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A New Home

(***The scene opens up right outside of the TXW headquarters. A man in a black leather jacket, loose fitting blue jeans and a large, black cowboy hat walks out the front door, a piece of paper in hand. He carefully folds up the paper and slides it into the inside pocket of his leather jacket. The man finally looks up, showing his whole's Beavis Jones. Noticing the camera, he flashes a quick smile.***)'s all done, signed, sealed and delivered. Beavis Jones is a part of TXW, officially. And what a feeling it is. A new home. A new begining. Well, something of a new home. I look around and I se a lot of the same guys I saw in a few new faces as well. I like it. I am really looking forward to it, infact. The chance to show every TXW fan what every MCW fan already knows...that I am the absolute best in this business, bar none. But, I guess the only people that truly know that were also a part of MCW. Some of you new guys, you will just have to wait and see what The Beav is capable of, eh? The rest of you though, and I am talking about guys like Deadly Games, Spectre, Xep and all know what I am about. I wasn't the MCW Universal Champion from start to finish in that organization for no reason. And, despite the fact that I have been away from in-ring action for a couple of weeks, have no worries...ring rust is not a phrase in Beavis Jones' vocabulary. The only thing all of you need to worry about is when your name is across from mine on the night's schedule

(***Beavis reaches into a pocket in his jeans and pulls out a package of gum. He offers a piece to the camera man, who declines. Beavis puts a piece into his own mouth and starts chewing, then walking towards the parking lot. The camera follows, catching every word***)

Speaking of which, I am told that on the first TXW Wednesday Chaos, the man whom I will be facing is none other than the MCW "Legend" himself, Brad "The Icon" Shaw. I must say, I was pleased as punch to hear it. What better way to start off my TXW career than to face someone the calibre of Brad Shaw, eh? Well, I mean, it'd be even BETTER if Shaw had been active the past few months, but hey, I am not one to complain of such things. Anyway, I heard most of what Shaw has already said about me. And, some of it is true. Yes, Brad, it is true that you and I do hold some history together. And yes, brad, it is true that in your one MCW match, I pinned you to the mat, 1...2...3. And once again, yes, Brad, it is true that I am coming into TXW, right here, with a lot of steam behind me. But, Brad, that is where your truths end, my friend. You see, yo useem to think that there is some sort of "law" that deems that I will fall from my little perch here. Well, it may happen, I can't deny that. But, not without one HELL of a fight. However, does that mean that you will be the one to do it? Hardly. The fact is, Brad, that despite all of your, and Deadly Games', efforts in MCW, you couldn't beat me. Attack me from behind, I get back up. Try to screw me out of my title, I knock ALL THREE of you down. Face it, I took everything that the three of you had, and I shoved it back down your throats. And I intend to do the same, here, in TXW. You are a certifiable legend, in some circles. So am I. Most of you don't even really know about my past, other than Spectre. And, one of these days, I may even give you a history lesson. But, for now, I am going to forget all about the past, and focus onto the future.

(***Beavis stops when he gets to his black 1997 'Vette. He puts a hand on the hood of the car, slowly stroking it. He turns back to the camera***)

You are mad, Shaw. You are mad because I brought you down to earth. You say I made you feel shame for the first time. Made you doubt yourself. Well Brad...there really is no reason to feel so bad. Fact is, I have been doing the same thing to hundreds of people all over the word, for the past 8 years in this business. Do I think that you are going to bring your best game? Absolutely, In fact, if you didn't, you'd be bringing shame to yourself. And to your entire career, for that matter. But, will it really be enough? Ask yourself that Brad. Look yourself in the mirror and ask that question. I have already made you doubt yourself once. Done something that, like you said, you never thought any man could do to you. That is why I say that I am the best thing going, Shaw. Why worry about beating a man in the ring when I know that I have already beaten him in his own mind? The physical part is the easy part Shaw. But, I am sure you already know that. So, you keep telling yourself that you are better than me if you want. Tell yourself that you are smarter than I. But, in the end, I know, and so do you Brad, that it's all just a big smoke screen. Your tough facade, all of it, it's just you trying to hide the fact aren't 100% sure of yourself anymore. Frankly, Brad, I am not the one rolling the dice here, it's you. I have absolutely nothing to lose going into this match. Win, or lose, I will not doubt myself. But, if you lose...what kind of shame spiral would that send you into? How would you feel about yourself then? And what about your protoges? How would Devon Parkside and Kain Kross look at you? How would THE WORLD look at you, Brad "The Icon" Shaw? I guess we will have to wait and see, eh?

(***Beavis opens the door to his car, pulls his keys out of his pocket and sits down. He shuts the door and revs up the engine. Before he moves anywhere though, he looks at the camera***)

I'll see you Wednesday, Brad

(***Beavis backs up, quickly turning around. He pounds on the gas pedal, making the tires spin, smoke rise all over before speeding out of the parking lot and away from the cameras view as it slowly fades to black***)