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Place your free classified ad here and get your own classified ad page to customize. Each of your visitors will get an autoresponder message from you that you write thanking them for placing an ad on your page. Best of all, it's totally free...just check out mine. I haven't paid a penny! Even better, your ad goes at the top of every category and stays there!

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** How to Write Profitable Classified Ads **


The first and foremost important thing in advertising is to sell to your "target audience". How many air condidtioners do you think eskimo's buy? Make sure you are selling the right products on the right page to the right people!

Writing good ads is a work of art and if done correctly will change the response you get tremendously. Most people have psychological buttons that encourage them to do certain things when stimulated. Certain words sound better to the old cliche..the glass is half full vs the glass is half empty...positive vs negative. When you know what buttons to push and how, when, and in what will increase your chance of being successful in your sale.

Certain words have been provent to cause positive response in ads. The three most important words are 1. You, 2. New, and 3. How? Other enticing words are money, save, results, easy, health, safety, love, discovery, proven, guarantee, secrets, reveal. Start with the power line like How, Why, Which, Who, or How-to.Focus on helping people solve their problems. People buy an end result, not the product. They are looking for solutions.

A personal recommendation of mine is to create several pages and link them to one another. I wanted to show you what happens when you put links from other people on your can loose the attention of your reader, and possibly business. At least it increases the odds! I think it is a good marketing tool to have a links page. Visit other people's web sites and sign their book if you like their page placing your url in it and invite them to see your site, a free form of advertising people don't realize is right under their nose! People are usually pleased to have someone visit them and write a nice note in there book..if you like it. If not please do not write rude comments in it. If it were you would you want someone to do that to you.

One form of advertising ...well that 's what some people call it is spamming and it is illegal! Don't even think about it. No one reads it and it does put you at risk for getting turned in. Get involved in enzines or newsletters, classified ads, and search engines. Be leary of FFA(free for all) links. They are like spam to me. You will get a autoresponder from everyone who links you to their page and it will be full of things they are selling...but what they don't tell you is that their 300 link page has 5000 submissions a day so you guessed it it gets knocked off immediatly after being put on. It's better to stick with the major search engines but it doesn't hurt to send it to as many allowed at first. I have heard that it is better to email the TOP search engines the first time individually because they see so many multiple submissions from free page...communities that you need to show them that you are serious. Follow up as well..if they tell you your URL should be in the search in 2 weeks, go back and check. The top search engines are a must if you want to be found with keyword search.

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