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The Dominion

Disclaimer: We are NOT a professional organization (not yet anyway!) and we are NOT affiliated with any professional organization!! For entertainment purposes only! Not recommended for ANYONE other than a wrestling fan.

Rated PG-13, NC-17, and G (with an occasional R, and every once in a while triple X!!) This organization has not been "officially" rated. VIEW AT YOUR OWN RISK!!

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News, Rumors, Questions, & Comments:

Rumors / Trivia
How the cWo / VD came to be...
The Ladies
Stone Orchard
submit your questions & comments here

Our Very Own Member Pages:

Tremere's page
The Smack Down Hotel

Other Sites of Interest...:

Wrestle Zone
Top Rope Wrestling
1 Wrestling
IO Wrestling
King Lawler
Live Wire Wrestling
Hardy Boyz 2000
WWF Avenue
DX Fanz Website
Xtreme Wrestling Corporation
Joe Cartoon
The 80's
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