CoyoteMoonFangs (6:14:58 PM): Hi everyone! ravenlunnatic (6:15:26 PM): hola Fluteotter (6:16:07 PM): Hey. Larz3954 (6:16:27 PM) has entered the room. Larz3954 (6:16:40 PM): meep? CoyoteMoonFangs (6:18:43 PM): Is everyone ready for the first (and maybe only) fight between PCs? CoyoteMoonFangs (6:19:35 PM): (aka shall I start?) Larz3954 (6:19:38 PM): hello? ravenlunnatic (6:19:54 PM): si Larz3954 (6:19:58 PM): yesh ravenlunnatic (6:20:01 PM): let us commence Fluteotter (6:20:11 PM): Bring it. CoyoteMoonFangs (6:21:44 PM): (the fans are stirring in the stadium, excited about the fight, NU and RL are sitting in the stands w/ LC) Larz3954 (6:21:54 PM): *poke* Fluteotter (6:22:08 PM): (I think she's writing Boxed Text.) Fluteotter (6:22:18 PM): (Thought so.) CoyoteMoonFangs (6:23:40 PM): Annoncer Man: Welcome one and all, to the 3rd round of the Tournament of the Oracle! CoyoteMoonFangs (6:24:24 PM): AM- Things are really heating up as we are down to our last 6 contestants! CoyoteMoonFangs (6:25:38 PM): AM- Let's welcome the contestants in our 1st match of the 3rd round! CoyoteMoonFangs (6:25:44 PM): LC-WOOOO! ravenlunnatic (6:27:04 PM): *watches eagerly* CoyoteMoonFangs (6:27:47 PM): *the gate in front of SAN opens* Here coming in is a firey warrior of cunning and speed, the ghost ferret Sanuye! CoyoteMoonFangs (6:28:54 PM): *the gate in front of SQ opens* And on the other side, the beast tamer of lots of surprises, Squishy the hedgehog! Larz3954 (6:29:08 PM): eep! Larz3954 (6:29:19 PM): *roll into ball* Fluteotter (6:29:48 PM): Sanuye trots onto the field, eyes alight, and assumes a scout-pose in the center of the ring, looking around at the audience and clearly having a field day. CoyoteMoonFangs (6:30:07 PM): LC- Wooo! Bite! Maim! Paint the walls red! naturalunicorn (6:30:14 PM): *nudges RL and whispers quietly* why doens't one just forfeit and let the other win...we're fighting for the same caues CoyoteMoonFangs (6:31:19 PM): *the gate shuts behind SQ, and the force rolls her into the middle of the ring* Fluteotter (6:31:36 PM): *whispering* Hey, you all right in there? Larz3954 (6:31:52 PM): >.< CoyoteMoonFangs (6:31:55 PM): *the crowd roars in excitement* Larz3954 (6:32:12 PM): *'hiding'* CoyoteMoonFangs (6:32:45 PM): AM- Let the fight begin! Try not to kill each other! CoyoteMoonFangs (6:48:54 PM): LC- Let's go Sanuye! Let's go Squishy! CoyoteMoonFangs (6:49:26 PM): LC- Where's the fun if there's no blood?! ravenlunnatic (6:49:38 PM): So savage! ravenlunnatic (6:49:52 PM): these are our friends we're talking about... Fluteotter (6:49:56 PM): Sanuye cups her paws over her mouth and shouts back "I don't bleed, remember?!" Larz3954 (6:50:02 PM): *pokes SAN* Fluteotter (6:50:16 PM): ...and sinuously slips out of the way of the poke. Larz3954 (6:51:23 PM): -.- Fluteotter (6:51:32 PM): (tries, anyway.) CoyoteMoonFangs (6:51:56 PM): LC- (to RL) Really? *innocent smile* (shout back to SAN) That's a good point. ravenlunnatic (6:52:40 PM): I shake my head at you CoyoteMoonFangs (6:52:40 PM): (SAN dodged) Fluteotter (6:53:52 PM): Sanuye slips around behind SQ and taps her on the head. "Little faster next time, 'kay? We want to give them a show, if nothing else..." Larz3954 (6:54:11 PM): >.< CoyoteMoonFangs (6:56:06 PM): Sith- Don't worry about loosing, Squisy! I can give you a good healing massage! Fluteotter (6:57:30 PM): *whispers* Not really helping, is he? Larz3954 (6:57:52 PM) has left the room. CoyoteMoonFangs (6:58:12 PM): (eep! she escaped!) Fluteotter (6:58:16 PM): (....I'm not that scary...) ravenlunnatic (7:00:10 PM): (tried inviting her back in- aim won't let me) CoyoteMoonFangs (7:00:27 PM): (huh) Larz3954 (7:00:27 PM) has entered the room. Larz3954 (7:00:46 PM): meep? CoyoteMoonFangs (7:00:49 PM): (yay! you're back) Fluteotter (7:00:56 PM): (Ah. Must've disconned but kept the phone connection.) Larz3954 (7:01:24 PM): *throws acorn* CoyoteMoonFangs (7:01:36 PM): (at who?) Fluteotter (7:01:56 PM): (Me, presumably.... though did I manage to land that tap on the head?) Larz3954 (7:02:24 PM): *at SAN* Fluteotter (7:02:25 PM): *dematerializes and dodges through the ground to pop up to her left* CoyoteMoonFangs (7:02:25 PM): (oh, right. whoops) CoyoteMoonFangs (7:04:02 PM): (SAN got SQ on the head, and she toppled over and threw the acorn) Fluteotter (7:23:34 PM): (So then SQ asked Sanuye who should move on.) Fluteotter (7:23:59 PM): Sanuye weaves up to SQ and whispers, "Hmmmm.... tough question.... here, let's at least make it look like we're doing something while we figure it out," then gives her a light tap on the head and flips back out of the way. Larz3954 (7:24:34 PM): >.< Larz3954 (7:24:46 PM): *throws more acorns* CoyoteMoonFangs (7:25:24 PM): (oh right *SQ managed to hit SAN with 20 acorns before she dematerized, and boy did they have a lot of focus behind them* Fluteotter (7:25:42 PM): (...hey, I never got to say what I was doing...) Fluteotter (7:26:20 PM): (oh well.) CoyoteMoonFangs (7:26:31 PM): (that was when she toppled over and threw them) Fluteotter (7:26:33 PM): (...oh, wait, THOSE acorns.) CoyoteMoonFangs (7:27:00 PM): (oh, and I meant force, not focus) Fluteotter (7:28:30 PM):, good arm. Good thing I'm dead, innit? CoyoteMoonFangs (7:28:59 PM): (okay, now I'm rolling for this new set of acorns) CoyoteMoonFangs (7:30:06 PM): (did you attempt to dodge the new set?) Fluteotter (7:30:52 PM): (....interrupted myself with the old, hang on.) CoyoteMoonFangs (7:31:11 PM): (s'okay) Fluteotter (7:32:14 PM): Sanuye dematerializes and weaves around the acorns, left and right, down into the earth and up over them, then twists around the last, pushes off, and charges toward SQ. CoyoteMoonFangs (7:32:40 PM): (sucessfully dodged) Larz3954 (7:32:56 PM): O.O Larz3954 (7:32:58 PM): >.< CoyoteMoonFangs (7:34:14 PM): (waaah! the dice rolled away somewhere. hold on) Fluteotter (7:34:26 PM): ...and ends the charge in a last-minute solidification and tackle. (Oh, ok) CoyoteMoonFangs (7:36:36 PM): (yay! found it!) CoyoteMoonFangs (7:36:50 PM): (does SQ attempt to dodge?) CoyoteMoonFangs (7:37:32 PM): (or maybe catch SAN?) Larz3954 (7:37:48 PM): *ducks* CoyoteMoonFangs (7:39:14 PM): (SAN flies over SQ, who manages to duck in time) ravenlunnatic (7:58:45 PM): prove it naturalunicorn (7:58:49 PM): did too! Fluteotter (7:58:49 PM): (Do I have to turn this arena around?) CoyoteMoonFangs (7:59:05 PM): (*sigh* and here I thought I was over internet connection blues) ravenlunnatic (7:59:08 PM): did not! naturalunicorn (7:59:17 PM): did too! CoyoteMoonFangs (7:59:26 PM): (what are the children fighting about now?) ravenlunnatic (7:59:31 PM): did not! Fluteotter (7:59:35 PM): (I mean it. One more outburst and I am turning this arena around, and we are going HOME.) naturalunicorn (7:59:38 PM): did. too! ravenlunnatic (7:59:54 PM): (but we have no home to go back to... so there!) ravenlunnatic (8:00:01 PM): did not! Fluteotter (8:00:10 PM): (*sound of squealing brakes*) naturalunicorn (8:00:12 PM): Did. Too! ravenlunnatic (8:00:27 PM): (and we're not children- we're mature creatures ) ravenlunnatic (8:00:33 PM): did not! Fluteotter (8:00:52 PM): (To quote my ten year old deathknight, "If you can't act your age, then at least act mine." CoyoteMoonFangs (8:01:04 PM): (... nudity?) naturalunicorn (8:01:07 PM): (NU is mature?) naturalunicorn (8:01:07 PM): did too! CoyoteMoonFangs (8:01:37 PM): (SQ! what are they fighting about?) ravenlunnatic (8:01:39 PM): (where did the nudity come in? Did I miss something?) ravenlunnatic (8:01:45 PM): did not! Fluteotter (8:01:49 PM): (Mature, I think... they got into a nudging match.) ravenlunnatic (8:02:09 PM): hey- nudging is a serious offense ravenlunnatic (8:02:15 PM): and... she started it! CoyoteMoonFangs (8:02:32 PM): *LC hug-tackles NU and RL* ravenlunnatic (8:02:52 PM): aaaaahhh! Coyote attacking! naturalunicorn (8:02:56 PM): LC hit me! ravenlunnatic (8:03:07 PM): she hit me too! CoyoteMoonFangs (8:03:08 PM): yep! ravenlunnatic (8:03:19 PM): you ravenlunnatic (8:03:22 PM): 're mean! Fluteotter (8:03:22 PM): (*sits down in the middle of the ring and wonders why everyone seems to have forgotten she and SQ are supposed to be the ones fighting here*) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:03:34 PM): why aren't you guys bleeding? maybe I should hit harder... CoyoteMoonFangs (8:04:25 PM): (besides the nudging fight, what did I miss?) Fluteotter (8:05:25 PM): (Sanuye finishing her jump by landing with a spray of dust, turning around and dematerializing, I think.) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:09:21 PM): (okay. do continue) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:12:37 PM): LC- ... nobody's doing anything! CoyoteMoonFangs (8:13:11 PM): LC- I'm bored! *stamps her foot and the whole stadium shakes* naturalunicorn (8:13:21 PM): earthquake! Fluteotter (8:13:39 PM): Sanuye paces back up to SQ. "....I smell closed space. The audience must be bored. Your move or mine?" naturalunicorn (8:13:47 PM): *hides under bleacher* CoyoteMoonFangs (8:14:02 PM): *ground stops shaking* Larz3954 (8:14:36 PM): *poke* ravenlunnatic (8:15:14 PM): *pokes LC* CoyoteMoonFangs (8:16:23 PM): *LC tries to bite whatever RL was poking with* Fluteotter (8:17:07 PM): *waves a paw in front of SQ's face* Hello? ravenlunnatic (8:17:23 PM): *snatches her wing away* CoyoteMoonFangs (8:17:44 PM): *SQ's simple poke sends SAN flying across the stadium with such force that SAN breaks into the inner chamber* Fluteotter (8:18:05 PM): (Oh, wait... I hadn't realized she'd been the one to poke...) Fluteotter (8:18:12 PM): (and I'm still immaterial anyway.) Larz3954 (8:18:35 PM): ... Fluteotter (8:19:37 PM): (*is just plain confused*) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:19:45 PM): (you botched the dodge roll) Fluteotter (8:20:18 PM): (....yeah, but... I never said I'd phased in, either.) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:20:57 PM): (maybe the wind behind the force moved you?) Fluteotter (8:21:02 PM): (Meh, whatever. Not like I was expecting an epic battle with lots of grandstanding...) Fluteotter (8:21:23 PM): (what wind?) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:22:32 PM): (alright, she missed you with the poke. no big) Fluteotter (8:22:40 PM): (I'm just confused.) Fluteotter (8:24:31 PM): (Look, if you want it over, I don't care. The tussle in the stands was faster-paced anyway.) Fluteotter (8:25:25 PM): (And besides, I seem to be fighting another high-powered soak monster. It's only a matter of time.) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:26:06 PM): (except she doesn't seem to want to fight) Larz3954 (8:27:09 PM): (brb, must print out paper) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:27:11 PM): (okay, let me try to straighten this out...) Fluteotter (8:27:13 PM): (Yeah, which is what's really confusing me.) Fluteotter (8:27:43 PM): (*laughs* Sanuye's been basically trying to put on a show while figuring out who's going to go on. Problem is, SQ's not talking.) Fluteotter (8:28:21 PM): (The little ferret is a stage-hound, what can I say? Plays to the audience. That's why she's just been sticking to light taps and showy dodges.) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:32:03 PM): (let's just say for now SQ poked into the immaterial SAN, and nothing happened) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:32:37 PM): (brb) Fluteotter (8:33:23 PM): (The immaterial SAN, being an impeccable judge of the forces going through her body, realizes that that's what would have happened and decides she is going to remain the immaterial Sanuye.) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:35:41 PM): (but when you're immaterial, doesn't that mean you're invisable, too?) Fluteotter (8:36:00 PM): (Didn't we decide that she could be immaterial and visible at the same time?) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:37:02 PM): (I'm not certain we did, but we'll just say you can- for a period of time) Fluteotter (8:37:24 PM): (I've been operating under the assumption that I could the entire game...) naturalunicorn (8:38:55 PM): *starts kicking RL and LC's feet from her hiding place under the bench* CoyoteMoonFangs (8:39:34 PM): (okay, you can be visable while immaterial, but only to those who have magick sight. Luckily, the judges are.) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:39:50 PM): (and Squishy- but only with her goggles) ravenlunnatic (8:40:32 PM): LC- why did you kick me? CoyoteMoonFangs (8:41:11 PM): LC- wAAAAH! someone's impersinating me!!! there will be punishment! Fluteotter (8:41:30 PM): (.....) ravenlunnatic (8:41:51 PM): waaahhhhh... someone kicked me! CoyoteMoonFangs (8:42:06 PM): *LC starts lashing out everywhere* ravenlunnatic (8:42:29 PM): *flies to safety* Fluteotter (8:42:50 PM): (SQ back yet?) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:43:06 PM): AM- there seems to be a riot of sorts! Please, everyone calm down! CoyoteMoonFangs (8:44:07 PM): *LC gets in a fight with Sith and blue and red flames lash out* CoyoteMoonFangs (8:44:15 PM): (she doesn't seem to be...) Fluteotter (8:44:15 PM): *cranes neck upward* Hm. They must be bored.... ravenlunnatic (8:44:35 PM): ooohh.. light show! Fluteotter (8:44:35 PM): (......) Larz3954 (8:45:21 PM): (back) Fluteotter (8:46:19 PM): (Welcome back.) Sanuye weasels her way around SQ and whispers, "For someone who seems so disinterested in this fight, you really don't pull your punches much..." Larz3954 (8:46:41 PM): ... Larz3954 (8:46:49 PM): *acorn?* Fluteotter (8:47:33 PM): Sanuye sighs. "Awfully inarticulate tonight, aren't we?" Larz3954 (8:49:11 PM): well, would you rather move on to the next round or should I? CoyoteMoonFangs (8:49:36 PM): *LC and Sith are being pulled apart by Tournament staff and dragged away* Fluteotter (8:49:49 PM): I'd rather like to, given I'm having fun here, but goodness knows you could probably spring our friend there just by tapping the wall.... Larz3954 (8:50:25 PM): *aims and throws acorns at guards on LC* Fluteotter (8:51:12 PM): Sanuye shrugs and phases back in. "I'm not sure whether to be offended or not." Larz3954 (8:51:35 PM): here, why don't I just forfeit Fluteotter (8:52:06 PM): If you want to. I'd been hoping we could put on a bit of a show first, give the fans something to shout about, but if you insist.... CoyoteMoonFangs (8:53:25 PM): *the guards are knocked away, and LC tackles Sith again, snarls and bites everywhere** Larz3954 (8:53:55 PM): eep. didn't think she'd do that... Fluteotter (8:53:57 PM): Sanuye sighs and yells, "If you people don't quit wrecking the bleachers, I'm coming up there!" CoyoteMoonFangs (8:56:02 PM): *a bright light suddenly engulfs Sith and LC, and the two dissapear with shocked expressions on their faces. the earth part of NU's amulet breaks off completely* naturalunicorn (8:56:31 PM): *doesn't notice naturalunicorn (8:56:33 PM): * Fluteotter (8:56:35 PM): !!!!!!!!!!! Larz3954 (8:56:38 PM): O.o ravenlunnatic (8:56:49 PM): that's not a good thing... Fluteotter (8:56:57 PM): .....what in thunder was THAT?! ravenlunnatic (8:57:46 PM): we just lost our LC? CoyoteMoonFangs (8:59:31 PM): AM- ... it seems the gods have taken to playing referee? What the... ravenlunnatic (8:59:52 PM): so... what's goin' on? Fluteotter (8:59:55 PM): The gods must be crazy. ravenlunnatic (9:00:49 PM): movie title? Fluteotter (9:01:25 PM): (*laughs*) ....I wouldn't mind them playing referee, but they're messing up my match. ravenlunnatic (9:02:31 PM): cool! a vision! CoyoteMoonFangs (9:02:55 PM): *the crowd (that haven't run away in panic) seems to be talking in confuestion* Fluteotter (9:02:57 PM): hates me now.... ravenlunnatic (9:03:29 PM): Wolf-chan and someone else just disappeared in light! Fluteotter (9:03:43 PM): ....WHAT?! ravenlunnatic (9:03:51 PM): yah ravenlunnatic (9:03:57 PM): is that cool or what? CoyoteMoonFangs (9:04:14 PM): (lol) Fluteotter (9:04:15 PM): nothing. That's four.... ravenlunnatic (9:04:29 PM): four what? Fluteotter (9:05:00 PM): LC, Sith, Wolf-chan, whoever else.... four people disappearing... Squishy, whatever we're doing, let's DO IT. This sounds far more important than a tournament. Larz3954 (9:05:31 PM): kk Larz3954 (9:05:41 PM): *waves arms* I forfeit! Larz3954 (9:05:58 PM): (however you spell it) Fluteotter (9:06:03 PM): (You got it.) Larz3954 (9:06:12 PM): (yay!) Fluteotter (9:06:27 PM): (On the minus side, I think my brain just shattered.) CoyoteMoonFangs (9:07:16 PM): Squishy forfeits, so Sanuye is the winner! CoyoteMoonFangs (9:08:12 PM): (do you guys want to fast forward to RL and Doe's fight?) Fluteotter (9:08:21 PM): Sanuye gives the crowd a quick bow, then solidifies and reaches a paw out to Squishy. "Here, I think we're going to need those goggles of yours up top. Care for a lift?" ravenlunnatic (9:08:36 PM): I'm not really prepared Fluteotter (9:08:39 PM): (I want to make a token effort to figure out what the heck is going on!) CoyoteMoonFangs (9:08:50 PM): (ha ha ha, okay) Larz3954 (9:09:23 PM): *goggles* Larz3954 (9:09:37 PM): (I should probably tomorrow) Fluteotter (9:09:43 PM): *picks up Squishy and flies to the light* Fluteotter (9:09:53 PM): (.....ah, right, that.) CoyoteMoonFangs (9:10:31 PM): (oh, the light left after they disappeared, bad Kelsey better descriptions!) CoyoteMoonFangs (9:10:43 PM): (Squishy can't see anything) Fluteotter (9:10:57 PM): (I figured. Sanuye wants to know if there's magical residue or... well, anything.) naturalunicorn (9:11:45 PM): *looks around confused. the earth part of her amulet that fell off goes unnoticed* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:12:00 PM): (there is one scent there that's fresh and usual- Rani's) CoyoteMoonFangs (9:12:14 PM): *unusual Larz3954 (9:12:25 PM): (must go now, night night!) CoyoteMoonFangs (9:12:41 PM): (goodnight, I'll email what happens next) Fluteotter (9:12:57 PM): *sniffs* Rani? (Can I trace it?) CoyoteMoonFangs (9:13:09 PM): *there is a trail* Larz3954 (9:13:17 PM): (yay! thankee) Fluteotter (9:13:33 PM): This way! *sets down Squishy and follows the trail* Larz3954 (9:14:16 PM) has left the room. CoyoteMoonFangs (9:14:59 PM): (hold on- let me bring up the maps) CoyoteMoonFangs (9:16:21 PM): *the trail leads out of the stadium to the fountain....* Fluteotter (9:16:28 PM): *follows* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:19:30 PM): *you see a mouse that smells very strongly of Rani down the street to the west staring straight at you guys* ravenlunnatic (9:19:30 PM): *follows san Fluteotter (9:20:07 PM): *steps toward it* Rani? Come back, lass, we've missed you.... naturalunicorn (9:20:23 PM): LL: *sniffing frantically at the ground and following a trail* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:20:56 PM): *the mouse turns and runs the instant you get close* Fluteotter (9:21:25 PM): Wait! *gives chase* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:23:08 PM): *it turns down a street and another, stopping whenever it's really far away and running again when you get close* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:24:38 PM): *it runs right underneath LL at one point and scampers down another street* Fluteotter (9:25:23 PM): *runs right through LL at that point, still following it as closely as possible* naturalunicorn (9:25:54 PM): LL: Little mouse where are we going? Fluteotter (9:26:29 PM): *over shoulder* Never thought I'd see you too confused to rhyme! naturalunicorn (9:26:57 PM): LL: *stalks mouse like he would prey* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:28:04 PM): *it gets cornered at a dead end, on the steps of a temple* Fluteotter (9:28:53 PM): *steps close slowly and friendly-like* Easy, little one.... CoyoteMoonFangs (9:29:32 PM): *it sits still, whiskers flickering* Fluteotter (9:30:26 PM): Are you Rani? CoyoteMoonFangs (9:30:43 PM): Misper. naturalunicorn (9:31:05 PM): LL: *sniffs deeply at Rani* Fluteotter (9:31:17 PM): If you aren't her, do you know where she is? CoyoteMoonFangs (9:31:39 PM): Yes. Fluteotter (9:32:32 PM): Can you show me? CoyoteMoonFangs (9:32:56 PM): Everpresent. Fluteotter (9:33:37 PM): CoyoteMoonFangs (9:34:28 PM): I am part of her. Fluteotter (9:34:37 PM): ....why? CoyoteMoonFangs (9:34:49 PM): Familar. CoyoteMoonFangs (9:35:14 PM): Call her whole presence? Fluteotter (9:35:54 PM): Please. CoyoteMoonFangs (9:37:34 PM): *the mouse-form flickers, and a mouse-sized human girl (unfamilar to SAN and LL) appears transparent in where Misper stood* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:38:16 PM): Oh everyone! I'm glad to see you're alright! naturalunicorn (9:38:23 PM): LL: *let's out a tiny hiss* Fluteotter (9:39:19 PM): Sanuye blinks. "....I could say the... same?" CoyoteMoonFangs (9:40:34 PM): *Rani looks at LL like she's about to cry* I'm sorry I'm sorry CoyoteMoonFangs (9:42:15 PM): *her form flickers from panther-cub to girl real quickly* If I could speak in panther form I would've told you I was human. CoyoteMoonFangs (9:42:49 PM): *girl-panther-girl I mean Fluteotter (9:43:31 PM): Then she sighs. "All right... answers. What happened? Where have you been? And why have people been disappearing? CoyoteMoonFangs (9:44:23 PM): Rani- Mei Ling put a spell on me to summon me to her side as soon as I figured out how to transform human- one I wasn't aware of and was only added recently CoyoteMoonFangs (9:47:02 PM): Rani- unfortunately, it was when Sylvan's attack was about to hit me when I turned human to defend myself, therefore looking like I had been.... Fluteotter (9:53:11 PM): .....oh. CoyoteMoonFangs (9:54:23 PM): Rani- I wanted to get word to you sooner, but Mei Ling wouldn't let me use my energy on anything until she sensed the power coming from here, so she let me create Misper. Fluteotter (9:55:52 PM): Cute little fella.... all right, what do you know about the disappearing in a flash of light thing? naturalunicorn (9:56:29 PM): LL *cuddles up agaist misper* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:56:30 PM): Rani- The only reason I'm able to talk to you now is because of the added power of the God of Life's Temple CoyoteMoonFangs (9:58:57 PM): Rani- If you can find the Goddess of Balance's temple, you might be able to get some answers. Unfortunately Misper only arrived when the others dissappeared, so I don't know anything. CoyoteMoonFangs (10:00:02 PM): Rani- I can't talk any longer, but Misper and Tak will be around to help for a while. Fluteotter (10:01:11 PM): *sighs* ...all right. Thank ye. Take care, lass. CoyoteMoonFangs (10:01:25 PM): Rani- Untill we speak again... *fades and Misper is herself again* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:02:25 PM): *Misper stares wide-eyed at LL and squeaks in surprize* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:04:01 PM): *she faints* Fluteotter (10:04:13 PM): My head hurts.... Fluteotter (10:04:27 PM): ...and I shouldn't even feel pain. CoyoteMoonFangs (10:04:35 PM): (lol) Fluteotter (10:06:31 PM): (I try.) Fluteotter (10:06:41 PM): (....the crowd seems deader than I am, and I'm playing a ghost.) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:07:17 PM): *Misper wakes up and sits calmly* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:08:18 PM): Misper: Cheese? ravenlunnatic (10:08:49 PM): so what's our next step? ravenlunnatic (10:08:55 PM): onto this Temple place? ravenlunnatic (10:09:37 PM): of course, to find out where this temple is, we need to win the tournament in order to ask where it is CoyoteMoonFangs (10:10:30 PM): Misper: Map? Fluteotter (10:10:41 PM): That or we just need to find someone who might know and isn't the Oracle.... ravenlunnatic (10:10:57 PM): true ravenlunnatic (10:11:17 PM): so we ask... ravenlunnatic (10:12:19 PM): does anyone here know about it? CoyoteMoonFangs (10:12:50 PM): Misper: Cheese. Fluteotter (10:33:48 PM): (We basically went to look for an information booth, taking Misper with us.) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:34:50 PM): (the unseen messages I posted were Misper waking up, saying "cheese?" "map?" and "cheese.") Fluteotter (10:35:28 PM): (Oh. Heh.) *looks at the map* (linky?) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:36:20 PM): ( CoyoteMoonFangs (10:36:59 PM): (that's wrong, exuse me...) Fluteotter (10:37:01 PM): (Quoth the server, 404.) naturalunicorn (10:37:05 PM): (Apparently, this page is not compatible with any browsers.Actually, we couldn't find the page you requested. Please check the URL. ) Fluteotter (10:37:42 PM): (I love their error messages.) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:38:19 PM): (here's the right one: CoyoteMoonFangs (10:39:32 PM): (you're at the temple closet to the Front gate) Fluteotter (10:40:48 PM): Why don't we try in here, and then if that fails check the library? CoyoteMoonFangs (10:41:30 PM): *Tak flutters down from the sky next to RL* Help, there's something wrong with my eyes, I can't keep them off of you. Fluteotter (10:42:00 PM): ....oh, dear... ravenlunnatic (10:42:07 PM): where is a wall? I need to find a wall to hit my head against CoyoteMoonFangs (10:42:29 PM): (lol) Fluteotter (10:42:41 PM): ....okay, why don't I try in here? *enters the temple* Fluteotter (10:43:32 PM): (....and hopes that ghosts and holy ground don't have compatibility issues in this setting.) ravenlunnatic (10:44:59 PM): *follows in* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:45:10 PM): (please note that the temple you are at is the temple where you talked to Rani through Misper, the Temple of Life) naturalunicorn (10:45:15 PM): LL: *follows looking intersted* Fluteotter (10:45:59 PM): (Thought so. I figure if they're dealing with the same sorts of energies...) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:46:07 PM): (inside there is a statue of an orca whale, and many potted flowers around it) Fluteotter (10:46:55 PM): (Anyone we could reasonably talk to?) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:47:53 PM): *a completely nude woman greats you with a bow* Welcome to the Temple of Life. How may I help you? naturalunicorn (10:48:43 PM): LL: *becomes extremely interested in the floor and advoiding looking at the woman* ravenlunnatic (10:49:12 PM): ummm... we're looking for some information Fluteotter (10:49:19 PM): (he isn't wearing any more than she is, is he?) Sanuye chuckles. "Could you perhaps direct me to the Temple of Balance?" CoyoteMoonFangs (10:51:00 PM): Life's sister resides in the western temple, oh long-lost daughter. CoyoteMoonFangs (10:52:05 PM): Life always misses the children he could no longer care for, but you are always welcome to visit. CoyoteMoonFangs (11:12:47 PM): Please, all of you come again. Fluteotter (11:12:53 PM): Sanuye bows. "It's an honor. Give him my regards." Fluteotter (11:12:59 PM): Will do! Fluteotter (11:13:45 PM): *turns around and heads for the exit, and then from there for the other temple* CoyoteMoonFangs (11:14:08 PM): (fast forward) CoyoteMoonFangs (11:15:18 PM): *inside the temple of Balance there is nothing except a large scale and a dairy-maid, praying* ravenlunnatic (11:15:24 PM): *follows* CoyoteMoonFangs (11:17:21 PM): *She opens her eyes and smiles at you all* You seek balance? Fluteotter (11:19:46 PM): ....eventually. At the moment I'm a bit more concerned with answers. Fluteotter (11:21:14 PM): Can you tell us why people with divine power are vanishing in poofs of light? We were told to come here.... CoyoteMoonFangs (11:21:20 PM): Sometimes, the best answers come from prayer. Fluteotter (11:22:29 PM): Is there a.... method of prayer you would recommend? CoyoteMoonFangs (11:23:38 PM): Just close your eyes and speak with your heart. *the girl picks up her milk-buckets and steps out the door* Good luch with your search! CoyoteMoonFangs (11:23:42 PM): *luck Fluteotter (11:25:21 PM): *closes eyes somewhat tentatively* Erm.... I hope I don't violate balance by being what I am.... you who sit between the light and the dark, between what is known and what is unknown.... please tell me what's going on! naturalunicorn (11:26:54 PM): LL: *sits in front of the statue and bows his head.* CoyoteMoonFangs (11:27:20 PM): *inside everyone's mind, you find yourselves bathed in the same light* CoyoteMoonFangs (11:29:03 PM): There is balance being formed amoung the elements. Fire and Earth are gone first. Water and Air will follow, soon. They will be back, but they will not be at your beck and call. Fluteotter (11:29:41 PM): You mean they were? Fluteotter (11:30:59 PM): Must be a living thing. CoyoteMoonFangs (11:33:00 PM): Your friend, the yin of wind and water awaits her turn, but cannot be brought until her yang is met by Morrigan. Fluteotter (11:33:45 PM): ....Morrigan again.... CoyoteMoonFangs (11:33:55 PM): *the light fades away, and you guys all open your eyes at once* ravenlunnatic (11:33:59 PM): something about that name... Fluteotter (11:34:30 PM): .....just once, I want the Forces of the Universe to give me a straight answer....