all love and miss you very much. Keep the couch warm for us all when we come to join you in Heaven. May God invite you to sit at his table with him for a wonderful dinner each and every night.

Please come back and visit again!
There will be more added over the next few days!!!!