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South Park: The Next Generation

The Chappies!


The self-styled leader of the group, Don's quirky habits and drinking binges are sure to bring a laugh. Down-trodden and looking for his ho-for-life, he can't help but be endearing.


Sugar and spice and everything nice, this girl is a transplant from a small town in a hick province. Her heart is gold, and she loves kittens!


The moral fibre of the group, Brook keeps the gang from going too far down the paths of sin and tempation. Always the first to say 'No' to any wanton situation, though he is slowly being converted by Don's ways.


Don's nearly identical twin through luck and circumstance, Jason brings a dry wit and sarcastic humour to the gang. He and Karen are partners through movie watching and boy spotting.


A pillar of normality in the chaos of the group, Krista brings stability and a sense of reality to their lives. Married and often busy with domestic affairs, she visits whenever she can to bring sense and tranquility to the Chappies.


Megalomaniac and people hater, London is free with her cynical opinions and advice. Her dark outlook on life is tempered by Karen's happy irrationality, and the two make an unlikely pair.


Bashful and prone to self-hatred, James is reliable and humble to a fault. Often his home is central to gatherings of the Chappies group, and he is always generous with his vegetables, conversation, and strange music.


Unlucky in life and love, Kelly has quite a bitter attitude towards both. Sometimes her sweet nature can overcome such things, and then there is no limit on her kindness.


Quiet at social gatherings, David is always availible to share a word with friends in need. Though it's difficult to get past his introvert exterior, his subtle humour and good nature make it worthwhile.