Bless Be.
This site was formerly Draven's Lair. If you are currently looking for Draven's Lair I am sorry to report that Draven's Lair is no longer active.
This site is still, however, owned by the same owner of Draven's Lair, Takia The Reimburser. We have changed a few things for this site, it is still however, geared towards the Pagan Community.

Why did we close down Draven's Lair?
It is pretty simple, have you notice the annoying banner add located at the top of this page? Well thats the main reason. Until I find another free service that offers me a lot of the good points of Angelfire however without banner adds, Draven's Lair will remain offline. I am still activly searching for something other than Geocities, so if you have any suggestions please email me. (Click here to Email Me.)

Until then, this site will redirect you to two othersites of your choosing.
The first is a group that I am apart of, CraftChildren, however, this is not the group's website but the newsletter for the group.
(Click here to enter CraftChildren Times.)
The second is a website for Pagan Scholarship Funds. Geared towards any individual looking for a scholarship for their religion. Please visit and help out if you can.
(Click here to enter The Pagan Scholarship Fund.)

As a closing note, I want to thank all whom have visited and offered support for Draven's Lair. I am sorry that because of a few minor problems I have shut the site down. Please look for a link to the new site come later on, when I find a service to go through.
Thank You.
Takia The Reimburser