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We are not sure if I am really from Asia.  What we know is that my fur
counts four colours and my legs are always darker than the main part
of my body.  It is not written in the book, but looking at the picture,
Marie-France believe that my face and my ears are also always darker.

I am known is Japan for centurys!  There, we call me "manekineko";
people can see me on paintings and pictures.  Did you notice my tail?
I am calm and affectuous, want to be my friend?  I get along with all
sorts of cats, even if I prefer to be in bobtails company.

I am also called "chat zibeline" and we say that my color is the original
one of all burmese cats.  In the book where the author of this site took
my picture, you could also see burmese who are red, chocolate (dark brown),
cream, blue and pink (mix of chocolate and blue).

We pretend I was brought in Europe during the XVIe century from
South Africa.  People leaving in monasteries took care of me and
appreciate my services as a mice and rats fighter.  I am very
lovely, very bright and I am not scare to face bigger than myself.

My whole name is "chat turc du lac de Van" of the area
I come from.  I love water and do not miss and occasion
to take a bath.  My body is completely white, my tale
and my face are bright red.


I am well known is the United States as the "particoloured cat".
The white between my eyes is important for the people who care
about the "race" of cats.  You probably have seen me in your
children books drinking milk close a barn or playing with a ball.

The korat is from Thailand where it is called "si-sawat", the meaning
of this word is linked to happiness and prosperity.  The korat is
unique, with its short and bright fur of a light blue color.  I have the
reputation of a quick and quiet cat; furthermore, I love to be at home.

One a the oldest race of America, look alike the cat of "Norway", some
people believe that I was brought over Altlantic by the Vikings.  Like
them, I am a giant (a male can wait as much as 14 kilos). The main coon
can be of all colors.

I may have all nuances of blue.  There are so many persans:
chocolate, seal, cream, lilac, cream, black, cream blue, red self,
smoke, smoke blue, white with blue eyes, chinchilla...
Click here to see some more members of the family

I look surprise and a bit sad ut it is just a look, probably due
to my ears.  Am I a chinese cat who came to the Western World on
boat by the end of the XIXe century?  Only one thing particular
for the people who take care of me, yes, they have to clean my ears.

Depending of the book I am one same cat or two differents ones.
The "siamois chocolate point" would have appeared in the sixties
(of the XXe century); if it spends much time under the
sun, his white fur turns reddish.

Generally, looking to the sphinx, people whether love or feel very bad.
The sphinx suddently appeared in Canada in the sixties (again, of the
XXe century).  This cat is not as independent as the other cats,
and when happy, she or he moves the tail like a dog!  Its skin tans.


Periods of Time State and behavior
First week Can not see, very dependant of its mother.
8th - 12th days Begins to open the eyes.
16th - 20th days Starts to walk, eyes wide open.
21th - 25th days Able to walk, even if it is difficult.
Since the 3rd week Starts eating solid food; recognizes sounds, runs at its mother and follow her.
4th and 5th weeks Jumps, starts to climb and plays a lot.
Since 6th week Fights.
8th week Its teeth are grown; its mother stops feeding her/him.
10th - 12th weeks Good time is gone. The young kitten starts to fight for its territory and its food.

Here are some pictures of cats I know personnally

     The informations and the pictures on this site are from the
two following books:

Behrend, Kathrin.  Le chat :  bien le comprendre et bien le soigner.
     Paris :  Hachette, ©1991.  60 p.

Frattini, Stéphane.  Le grand catalogue des chats du monde.
     Toulouse :  Éditions Milan, ©1993.  59 p.

     The instructions to build the sites are from:

Leduc, Daniel et Armand St-Pierre.  HTML :  une approche pédagogique.
     Montréal :  Éditions Vermette, ©1996.  264 p.

    I have also visit some internet sites; among them, two were
especially helpful:

                    Click here to consult                    BENNSPLANET

                    Click here to consult                    GRR

     Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire.  If you would like to make
some comments, I may be contact at the following e-mail address:


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