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My name is Rob Ayres, and I am a 24-year old male single Christian who lives in Goderich, Ontario, Canada. I am a recent graduate in environmental science from the University of Guelph. I am currently looking for a job dealing with the environment in southern Ontario.

I am a Christian with a "charismatic" orientation. I am not pentecostal. I do believe in the gift of tongues, but feel that Pentecostals over-emphasize it. The gift of tongues is the least of the spiritual gifts, and prophecy is the greatest.

I believe that God heals, that He could use me to heal, and that it should be quite common, but it isn't because of the general lack of faith in North America. My beliefs also include:

1) a personal devil;
2) the existence of demons and possible demonic strongholds in even Christians
3) that everyone who does not accept Jesus as Saviour (at least if they have been "witnessed" to) will go to Hell;
4) salvation by Faith alone.

My views lean towards Calvanism. It must be God that opens Himself to you. Apart from this, you can't accept Jesus. People, in the natural, are totally depraved and it is God's mercy that allows them to be saved. I am also a strong believer in spiritual warfare (Eph. 6:10-18).

I have a goal of going to the Canadian Tennis Open this August. (The women's is at York University, and the men's is in Montreal; I would probably see the women's this year.)

My favourite church is the Guelph Vineyard. But, as I will be moving home for awhile, I can't go there anymore. One of my favourite pastors is Pat Francis, from the Deeper Life Christian Ministries program on t.v.

I am looking for links to Christian singles chat (where I can go for free). Please let me know by email if you find any. If you know of any Christian Singles dating services on the 'net that I can join for free, please let me know.

My personality:


If you have any employment opportunities, please let me know. I can email, fax, or mail my resume upon request.

I would be willing to meet single Christian women in southern Ontario, or maybe even from Michigan or New York. I would be interested in pursuing a romantic relationship.

Following is a list of characteristics in an ideal mate:

1) must like any of the Star Trek Series and/or Xena, Hercules, etc.
2) must like computer games;
3) must be at least moderately physically active;
4) not too thin;
5) must believe in saving sex and french kissing for marriage
6) must have similar views on Christianity or at least be wiling to accept my views
7) must not be older than about 28 (probably 30 is the maximum I would consider), and ideally in mid-20's.
The following characterics are not as important, but would be nice:

8) affectionate
9) understanding
10) like tennis.

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