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Inspiring Quotes

My Gallery

I am updating at the moment. My HTML knowledge is minimal so bare with me LOL.

NAME: Tammara, J, Moore

SEX: Female

AGE: 23


BIRTH DATE: September, 15th, 1981

BIRTH PLACE: Moncton, NewBrunswick, Canada

PRESENT LOCATION: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

OCCUPATION: College graduate

TALENTS: Sketching, painting, writing, reading.


FAVORITE ARTIST'S: Dali, Monet, Vangough, Rembrandt, Degas

FAVORITE SONG: Tear drops, by portis head, anything by annie lenox as well




FAVORITE CANDY:Cinnamon hearts

FAVORITE FLOWERS:iris's orchids and stargazer lillys


FAVORITE THINGS TO DO: Cuddles and Hugs etc...

FAVORITE AUTHORS: Margaret Atwood, Amy Tan

FAVORITE BOOKS: Handmaids tale by: Margaret Atwood, The bone setters daughter and joy luck club by: Amy Tan ALL Classics are also my Faves like jane eyre and portrait of a lady david copperfield and anna karenina

THINGS I FEAR MOST:Losing people,losing myself, my reality desinigrating in to nothingness, lonliness THINGS I HATE MOST: Liars, mind games, preasuring people, selfishness, people who take people for granted, People who use you you for one thing then take off, cheaters, boys who hit girls.

THING I WANT MOST IN LIFE:To be happy, to be loved, and to love sumone else

HOW DO I WANT TO BE REMEMBERED WHEN IM GONE:As sumone who faught and struggled to be a great and amazing person an idividual who overcame life worst lessons and made them in to a positive landmark to making me who I am today! For people to not realize who and what i am untill im not in their lives any more.

MY IDOL: Grandfather

WHATS LIFE: Its been close to 2 years since updating this page. I thought it was time to clean it up. I have no idea what to say or why I even bother with this stupid page. Are these pages so that people can read them and think they know who you are. Or is it so that we can feel as though we exist in a world where things seem to only be real if they are material or can be seen. Its like those who sit through life observing and watching but dont get off their asses to see and do things in life themselves. Im a bit perturbed at the moment and in that state where all you think is melodramatic. In the almost 2 years its been allot has changed. Life has become more clear to me and how it works. We are told from childhood up through school that we are free. Are we really free? When some one has to work in a job that has litterally made them physically ill from stress because they have to pay bills to live. Is that truely being free. Perhaps comunism isnt such a bad state of politics to be in as long as medical and schooling is held up to a high standard. We are all hamsters running in circles on this big hamster wheel, if we step off were out of line. God forbid if any one was to think for themselves. I live in this world where if you care your an outcast and a target that caring makes you weak. At my age one shouldent experience what I call social numbing. Just dont care to care is to be a bad worker and person. If you care to much your no good and your useless to the corporate conglomorate blood suckers. Im sorry but Im never going to stop caring about other people because the second you stop caring is to give up on the human race. If every one didnt care wed all be killing eachother more people would be killing themselves. We would all be in a hell worse than burning to death. Life has become a trivial game , and it seems only the imoral unethical people win the games of life. my friends, nikkey hayes nikkey D, mark, petula, leona yur awsome, haley yur deffinatly the most sparkly shiny person on this planett and without you it would seem as though we were living in a duller shade of grey, Youve changed who i am and helped me struggle through made me see a better side of things knowing that I at least have one person in my life who lets me know i do exist and that you care :) I dunno what life would be like without you as my best friend going through all the crazy shit life throws at me right by my side and being there for me to cry or scream to if I need to do so. you know I owe you fer everything youve done. Tom youve shown my friend a better side to relationships how they can be and that puts you up there in respectable people books with me. Linda. Diba your a star an individual a true sweet heart I dont get why the shit happens in life when it does seems like it wont take it time it just beats us in the face till we cant move any more, always remember theres a reason for everything that occours lifes hurdels teach us how to be strong and keep going all the bad all the horrible things have reason no matter how harsh the lesson your one of the few with special reason for being here, dont ever forget yur important and are needed in this fucked up world. every one else ill get back to it cuz itll take me for ever to keep the list goin and i dont feel like doin this right now.

people who dont deserve my friendship you know who you are.

This is my icq if you want to get in touch 70449552

Stand up and fight or your just like the rest of the hamsters!