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Kira's Ganra Plains

Kira, Alemi, and Rubiah wandered down the side of the last mountain that was the chain that made up the Canis Highrise. The white canis and brown fennec had proved to be useful, friendly, compassionate and playful companions here on Dragon Moon. They stopped and looked out across a new set of plains that were flat and brown, with only the odd tree poking up. Grasses rustled softly in waves across them, died brown by the constant heat of the sun. Odd creatures wandered through the foliege; they appeared to be equine in shape but also held an impressive set of feathered wings.

The creatures came in all shapes and sizes, as well as colours. They are called Ganras, Alemi informed his mistriss. And they are quite tasty... The white canis licked his lips in antisapation. "Alemi! How could you even THINK about eating something so beautiful..." Alemi gave her a sheepish grin and nudged her leg reassuringly. If you don't want me to, I won't eat 'em. But...ohhh...that green one there looks plump and juicy...

Kira followed the canis' gaze to where one of the ganras grazed; it's jade coat shimmering in the sun. I believe she is of the earth element, remarked Alemi, serious again. "How can you tell?" Ganras are coloured due to their element. Blue would mean water, red fire, etc. And she is female...well, I can just tell she's female. Call it hunter's intuition. Just then, the ganra lifted her head and spotted them, releasing a loud bugle and taking flight. "Way to go Alemi. You scared her away." Alemi looked up at her innocently. I didn't do a thing. You might want to see what Rubiah's up to.

Kira saw the brown fennec stalking the distrubed female earth ganra, which hovered right above the fennec's head. Kira had to laugh at the outraged look on Rubiah's face as the green flew directly towards Kira and Alemi, Rubiah running behind her as fast as she could (which was fast considering that speed is a brown fennec's specialty). The ganra set down beside Kira, nudging her hand and expecting food. Another, spectacularly coloured rainbow ganra appeared out of no where and also begged Kira for food.

Kira dug some dried berries from her pouch and fed them to the ganra, who knickered with appreciation. The green says her name is Dawn Oasis and she would like to travel with us...and the rainbow is Lightning Crescent and he would also like to come along, informed Alemi, who seemed pleased that he could communicate with the ganras. "It is a pleasure to meet you Dawn Oasis, and Lightning Crescent. I am Kira, this is Alemi, and the fennec is Rubiah. And, of course you may travel with us! The more the marrier!"

A few weeks later, Kira and her collection of critters were finding their way back through the Ganra Plains, heading back towards Kira's homelands. Suddenly, a white male ganra with brilliant flame patterns on his haunches. He was a little skittish about her, but glanced longingly at her other two ganras. Kira approached him slowly, holding out her hand to him. "Would you like to join us?" He is Blazing Eruption. And he agrees, reported Alemi.

The flame ganra stroked his head against Kira's hand, knickering softly. "Well then, we shall continue," she said with a smile.

Ganra's CareTaker: Kira
Ganra's Name: Dawn Oasis
Ganra's Age: Adult
Ganra's Gender: Female
Ganra's Element: Earth
Adopted From: Dragon Moon

Second Ganra's Stats
Ganra's CareTaker: Kira
Ganra's Name: Lightning Crescent
Ganra's Age: Adult
Ganra's Gender: Male
Ganra's Element: Rainbow
Adopted From: Dragon Moon

Third Ganra's Stats
Ganra's CareTaker: Kira
Ganra's Name: Blazing Eruption
Ganra's Age: Adult
Ganra's Gender: Male
Ganra's Element: Fire
Adopted From: Dragon Moon

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