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We have been blessed with a great coach,
and her name is Jan MacMillan.
Without Jan, our team would not be participating in the
Teen Bible Quizzing program.

Jan has assembled an amazing group of teens from one church,
Bridlewood Church of the Nazarene,
(Kanata, Ontario Canada).

She spearheaded the research to get started,
carried out the recruitment of the team members,
other coaches and helpers.

Jan is innovative and creative, and is committed to all
the Quizzers fundraising events and activities,
leads each and every Wednesday practise night,
attends and organizes each Quiz event
and generally, keeps morale high and interest going.

We are so greatful to you, Jan,
for your leadership, dedication and committment
to the Quizzers.

Keep up the GREAT job!!!!

Click here to read a message from Jan.

Vicki joined the team as an assistant coach in December 1999. Vicki helps Jan and Heather-Joy prepare the Wednesday evening practises and loves to come up with fresh and interesting ways to motivate the teaching of the curriculum. She has attended all of the Quiz events since December '99 and looks forward to Quiz 2000 in June.
(Vicki created this website!)

Click here to read a message from Vicki.

Heather-Joy has been with the Quizzers since its beginning fall of '99. She helps out tremendously each and every Wednesday evening. Heather-Joy has a real rapport with all the other teens. As NYI Youth President, she represents the teens wonderfully. She is a good role model and a great friend. We are blessed by her participation and dedication to the team!!!

Click here for Heather-Joy's comments on quizzing.

Kari is a wonderful help to the Quizzers! Not only does he attend each Quiz Event, he doubles as chauffeur, chaperone and has even filled in as Quiz Master at some of the events!!! We are always blessed by Kari's leadership and enthusiasm. Kari's daughter Brittany is a Quizzer!!

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