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The Domain of the Werewolf


You remember me? Tigra ... or Rachel . Either one . That was a long time ago , now . Now I am a were-wolf . Yeah , a were-wolf . You only think you can handle that . Wait till you here this...

(5 months after The Realm of the Werecat )

"Yeah I know my report on wolves is due Monday " I said to my friend Allyssa . "You ought to get started . " she said . "I have plenty of time ." I argued . "Famous last words , Rachel ."Allyssa has this uncanny way of backing me into a corner. "It's only Saturday " I said , I have an uncanny way of digging my grave deeper . "Okay , whatever . "Allyssa said .

I still had the necklace that had changed me into a werecat . In fact I still had it on , but I haven't changed into a werecat in 5 months . I have visited Sarah and she remembers everything .

I was riding my bike home when I started changing into a werewolf . First I noticed the brownish-blond fur on my hand . Eerie , I thought . But then I started thinking of what had happened so far , no this is definitely not as weird as turning into a werecat . But before I got home I was covered in fur . Maybe I was turning back into a werecat , I thought . When I got home I made sure no one was home , then I went to the hall mirror to see if I was turning into a werecat or not . I was surprised at what I saw . I looked like something from " Shaggy ". A werewolf , I thought , Maybe . So , now I was a werewolf , just great , my life was just going back to its normal , nerdy self . Now this ! I sighed very loudly .

Wait a minute ! It is broad day light ! Wereanimals turn were when it is dark !

I ran outside of the house , by now I looked like a cross between a Husky and a Human . I wasn't sure what to do . I saw a cat and suddenly one word popped into my mind ... Entree . It looked like a good side order to me . " No ! " I yelled . At least it hadn't come out like a howl . I was now more dog than human . Or wolf .

I went chasing after the cat at lightning spend . It dodged behind a tree . WHAM ! I went head long into the tree . ^Tigra , it's me Avar .^ the cat said . I looked again and sure enough it was Avar . ^Sorry .^ I said . ^That's ok. ^ Avar said .

^Why am I am dog ... or wolf..or whatever ?^I asked ^It is because of the necklace . You will turn into many wereanimals .^Avar said . ^Now ?^ I asked . ^No , only after you are completely werewolf like you were completely werecat .Then you can turn into a werecat or werewolf , whenever you want . ^ ^Is that what happened to you ?^I asked ,^And will it happen to Sarah ?^ ^As for your first question , yes .I can change into many different things .^ Avar answered .

I slowly changed back into a human as we talked and then I went home . I started on my report on wolves and got about two pages done in a hour . I only stopped because my mom came home and wanted me to set the table for dinner . I wondered if I would change into a werewolf in front of my mom or worse , at school .

I didn't change again that day , which was very good . That night I decided to try to turn into a werewolf . It focused all my thoughts on the werewolf . I started to change . It was faster than I had that day , but it was still slow . And when I did I didn't know how to get out . I went cautiously down the stairs . A board creaked . My ears went up in an instant . I listened . WOW ! Humans are deaf compared to wolves . I could hear everything . No one was awakened .

It was very difficult to open the door , but I got out . There was another wolf in our backyard . ^Hi , Avar .^ I said . ^Hi , Tigra . ^ Avar said .

We roamed the neighborhood and talked . Avar told me all of the animals she could change into . We both decided that we would tell Sarah the next night .

Getting in was not hard at all and I went straight to sleep .

Monday : I went to school and turned in my report . I probably got a C+ . Figures . When I got home Sallie was fixing a PBJ , the weird thing was , she had on a werecat necklace .......

Get a grip I told myself . A GRIP ?!?! How in the world was I going to get a grip ? I'm a wereanimal . My school life went from a B+ to a C- . I get half the sleep I need . And now this ! Get a grip was NOT in my vocabulary right then .

"Where did you get that necklace ." I asked , trying to sound calm . " My friend Sarah from school gave it to me . She has one just like it . " She answered . Sarah ? Why would Sarah do that ? Then I remembered that she was only a little kid . Little kids did stuff like this .
