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My Love Story

In 1992-1994, I lived with my family in London, England because my father's job took us there. I was so sad to leave all my friends behind in Canada I felt I'd miss them so much and it would be hard to meet friends in a new country, but anyway it wasn't my choice because I was so young so I had to go along with what my family decided. It was only going to be a couple of years too, then we'd be back. When we arrived there in 1992 it was summer time, we lived in the downtown part of London, so we just went to the parks to play and have fun. That summer I met some really nice Muslim girls in the park right across from my street. They were so nice and we immediately became close friends.

At that time I didn't really bother noticing the guys who used to play soccer there each day but I guess it's cuz I was so young. I just remember noticing one cute guy used to look at me a lot. But we didn't really talk except when the girls joined into the game... we used to sing songs for the team that we wanted to win. Sometimes even in Arabic so I learned a lot then. When September came these friends I had made over the summer told me they were leaving to go back to Kuwait for the school year. So we vowed we would see each other the next summer and never loose contact. We were going to be friends forever. (Oh no I think I'm starting to write a novel sorry friends)

Well let's just skip to the next summer... I saw them again and we met each other practically every night after dinner. It was the best time of my life (well I'm sure seeing my love again would be even better but dont wanna scare anyone away plz and i dont plan anything around getting in touch again just saying hi.. and letting him know my feelings is all i want with good intentions inshallah). Well this second summer I really started to notice this guy a lot. He smiled at me and we talked a little, just remember there were adults sort of keeping us from staying to close and playing with the guys a lot to. But as the summer went on I started loving this guy. I told my friend, that I liked one boy that she knew. She kept begging me to tell her who, the thing was I couldn't because he was her brother. I really wanted to I mean she was my good friend but I couldn't. I just told her she knew him really well.

As time went by I just felt he liked me too. Then it was time for them to leave again. He kept looking at me and I know he knew that I liked him because my sister ended up telling my mom when she was over there and I know he heard her say it. We were kinda crying my female friends and me the day they had to leave and I could see he was sad too. At this point his friends knew that I was loving him I think.

Well finally the next summer was our last year of seeing each other. His sisters found out, in my heart really I couldn't hide it, i hope he knew. The very sad part of the story now is that our family was planning to stay in London 4 years but something happened and we had to return to Canada before the 4th summer came. Our promises of seeing each other had to be broken. I was returning to Canada without any choice. I was so sad I cried for months because not only was I loosing my true love my best friends, we had no way of contacting each other (I never got their # or mail address in Kuwait) because we were supposed to see them again the next summer and we told them for sure we'd be there at least another year.

So after returning to Canada I was very depressed. I didn't even remember their last name. So how was I ever going to find them? They'd never know what happened and it wasn't even my fault.

*Deborah* MacKinnon

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