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My grandbaby, Grace Angela Nicole was born on September 30, 1999 at 11:35 in the morning. She was a tiny newborn at barely 5 pounds. She had a headfull of red hair and large dark blue eyes. My youngest daughter gave birth to her at the young age of fifteen. She gave Grace life after a rape conceived her and she was a true inspriation to her mom and I. Tabitha brought Grace home on October 2 and she was a wonderful mom. Grace was called Gracie by only Tabitha the first few months of her life, then everyone called her by that. Gracie was the light of our lives and loved so much. She was a wonderful baby who was always smiling. The above picture was of Gracie when she was five months old and is the favorite picture of the family's. She had tubes put in her ears to prevent ear infections but the tubes became so infected that she suffered severe hearing loss in both ears. She became frusterated when she couldn't hear and was beginning to learn some sign language through intensive speech and language therapy. A few days before Gracie died, she went to the doctor and Tabitha was told she had an ear infection and she was sent home with medicine. Within twenty-four hours, Gracie was in the emergency room and dianoised with meningitis. Monday, May 21 is a day that I wish would have never happened. Gracie took her last breath at 1:43am and was gone forever from our lives.