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Glossary of Internet Terms ~ Your Virtual Guide to Making Money Off the Net


Applet- A small Java program that can be embedded in an HTML page. For Example, the revolving cube on the second page of my "healthy lifestyles" page is an applet.

Bookmark- A reference to the web address of a document, in the form of a url, that a user keeps a record of in order to be able to return to it easily.

Browser- A software program used to look at various kinds of internet resources. ex. Netscape. With many web pages, html is read more thouroughly with a browser.

Bullet- In graphic art, a small typographical symbol used to draw attention to the items in a list.

CGI (Common Gateway Interface)- A standard specifying how a web server communicates with other software, and how the software (CGI programs) talks to the web server.

Client/Server- A web browser is a specific kind of client. The www is a client/server system. The client is used to obtain data from a server software program on another computer.

Click-Throughs- The number of times a user clicks on pages that are linked to other web pages.

Cookie- A piece of information sent by a server to a browser that the browser is expected to save and send back to the server when the browser makes additional requests from the expiration date, server path, server domain, and security code. They might contain information such as login, or registration info, online "shopping cart" info, user preferences, etc.

Counter- A way to measure traffic to your site. You can put counters on your webpages with a small amt of HTML.

Domain Name- The name that identifies an internet site. Two or more parts separated by dots.

Drag-N-Drop- Mouse operation allowing the user to click on a screen icon and by holding down the mouse button, move it to an other part of their screen.

Elements- Elements are the individual files that make up web pages.

E-Mail- Messages sent from one person to another via computer.

FTP- (file transfer protocol)- A method of moving files between two internet sites.

GIF-(Graphic Interchang Format)- a format for image files. GIF format does not store photographic images.

Hit- Number of times each file is sent out by the server. Better known as visits to a site. EX. "I've gotten 2,000 hits to my site" means site has been accessed 2000 times.

Host- Any computer on a network that is a repositry for services available to ither computers on the network.

HTML-(Hypertext Transfer Protocal)- The protocal for moving hypertext files across the internet. Requires a HTTp client program on one end , and an HTTP server program on the other end

HTTP- (Hypertext Transfer Protocal)- The protocol for moving hypertext files across the internet. Requires HTTP client programon one end, and an HTTP client program on one end, and an HTTP server program on the other end

Hypertext- Any text that comtains links to other documents, words or phrases in the document that can be chosen by a reader and which cause another document to be retreived and displeayed.

Internet-The collection of interconnected networks that all use the TCP/IP protocols.

JAVA- A network-oriented language designed for writing programs that can be safely downloaded to your computer through the Internet and run without fear of viruses or other harm to your computer. Small Java programs (called "applets") allow web ages to have animations, calulators, and other fancy tricks.

JPeg- (Joint Photographic Experts Group)-JPEG is most commonly used for image files. Preffered for photographic images.

Link- A request to a server for download of another web page. Can be a graphic or hypertext.

Password- A code used to gain access to a locked system

Server- The computer that stores the webpages and is connected to the internet.

Spamming- The act of sending unsolicited email

URL(uniform Resource Locator)- The standard way to give the address of any resource on the Internet that is a part of the www.Looks like this -http://www.expage/page/instyletoday. Enter it into the www browser

web page- A document made up of an instruction file in HTML or Jave code. Can include a number ofelements such as graphics, sounds, animation, and even video files.

Web site- One or more pages available on the net

For a more complete glossary of terms go to