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Whats Your FairyName

This page gives you your very own fairy's name and details about it .

Whats Your Hobbit Name

For enthusiasts of the book The Hobbit , this web page generates your true hobbit name once you have entered in your current name .

Whats Your Barrow Downs Hobbit Name

Yet another Hobbit name generator.


This page has a cool little program built into its page . Have you ever wondered what a colored blind person sees at your web page . Well at this site you type in any web page address and it comes up with a sample of what they would see . things that make you go Hmmm !

Bembo's Zoo

I stumbled across this site accidentally but thought it was so wonderful that some one would take the time to create this for children i just had to add it here . This is a 1 page flash creation that allows kids to pick any letter of the alphabet , then watch the letters in a animal word that starts with that letter create themselves into that animal . I hope i explained this well enough , and if i didn't well klik the link , its pretty kool !

Graphic Buds

Graphic Buds is a wonderful place to play and learn about Paint Shop Pro . There you will find a abundance of forums , challenges , contests , resources and more . Once a week they have a tutorial chat as well as a challenge . If your looking for a great place to learn , have fun and make some friends then this site is for you .


The Paint Shop Pro Users Group is a great guide for those wanting to learn more about this program . With online classes , community activities , contests and wonderfully helpful forums making it a great place to check out .

Ditto Dot Com

This site has a awesome image search engine . You can type any word in , and it searches the web for images of that nature .

Digital Gold

Besides being the internets largest source of metallic graphics this place has much more to offer . With a plethora of things to see including resources , tutorials , message boards , a monthly drawing and even a store this site is one you wont want to miss.

Nebulus Designs

If your looking for a great contest then Nebulus is a site you'll definitely want to stop at . Besides this theres plenty to see and do with Palette Master , Nebuvision , forums and more . And dont forget to view all the fabulous contest entries.

Picture Dot Com

This site has a slew of picture galleries , but thats not what caught my attention . They have a really cool puzzle game that happens to be a contest . I just liked playing this puzzle game !


The Paint Shop Pro Interactive Zone is another learning school for those wanting to develop more creativity within this program . With forums , tutorials , resources , and contests this place can keep you busy . Dont forget to check out the goodies section for fabulous discounts on graphics software.

Psp Tube Links

I do believe this is the largest tube site online . All tubes are listed alphabetically for your convenience .

Skedales Psp Tube Links

Skedales may be famous for their tubes , but dont stop there . With animations , tutorials and even a web ring you wont want to pass this one by .

Psp Goodies

With filters , stationary , tutorials , fonts and more making this an afternoon of fun . Psp Goodies is a definite bookmark for your browser .

Karens Tubes

Karen is doing a great job of alphabetizing a whole slew of tubes from different web sites for you to download .

Psp Connection

Although Psp Connection is a relatively new site to the web i would guestimate its going to be around for a good long while . At present there are forums covering tutorials , critiques , help , and designing art recreational event (dare).

Graphic Competitions

An up to date listing of several graphics contests . I once found a listing here for designing beer mats , with the winner to recieve a prize of a case of beer , I passed on that one .

Rational Recovery

Rational recovery is a addiction recovery web center that differs greatly in the treatment to recovery versus 12 step programs . If alcohol or drug addiction has touched your life you may want to visit these pages .


S2@ngel is the best place for Ontarians to check out when considering purchasing a new computer , or even just upgrading . With the lowest prices on the best products and personal service this place rocks . They not only cater to families but businesses as well . Theres also a classifieds section as well as computer tech news .

What's in your name

A fun little site that tells you the meanings behind your name .


Better than the canadian magazine itself Chatelaine has the best varied topic forums on the web . Its not just for women any more .

ANNEXCAFE Psp Tubes News Group

This newsgroups members post on a daily basis a huge variety of tubes .

SpaceMans Flameless Tubes Newsgroup

This newsgroups members post on a daily basis a huge variety of tubes . They try to keep their "arena free of flame wars and post mostly home made from scratch tubes .

If you have any problems with my site or would like to comment please contact me