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When the Empire died, they were born - a new hope for the New Republic. Jacen and Jaina, the young twins of Han Solo and Princess Leia, are now fourteen and enrolled at Luke Skywalker's Jedi academy on Yavin 4. Together with friends both old and new, the future heroes of an already legendary saga begin their training.

Hiers of the Force-While exploring the jungle outside the academy, the twins make a startling discovery - the remains of a TIE fighter that had crashed years ago during the battle against the first Death Star. Mechanical whiz Jaina thinks she can repair it...if they can sneak the right parts from the academy. Meanwhile, their work is being closely watched - but not by academy eyes. The original pilot, an Imperial trooper, has been living wild in the jungle since his ship went down. Waiting to return to duty. And now his chance has come...

The Shadow Academy-The Dark Jedi Brakiss - the student of Luke Skywalker expelled from his academy - has learned much since heleft. Enough to master the dark side of the Force. And enough to establish his own school for training Jedi - the Shadow Academy. But now Brakiss has been given an even greater task. Not only must he create a sinister legion of Dark Jedi to serve the Empire, he must undertake a challenge not even Darth Vader and the Emperor could meet: Kidnap the heirs of the Skywalker bloodline, and turn them to dark side of the Force...

The Lost Ones: During a break in training, Jacen and Jaina are reunited with their old friend Zekk, an orphan living in the streets on their home planet of Coruscant. Young, wild, and free, Zekk has never had a care in the world...until now. He sees the changes in his friends. Jacen and Jaina have learned so much, have grown in so many ways. Compared to them, he is only a lost little boy. However, a powerful being has seen his potential. Someone who knows about shame and jealousy - and how to make use of them. Someone who knows that the dark side of the Force is especially attractive when you've got nothing else to lose...

Lightsabers: Luke Skywalker has come to a grim conclusion. With the threat of a new generation of Dark Jedi being trained at the Shadow Academy, he knows the New Republic will need all the fighters it can muster. At last, it is time for the young Jedi Knights to build their lightsabers. But there is more to mastering the ancient weapon than mere swordsmanship. Each student must learn about the mysterious bond between Jedi and lightsaber. For Jacen and Jaina, success will mean growing stronger in the Force. But for one of their friends, failure will mean tragedy...

Darkest Knight: The twins and Lowbacca are off to the Wookiee's home planet of Kashyyyk, where Lowie's younger sister is about to undergo the terrifying Wookiee rite of passage. The ceremony is dangerous and difficult, and he wants to help her in any way he can. Meanwhile, the Dark Jedi student Zekk has been given his own rite of passage: to lead a raid on the great Wookiee computer center on Kashyyyk. Finally, he will fufill his awesome potential. Finally, he will become the Second Imperium's Darkest Knight. But first he must face his old friends Jacen and Jaina, once and for all...

Jedi Under Siege: The day of reckoning is at hand for the young Jedi Knights. The Shadow Academy - with its army of Dark Jedi and Imperial stormtroopers - has appeared in the sky over Yavin 4. And when a commando raid destroys the shield generator protecting the Jedi academy, there is only one option: to fight. Now Jacen and Jaina, along with Luke Skywalker and their friends, must trust in the Force and do battle with their sworn enemies - the Dark Jedi Zekk, his master Brakiss, and the loathsome Nightsister Tamith Kai. Victory means a new legacy of Jedi coming of age. Defeat means a final cloak of darkness over the entire galaxy.