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~My Hopes, My Thoughts, My Dreams~

I hope you enjoy your journey through my pages
May my words, pictures and the music lift your spirit!

I never thought I was capable of this accomplishment.

Often I have struggled with the words, the feelings, the emotions, the truth!

My LOVE and GRATITUDE goes to those friends in my life and those who I met through the internet
who believed in me and who encouraged me to strive and to achieve what I never knew I had in me!

If only one of my written words, or pages, have made a positive impact on someones life,
THEN it has been worth every minute!

Live well, Laugh often, Love much!
Dance like there's nobody watching!


*Poetry Challenges-The Poetry Circle & Poets Place*

*My Special Thoughts*

*Creations for Family & Friends*

*My German Creations- Deutsche Seiten*

*Special Friends Links*


August 13, 2000

You can contact me at the following email address
Brigitte's Email

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