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My report on Israel

Facts about Israel


There are 5,534,670 people in Israel . That is 651 people per square mile . Most speak Hebrew or Arabic . The secondary language is English . 82% are Jewish , Christian 2% , Muslam 14% , and Druze 2% .

The capital of Israel is Jerusalem , it means " The City of Peace ". It has 602,100 people . The weather in Jerusalem is mostly pleasant year round . In Jerusalem there are many famous places , such as the Dome of the Rock , the Western Wall , and the Isreal Museum . Other important cities in Israel are Tel Aviv , the largest city in Israel , and Beersheba , the chief city of eastern Israel and an important industrial center .

The climate varies widely . High in the mountains it is cold and low in the deserts it is hot during the day and frezzing at night .

The natural resouces of Israel include : citrus fruits , vegetables , and cut diamonds . Other products include : metal products , fertilizers , chemicals , and electronics .

The wildlife in Israel mostly consists of hooved animals , such as : wild sheep , boars and mountain goats . Also there are wild mice and desert hares .

Although Israel does not trade with Arab neighbors , it trades with other countries . It has excellent land for farming .

The national flag is the #1 symbol of Israel . It has a blue Star of David in between two blue horizonal lines .

The national anthem is " Hatikvah " which means " the Hope " .

The type of government is Democratic Republic . All citizens over 18 years old are allowed to vote . The prime minister ( Yitzhak Rabin ) is the head of government under the president .

The Israeli currency is Shekels . The average annual income is $6,270 in U.S. currency .

There are 22 daily newspapers . The leading papers are the Hebrew " Ha'aretz " and the " Davar ". And the English " Jerusalem Post " .

The Hebrew Language

Hebrew is the official language of Israel . It is written from right to left . The Hebrew language has no vowels . Vowel sounds are indicated by a small dot or dash .


Yes - Ken

No - Lo

Thanks - Toda

Greetings - Shlom

Good-bye - Le te hote

Pardon - Selicha

Evening - Erev

The Dome of the Rock

In Muslam beliefs the Holy Rock tried to follow Muhammad as he assended into Heaven . The angel , Gabriel , kept it back . This legend holds that the foot print of Muhammad's steed and Gabriels handprint can still be seen on the rock .

In Jewish beliefs the rock is the one that Abraham offered Issac as a sacrifice to God .

The Dome of the Rock is the building that holds the Holy Rock . Muslams gather there to pray .

The Dome of the Rock and The Western Wall

Info from :

-Enchantment of the World : Israel

-Encarta CD Rom

-Israel : Places and People

-DK World Refrence Atlas

Thanks for reading this !
